# Copyright 2010 Le Coz Florent # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Poezio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Poezio. If not, see . """ Define all the buffers. A buffer is a little part of the screen, for example the input buffer, the text bufferr, the roster buffer, etc. A Tab (see tab.py) is composed of multiple Buffers A buffer can also be called Window, even if it's not prefered. """ from gettext import (bindtextdomain, textdomain, bind_textdomain_codeset, gettext as _) from os.path import isfile import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') import shlex import curses from config import config from threading import Lock from contact import Contact, Resource from roster import RosterGroup, roster from message import Line from tab import MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import JID import theme g_lock = Lock() class Win(object): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win): self._resize(height, width, y, x, parent_win, True) def _resize(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): if not visible: return self.height, self.width, self.x, self.y = height, width, x, y # try: self._win = curses.newwin(height, width, y, x) # except: # # When resizing in a too little height (less than 3 lines) # # We don't need to resize the window, since this size # # just makes no sense # # Just don't crash when this happens. # # (°> also, a penguin # # //\ # # V_/_ # return def _refresh(self): self._win.noutrefresh() def addnstr(self, *args): """ Safe call to addnstr """ try: self._win.addnstr(*args) except: pass def addstr(self, *args): """ Safe call to addstr """ try: self._win.addstr(*args) except: pass def finish_line(self, color): """ Write colored spaces until the end of line """ (y, x) = self._win.getyx() size = self.width-x self.addnstr(' '*size, size, curses.color_pair(color)) class UserList(Win): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.visible = visible self.color_role = {'moderator': theme.COLOR_USER_MODERATOR, 'participant':theme.COLOR_USER_PARTICIPANT, 'visitor':theme.COLOR_USER_VISITOR, 'none':theme.COLOR_USER_NONE, '':theme.COLOR_USER_NONE } self.color_show = {'xa':theme.COLOR_STATUS_XA, 'none':theme.COLOR_STATUS_NONE, '':theme.COLOR_STATUS_NONE, 'dnd':theme.COLOR_STATUS_DND, 'away':theme.COLOR_STATUS_AWAY, 'chat':theme.COLOR_STATUS_CHAT } def refresh(self, users): if not self.visible: return with g_lock: self._win.erase() y = 0 for user in sorted(users): if not user.role in self.color_role: role_col = theme.COLOR_USER_NONE else: role_col = self.color_role[user.role] if not user.show in self.color_show: show_col = theme.COLOR_STATUS_NONE else: show_col = self.color_show[user.show] self.addstr(y, 0, theme.CHAR_STATUS, curses.color_pair(show_col)) self.addnstr(y, 1, user.nick, self.width-1, curses.color_pair(role_col)) y += 1 if y == self.height: break self._refresh() def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.visible = visible if not visible: return self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_VERTICAL_SEPARATOR)) self._win.vline(0, 0, curses.ACS_VLINE, self.height) self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_VERTICAL_SEPARATOR)) class Topic(Win): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) def refresh(self, topic): if not self.visible: return with g_lock: self._win.erase() self.addstr(0, 0, topic[:self.width-1], curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TOPIC_BAR)) (y, x) = self._win.getyx() remaining_size = self.width - x if remaining_size: self.addnstr(' '*remaining_size, remaining_size, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self._refresh() class GlobalInfoBar(Win): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) def refresh(self, tabs, current): if not self.visible: return def compare_room(a): # return a.nb - b.nb return a.nb comp = lambda x: x.nb with g_lock: self._win.erase() self.addstr(0, 0, "[", curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) sorted_tabs = sorted(tabs, key=comp) for tab in sorted_tabs: color = tab.get_color_state() try: self.addstr("%s" % str(tab.nb), curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr("|", curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) except: # end of line break (y, x) = self._win.getyx() self.addstr(y, x-1, '] ', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) (y, x) = self._win.getyx() remaining_size = self.width - x self.addnstr(' '*remaining_size, remaining_size, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self._refresh() class InfoWin(Win): """ Base class for all the *InfoWin, used in various tabs. For example MucInfoWin, etc. Provides some useful methods. """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) def print_scroll_position(self, text_buffer): """ Print, link in Weechat, a -PLUS(n)- where n is the number of available lines to scroll down """ if text_buffer.pos > 0: plus = ' -PLUS(%s)-' % text_buffer.pos self.addstr(plus, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_SCROLLABLE_NUMBER) | curses.A_BOLD) class PrivateInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The live above the information window, displaying informations about the MUC user we are talking to """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): InfoWin.