import os import logging from sys import version_info from sleekxmpp.plugins.xep_0048 import * from common import safeJID from config import config log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def iter(xml, tag=''): if version_info[1] >= 2: return xml.iter(tag) else: return xml.getiterator(tag) preferred = config.get('use_bookmarks_method', 'pep').lower() if preferred not in ('pep', 'privatexml'): preferred = 'privatexml' not_preferred = 'privatexml' if preferred == 'pep' else 'privatexml' methods = ('local', preferred, not_preferred) class Bookmark(object): possible_methods = methods def __init__(self, jid, name=None, autojoin=False, nick=None, password=None, method='privatexml'): self.jid = jid = name or jid self.autojoin = autojoin self.nick = nick self.password = password self._method = method @property def method(self): return self._method @method.setter def method(self, value): if value not in self.possible_methods: log.debug('Could not set bookmark storing method: %s', value) return self._method = value def __repr__(self): return '<%s%s%s>' % (self.jid, ('/'+self.nick) if self.nick else '', '|autojoin' if self.autojoin else '') def stanza(self): """ Generate a <conference/> stanza from the instance """ el = Conference() el['name'] = el['jid'] = self.jid el['autojoin'] = 'true' if self.autojoin else 'false' if self.nick: el['nick'] = self.nick if self.password: el['password'] = self.password return el def local(self): """Generate a str for local storage""" local = self.jid if self.nick: local += '/%s' % self.nick local += ':' if self.password: config.set_and_save('password', self.password, section=self.jid) return local def parse_from_element(el, method=None): """ Generate a Bookmark object from a <conference/> element """ jid = el.get('jid') name = el.get('name') autojoin = True if el.get('autojoin', 'false').lower() in ('true', '1') else False nick = None for n in iter(el, 'nick'): nick = nick.text password = None for p in iter(el, 'password'): password = p.text return Bookmark(jid, name, autojoin, nick, password, method) bookmarks = [] def get_by_jid(value): """ Get a bookmark by bare jid """ for item in bookmarks: if item.jid == value: return item def remove(value): """ Remove a bookmark (with its jid or directly the Bookmark object). """ if isinstance(value, str): value = get_by_jid(value) bookmarks.remove(value) def stanza_storage(method): """Generate a <storage/> stanza with the conference elements.""" storage = Bookmarks() for b in filter(lambda b: b.method == method, bookmarks): storage.append(b.stanza()) return storage def save_pep(xmpp): """Save the remote bookmarks via PEP.""" xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].set_bookmarks(stanza_storage('pep'), method='xep_0223') def save_privatexml(xmpp): """"Save the remote bookmarks with privatexml.""" xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].set_bookmarks(stanza_storage('privatexml'), method='xep_0049') def save_remote(xmpp, method=preferred): """Save the remote bookmarks.""" method = "privatexml" if method != 'pep' else 'pep' try: if method is 'privatexml': xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].set_bookmarks(stanza_storage('privatexml'), method='xep_0049') else: xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].set_bookmarks(stanza_storage('pep'), method='xep_0223') except: import traceback log.debug("Could not save the bookmarks:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) return False return True def save_local(): """Save the local bookmarks.""" all = ''.join(bookmark.local() for bookmark in bookmarks if bookmark.method is 'local') config.set_and_save('rooms', all) def save(xmpp, core=None): """Save all the bookmarks.""" save_local() if config.get('use_remote_bookmarks', 'true').lower() != 'false': preferred = config.get('use_bookmarks_method', 'privatexml') if not save_remote(xmpp, method=preferred) and core: core.information('Could not save bookmarks.', 'Error') return False elif core: core.information('Bookmarks saved', 'Info') return True def get_pep(xmpp): """Add the remotely stored bookmarks via pep to the list.""" try: iq = xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].get_bookmarks(method='xep_0223', block=True) except: return False for conf in iter(iq.xml, '{storage:bookmarks}conference'): b = Bookmark.parse_from_element(conf, method='pep') if not get_by_jid(b.jid): bookmarks.append(b) return True def get_privatexml(xmpp): """Add the remotely stored bookmarks via privatexml to the list.""" try: iq = xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].get_bookmarks(method='xep_0049', block=True) except: return False for conf in iter(iq.xml, '{storage:bookmarks}conference'): b = Bookmark.parse_from_element(conf, method='privatexml') if not get_by_jid(b.jid): bookmarks.append(b) return True def get_remote(xmpp): """Add the remotely stored bookmarks to the list.""" if xmpp.anon: return method = config.get('use_bookmarks_method', '') if not method: pep, privatexml = True, True for method in methods[1:]: if method == 'pep': pep = get_pep(xmpp) else: privatexml = get_privatexml(xmpp) if pep and not privatexml: config.set_and_save('use_bookmarks_method', 'pep') elif privatexml and not pep: config.set_and_save('use_bookmarks_method', 'privatexml') elif not pep and not privatexml: config.set_and_save('use_bookmarks_method', '') else: if method == 'pep': get_pep(xmpp) else: get_privatexml(xmpp) def get_local(): """Add the locally stored bookmarks to the list.""" rooms = config.get('rooms', '') if not rooms: return rooms = rooms.split(':') for room in rooms: jid = safeJID(room) if jid.bare == '': continue if jid.resource != '': nick = jid.resource else: nick = None passwd = config.get_by_tabname('password', '', jid.bare, fallback=False) or None b = Bookmark(jid.bare, autojoin=True, nick=nick, password=passwd, method='local') if not get_by_jid(b.jid): bookmarks.append(b)