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) def refresh(self, room): if not self.visible: return with g_lock: self._win.erase() self.write_room_name(room) self.print_scroll_position(room) self.finish_line(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_room_name(self, room): (room_name, nick) = room.name.split('/', 1) self.addstr(nick, curses.color_pair(13)) txt = ' from room %s' % room_name self.addstr(txt, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class ConversationInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The line above the information window, displaying informations about the user we are talking to """ color_show = {'xa':theme.COLOR_STATUS_XA, 'none':theme.COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE, '':theme.COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE, 'available':theme.COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE, 'dnd':theme.COLOR_STATUS_DND, 'away':theme.COLOR_STATUS_AWAY, 'chat':theme.COLOR_STATUS_CHAT, 'unavailable':theme.COLOR_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE } def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): InfoWin.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) def refresh(self, jid, contact, text_buffer): if not self.visible: return # contact can be None, if we receive a message # from someone not in our roster. In this case, we display # only the maximum information from the message we can get. jid = JID(jid) if contact: if jid.resource: resource = contact.get_resource_by_fulljid(jid.full) else: resource = contact.get_highest_priority_resource() else: resource = None # if contact is None, then resource is None too: user is not in the roster # so we don't know almost anything about it # If contact is a Contact, then # resource can now be a Resource: user is in the roster and online # or resource is None: user is in the roster but offline with g_lock: self._win.erase() self.write_contact_jid(jid) self.write_contact_informations(contact) self.write_resource_information(resource) self.print_scroll_position(text_buffer) self.finish_line(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_resource_information(self, resource): """ Write the informations about the resource """ if not resource: presence = "unavailable" else: presence = resource.get_presence() color = RosterWin.color_show[presence] self.addstr('[', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.addstr(" ", curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr(']', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_contact_informations(self, contact): """ Write the informations about the contact """ if not contact: self.addstr("(contact not in roster)", curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) return display_name = contact.get_name() or contact.get_bare_jid() self.addstr('%s '%(display_name), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_contact_jid(self, jid): """ Just write the jid that we are talking to """ self.addstr('[', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.addstr(jid.full, curses.color_pair(10)) self.addstr('] ', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class ConversationStatusMessageWin(InfoWin): """ The upper bar displaying the status message of the contact """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): InfoWin.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) def refresh(self, jid, contact): if not self.visible: return jid = JID(jid) if contact: if jid.resource: resource = contact.get_resource_by_fulljid(jid.full) else: resource = contact.get_highest_priority_resource() else: resource = None with g_lock: self._win.erase() if resource: self.write_status_message(resource) self.finish_line(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_status_message(self, resource): self.addstr(resource.get_status(), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class MucInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The line just above the information window, displaying informations about the MUC we are viewing """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): InfoWin.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) def refresh(self, room): if not self.visible: return with g_lock: self._win.erase() self.write_room_name(room) self.write_own_nick(room) self.write_disconnected(room) self.write_role(room) self.print_scroll_position(room) self.finish_line(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_room_name(self, room): """ """ self.addstr('[', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.addnstr(room.name, len(room.name), curses.color_pair(13)) self.addstr('] ', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_disconnected(self, room): """ Shows a message if the room is not joined """ if not room.joined: self.addstr(' -!- Not connected ', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_own_nick(self, room): """ Write our own nick in the info bar """ nick = room.own_nick if not nick: return if len(nick) > 13: nick = nick[:13]+'…' self.addstr(nick, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_role(self, room): """ Write our own role and affiliation """ own_user = None for user in room.users: if user.nick == room.own_nick: own_user = user break if not own_user: return txt = ' (' if own_user.affiliation != 'none': txt += own_user.affiliation+', ' txt += own_user.role+')' self.addstr(txt, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class TextWin(Win): """ Just keep ONE single window for the text area and rewrite EVERYTHING on each change. (thanks weechat :o) """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.visible = visible def build_lines_from_messages(self, messages): """ From all the existing messages in the window, create the that will be displayed on the screen """ lines = [] for message in messages: if message == None: # line separator lines.append(None) continue txt = message.txt if not txt: continue # length of the time offset = 9+len(theme.CHAR_TIME_LEFT[:1])+len(theme.CHAR_TIME_RIGHT[:1]) if message.nickname and len(message.nickname) >= 30: nick = message.nickname[:30]+'…' else: nick = message.nickname if nick: offset += len(nick) + 2 # + nick + spaces length first = True this_line_was_broken_by_space = False while txt != '': if txt[:self.width-offset].find('\n') != -1: limit = txt[:self.width-offset].find('\n') else: # break between words if possible if len(txt) >= self.width-offset: limit = txt[:self.width-offset].rfind(' ') this_line_was_broken_by_space = True if limit <= 0: limit = self.width-offset this_line_was_broken_by_space = False else: limit = self.width-offset-1 this_line_was_broken_by_space = False color = message.user.color if message.user else None if not first: nick = None time = None else: time = message.time l = Line(nick, color, time, txt[:limit], message.color, offset, message.colorized) lines.append(l) if this_line_was_broken_by_space: txt = txt[limit+1:] # jump the space at the start of the line else: txt = txt[limit:] if txt.startswith('\n'): txt = txt[1:] first = False log.debug('%s built\n' % len(lines)) return lines return lines[-len(messages):] # return only the needed number of lines def refresh(self, room): """ Build the Line objects from the messages, and then write them in the text area """ if not self.visible: return if self.height <= 0: return with g_lock: self._win.erase() lines = self.build_lines_from_messages(room.messages) if room.pos + self.height > len(lines): room.pos = len(lines) - self.height if room.pos < 0: room.pos = 0 if room.pos != 0: lines = lines[-self.height-room.pos:-room.pos] else: lines = lines[-self.height:] y = 0 for line in lines: self._win.move(y, 0) if line == None: self.write_line_separator() y += 1 continue if line.time is not None: self.write_time(line.time) if line.nickname is not None: self.write_nickname(line.nickname, line.nickname_color) self.write_text(y, line.text_offset, line.text, line.text_color, line.colorized) y += 1 self._refresh() def write_line_separator(self): """ """ self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_NEW_TEXT_SEPARATOR)) self.addnstr('- '*(self.width//2), self.width) self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_NEW_TEXT_SEPARATOR)) def write_text(self, y, x, txt, color, colorized): """ write the text of a line. """ txt = txt if not colorized: if color: self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr(y, x, txt) if color: self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(color)) else: # Special messages like join or quit special_words = { theme.CHAR_JOIN: theme.COLOR_JOIN_CHAR, theme.CHAR_QUIT: theme.COLOR_QUIT_CHAR, theme.CHAR_KICK: theme.COLOR_KICK_CHAR, } try: splitted = shlex.split(txt) except ValueError: # FIXME colors are disabled on too long words txt = txt.replace('"[', '').replace(']"', '')\ .replace('"{', '').replace('}"', '')\ .replace('"(', '').replace(')"', '') splitted = txt.split() for word in splitted: if word in list(special_words.keys()): self.addstr(word, curses.color_pair(special_words[word])) elif word.startswith('(') and word.endswith(')'): self.addstr('(', curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr(word[1:-1], curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_CURLYBRACKETED_WORD)) self.addstr(')', curses.color_pair(color)) elif word.startswith('{') and word.endswith('}'): self.addstr(word[1:-1], curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_ACCOLADE_WORD)) elif word.startswith('[') and word.endswith(']'): self.addstr(word[1:-1], curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_BRACKETED_WORD)) else: self.addstr(word, curses.color_pair(color)) self._win.addch(' ') def write_nickname(self, nickname, color): """ Write the nickname, using the user's color and return the number of written characters """ if color: self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr(nickname) if color: self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr("> ") def write_time(self, time): """ Write the date on the yth line of the window """ self.addstr(theme.CHAR_TIME_LEFT, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_LIMITER)) self.addstr(time.strftime("%H"), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.addstr(':', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_SEPARATOR)) self.addstr(time.strftime("%M"), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.addstr(':', curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_SEPARATOR)) self.addstr(time.strftime('%S'), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.addnstr(theme.CHAR_TIME_RIGHT, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_LIMITER)) self.addstr(' ') def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.visible = visible self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) class HelpText(Win): """ A buffer just displaying a read-only message. Usually used to replace an Input when the tab is in command mode. """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible, text=''): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.txt = text def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) def refresh(self): if not self.visible: return with g_lock: self._win.erase() self.addstr(0, 0, self.txt[:self.width-1], curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.finish_line(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def do_command(self, key): return False class Input(Win): """ The simplest Input possible, provides just a way to edit a single line of text. It also has a clipboard, common to all Inputs. Doesn't have any history. It doesn't do anything when enter is pressed either. This should be herited for all kinds of Inputs, for example MessageInput or the little inputs in dataforms, etc, adding specific features (completion etc) It features two kinds of completion, but they have to be called from outside (the Tab), passing the list of items that can be used to complete. The completion can be used in a very flexible way. """ clipboard = '' # A common clipboard for all the inputs, this makes # it easy cut and paste text between various input def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.key_func = { "KEY_LEFT": self.key_left, "M-D": self.key_left, "KEY_RIGHT": self.key_right, "M-C": self.key_right, "KEY_END": self.key_end, "KEY_HOME": self.key_home, "KEY_DC": self.key_dc, '^D': self.key_dc, 'M-b': self.jump_word_left, '^W': self.delete_word, '^K': self.delete_end_of_line, '^U': self.delete_begining_of_line, '^Y': self.paste_clipboard, '^A': self.key_home, '^E': self.key_end, 'M-f': self.jump_word_right, "KEY_BACKSPACE": self.key_backspace, '^?': self.key_backspace, } Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr) self.visible = visible self.text = '' self.pos = 0 # cursor position self.line_pos = 0 # position (in self.text) of def is_empty(self): return len(self.text) == 0 def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.visible = visible if not visible: return self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) self._win.erase() self.addnstr(0, 0, self.text, self.width-1) def jump_word_left(self): """ Move the cursor one word to the left """ if not len(self.text) or self.pos == 0: return previous_space = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos].rfind(' ') if previous_space == -1: previous_space = 0 diff = self.pos+self.line_pos-previous_space for i in range(diff): self.key_left() return True def jump_word_right(self): """ Move the cursor one word to the right """ if len(self.text) == self.pos+self.line_pos or not len(self.text): return next_space = self.text.find(' ', self.pos+self.line_pos+1) if next_space == -1: next_space = len(self.text) diff = next_space - (self.pos+self.line_pos) for i in range(diff): self.key_right() return True def delete_word(self): """ Delete the word just before the cursor """ if not len(self.text) or self.pos == 0: return previous_space = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos].rfind(' ') if previous_space == -1: previous_space = 0 diff = self.pos+self.line_pos-previous_space for i in range(diff): self.key_backspace(False) self.rewrite_text() return True def delete_end_of_line(self): """ Cut the text from cursor to the end of line """ if len(self.text) == self.pos+self.line_pos: return # nothing to cut Input.clipboard = self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos:] self.text = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos] self.key_end() return True def delete_begining_of_line(self): """ Cut the text from cursor to the begining of line """ if self.pos+self.line_pos == 0: return Input.clipboard = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos] self.text = self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos:] self.key_home() return True def paste_clipboard(self): """ Insert what is in the clipboard at the cursor position """ if not Input.clipboard or len(Input.clipboard) == 0: return for letter in Input.clipboard: self.do_command(letter) return True def key_dc(self): """ delete char just after the cursor """ self.reset_completion() if self.pos + self.line_pos == len(self.text): return # end of line, nothing to delete self.text = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos]+self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos+1:] self.rewrite_text() return True def key_home(self): """ Go to the begining of line """ self.reset_completion() self.pos = 0 self.line_pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() return True def key_end(self, reset=False): """ Go to the end of line """ if reset: self.reset_completion() if len(self.text) >= self.width-1: self.pos = self.width-1 self.line_pos = len(self.text)-self.pos else: self.pos = len(self.text) self.line_pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() return True def key_left(self): """ Move the cursor one char to the left """ self.reset_completion() (y, x) = self._win.getyx() if self.pos == self.width-1 and self.line_pos > 0: self.line_pos -= 1 elif self.pos >= 1: self.pos -= 1 self.rewrite_text() return True def key_right(self): """ Move the cursor one char to the right """ self.reset_completion() (y, x) = self._win.getyx() if self.pos == self.width-1: if self.line_pos + self.width-1 < len(self.text): self.line_pos += 1 elif self.pos < len(self.text): self.pos += 1 self.rewrite_text() return True def key_backspace(self, reset=True): """ Delete the char just before the cursor """ self.reset_completion() (y, x) = self._win.getyx() if self.pos == 0: return self.text = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos-1]+self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos:] self.key_left() if reset: self.rewrite_text() return True def auto_completion(self, user_list, add_after=True): """ Complete the nickname """ if self.pos+self.line_pos != len(self.text): # or len(self.text) == 0 return # we don't complete if cursor is not at the end of line completion_type = config.get('completion', 'normal') if completion_type == 'shell' and self.text != '': self.shell_completion(user_list, add_after) else: self.normal_completion(user_list, add_after) return True def reset_completion(self): """ Reset the completion list (called on ALL keys except tab) """ self.hit_list = [] self.last_completion = None def normal_completion(self, user_list, add_after): """ Normal completion """ if add_after and (" " not in self.text.strip() or\ self.last_completion and self.text == self.last_completion+config.get('after_completion', ',')+" "): after = config.get('after_completion', ',')+" " #if " " in self.text.strip() and (not self.last_completion or ' ' in self.last_completion): else: after = " " # don't put the "," if it's not the begining of the sentence (y, x) = self._win.getyx() if not self.last_completion: # begin is the begining of the nick we want to complete if self.text.strip() != '': begin = self.text.split()[-1].lower() else: begin = '' hit_list = [] # list of matching nicks for user in user_list: if user.lower().startswith(begin): hit_list.append(user) if len(hit_list) == 0: return self.hit_list = hit_list end = len(begin) else: begin = self.text[-len(after)-len(self.last_completion):-len(after)] self.hit_list.append(self.hit_list.pop(0)) # rotate list end = len(begin) + len(after) self.text = self.text[:-end] nick = self.hit_list[0] # take the first hit self.last_completion = nick self.text += nick +after self.key_end(False) def shell_completion(self, user_list, add_after): """ Shell-like completion """ if " " in self.text.strip() or not add_after: after = " " # don't put the "," if it's not the begining of the sentence else: after = config.get('after_completion', ',')+" " (y, x) = self._win.getyx() if self.text != '': begin = self.text.split()[-1].lower() else: begin = '' hit_list = [] # list of matching nicks for user in user_list: if user.lower().startswith(begin): hit_list.append(user) if len(hit_list) == 0: return end = False nick = '' last_completion = self.last_completion self.last_completion = True if len(hit_list) == 1: nick = hit_list[0] + after self.last_completion = False elif last_completion: for n in hit_list: if begin.lower() == n.lower(): nick = n+after # user DO want this completion (tabbed twice on it) self.last_completion = False if nick == '': while not end and len(nick) < len(hit_list[0]): nick = hit_list[0][:len(nick)+1] for hit in hit_list: if not hit.lower().startswith(nick.lower()): end = True break if end: nick = nick[:-1] x -= len(begin) self.text = self.text[:-len(begin)] self.text += nick self.key_end(False) def do_command(self, key, reset=True): if key in self.key_func: return self.key_func[key]() if not key or len(key) > 1: return False # ignore non-handled keyboard shortcuts self.reset_completion() self.text = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos]+key+self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos:] (y, x) = self._win.getyx() if x == self.width-1: self.line_pos += 1 else: self.pos += 1 if reset: self.rewrite_text() return True def get_text(self): """ Clear the input and return the text entered so far """ return self.text def rewrite_text(self): """ Refresh the line onscreen, from the pos and pos_line """ with g_lock: self._win.erase() self.addstr(self.text[self.line_pos:self.line_pos+self.width-1]) cursor_pos = self.pos self.addstr(0, cursor_pos, '') # WTF, this works but .move() doesn't… self._refresh() def refresh(self): if not self.visible: return self.rewrite_text() def clear_text(self): self.text = '' self.pos = 0 self.line_pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() class MessageInput(Input): """ The input featuring history and that is being used in Conversation, Muc and Private tabs """ history = list() # The history is common to all MessageInput def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): Input.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) self.histo_pos = 0 self.key_func["KEY_UP"] = self.key_up self.key_func["M-A"] = self.key_up self.key_func["KEY_DOWN"] = self.key_down self.key_func["M-B"] = self.key_down def key_up(self): """ Get the previous line in the history """ if not len(MessageInput.history): return self.reset_completion() self._win.erase() if self.histo_pos >= 0: self.histo_pos -= 1 self.text = MessageInput.history[self.histo_pos+1] self.key_end() def key_down(self): """ Get the next line in the history """ if not len(MessageInput.history): return self.reset_completion() if self.histo_pos < len(MessageInput.history)-1: self.histo_pos += 1 self.text = self.history[self.histo_pos] self.key_end() else: self.histo_pos = len(MessageInput.history)-1 self.text = '' self.pos = 0 self.line_pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() def key_enter(self): txt = self.get_text() if len(txt) != 0: self.history.append(txt) self.histo_pos = len(self.history)-1 self.clear_text() return txt class CommandInput(Input): """ An input with an help message in the left, with three given callbacks: one when when successfully 'execute' the command and when we abort it. The last callback is optional and is called on any input key This input is used, for example, in the RosterTab when, to replace the HelpMessage when a command is started The on_input callback """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible, help_message, on_abort, on_success, on_input=None): Input.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) self.on_abort = on_abort self.on_success = on_success self.on_input = on_input self.help_message = help_message self.key_func['^J'] = self.success self.key_func['^M'] = self.success self.key_func['\n'] = self.success self.key_func['^G'] = self.abort def do_command(self, key): res = Input.do_command(self, key) if self.on_input: self.on_input(self.get_text()) log.debug('do_command returns : %s\n' % res) return res def success(self): """ call the success callback, passing the text as argument """ self.on_input = None log.debug('before on_success') res = self.on_success(self.get_text()) log.debug('after on_success, res: %s'%res) return res def abort(self): """ Call the abort callback, passing the text as argument """ self.on_input = None return self.on_abort(self.get_text()) def rewrite_text(self): """ Rewrite the text just like a normal input, but with the instruction on the left """ with g_lock: self._win.erase() self.addstr(self.help_message, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) cursor_pos = self.pos + len(self.help_message) if len(self.help_message): self.addstr(' ') cursor_pos += 1 self.addstr(self.text[self.line_pos:self.line_pos+self.width-1]) self.addstr(0, cursor_pos, '') # WTF, this works but .move() doesn't… self._refresh() class VerticalSeparator(Win): """ Just a one-column window, with just a line in it, that is refreshed only on resize, but never on refresh, for efficiency """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.visible = visible def rewrite_line(self): with g_lock: self._win.vline(0, 0, curses.ACS_VLINE, self.height, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_VERTICAL_SEPARATOR)) self._refresh() def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.visible = visible self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) if not visible: return def refresh(self): if not self.visible: return self.rewrite_line() class RosterWin(Win): color_show = {'xa':theme.COLOR_STATUS_XA, 'none':theme.COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE, '':theme.COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE, 'available':theme.COLOR_STATUS_ONLINE, 'dnd':theme.COLOR_STATUS_DND, 'away':theme.COLOR_STATUS_AWAY, 'chat':theme.COLOR_STATUS_CHAT, 'unavailable':theme.COLOR_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE } def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.pos = 0 # cursor position in the contact list self.start_pos = 1 # position of the start of the display self.roster_len = 0 self.selected_row = None def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) self.visible = visible def move_cursor_down(self): if self.pos < self.roster_len-1: self.pos += 1 if self.pos == self.start_pos-1 + self.height-1: self.scroll_down() def move_cursor_up(self): if self.pos > 0: self.pos -= 1 if self.pos == self.start_pos-2: self.scroll_up() def scroll_down(self): self.start_pos += 8 def scroll_up(self): self.start_pos -= 8 def refresh(self, roster): """ We get the roster object """ if not self.visible: return with g_lock: self.roster_len = len(roster) while self.roster_len and self.pos >= self.roster_len: self.move_cursor_up() self._win.erase() self.draw_roster_information(roster) y = 1 for group in roster.get_groups(): if group.get_nb_connected_contacts() == 0: continue # Ignore empty groups # This loop is really REALLY ugly :^) if y-1 == self.pos: self.selected_row = group if y >= self.start_pos: self.draw_group(y-self.start_pos+1, group, y-1==self.pos) y += 1 if group.folded: continue for contact in group.get_contacts(roster._contact_filter): if config.get('roster_show_offline', 'false') == 'false' and\ contact.get_nb_resources() == 0: continue if y-1 == self.pos: self.selected_row = contact if y-self.start_pos+1 == self.height: break if y >= self.start_pos: self.draw_contact_line(y-self.start_pos+1, contact, y-1==self.pos) y += 1 if not contact._folded: for resource in contact.get_resources(): if y-1 == self.pos: self.selected_row = resource if y-self.start_pos+1 == self.height: break if y >= self.start_pos: self.draw_resource_line(y-self.start_pos+1, resource, y-1==self.pos) y += 1 if y-self.start_pos+1 == self.height: break if self.start_pos > 1: self.draw_plus(1) if self.start_pos + self.height-2 < self.roster_len: self.draw_plus(self.height-1) self._refresh() def draw_plus(self, y): """ Draw the indicator that shows that the list is longer than what is displayed """ self.addstr(y, self.width-5, '++++', curses.color_pair(42)) def draw_roster_information(self, roster): """ """ self.addstr('%s contacts' % roster.get_contact_len(), curses.color_pair(12)) self.finish_line(12) def draw_group(self, y, group, colored): """ Draw a groupname on a line """ if colored: self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(14)) if group.folded: self.addstr(y, 0, '[+] ') else: self.addstr(y, 0, '[-] ') self.addstr(y, 4, group.name) if colored: self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(14)) def draw_contact_line(self, y, contact, colored): """ Draw on a line all informations about one contact. This is basically the highest priority resource's informations Use 'color' to draw the jid/display_name to show what is the currently selected contact in the list """ resource = contact.get_highest_priority_resource() if not resource: # There's no online resource presence = 'unavailable' folder = ' ' nb = '' else: presence = resource.get_presence() folder = '[+]' if contact._folded else '[-]' nb = '(%s)' % (contact.get_nb_resources(),) color = RosterWin.color_show[presence] if contact.get_name(): display_name = '%s (%s) %s' % (contact.get_name(), contact.get_bare_jid(), nb,) else: display_name = '%s %s' % (contact.get_bare_jid(), nb,) self.addstr(y, 1, " ", curses.color_pair(color)) if resource: self.addstr(y, 2, ' [+]' if contact._folded else ' [-]') self.addstr(' ') if colored: self.addstr(display_name, curses.color_pair(14)) else: self.addstr(display_name) def draw_resource_line(self, y, resource, colored): """ Draw a specific resource line """ color = RosterWin.color_show[resource.get_presence()] self.addstr(y, 4, " ", curses.color_pair(color)) if colored: self.addstr(y, 6, resource.get_jid().full, curses.color_pair(14)) else: self.addstr(y, 6, resource.get_jid().full) def get_selected_row(self): return self.selected_row class ContactInfoWin(Win): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible) self.visible = visible def draw_contact_info(self, resource, jid=None): """ draw the contact information """ jid = jid or resource.get_jid().full if resource: presence = resource.get_presence() else: presence = 'unavailable' self.addstr(0, 0, jid, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.addstr(' (%s)'%(presence,), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.finish_line(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) def draw_group_info(self, group): """ draw the group information """ self.addstr(0, 0, group.name, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.finish_line(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) def refresh(self, selected_row): if not self.visible: return with g_lock: self._win.erase() if isinstance(selected_row, RosterGroup): self.draw_group_info(selected_row) elif isinstance(selected_row, Contact): self.draw_contact_info(selected_row.get_highest_priority_resource(), selected_row.get_bare_jid()) elif isinstance(selected_row, Resource): self.draw_contact_info(selected_row) self._refresh()