""" Bookmarks module Therein the bookmark class is defined, representing one conference room. This object is used to generate elements for both local and remote bookmark storage. It can also parse xml Elements. This module also defines several functions for retrieving and updating bookmarks, both local and remote. """ import functools import logging from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0048 import Bookmarks, Conference, URL from common import safeJID from config import config log = logging.getLogger(__name__) preferred = config.get('use_bookmarks_method').lower() if preferred not in ('pep', 'privatexml'): preferred = 'privatexml' not_preferred = 'privatexml' if preferred == 'pep' else 'pep' methods = ('local', preferred, not_preferred) class Bookmark(object): possible_methods = methods def __init__(self, jid, name=None, autojoin=False, nick=None, password=None, method='privatexml'): self.jid = jid self.name = name or jid self.autojoin = autojoin self.nick = nick self.password = password self._method = method @property def method(self): return self._method @method.setter def method(self, value): if value not in self.possible_methods: log.debug('Could not set bookmark storing method: %s', value) return self._method = value def __repr__(self): return '<%s%s%s%s>' % (self.jid, ('/'+self.nick) if self.nick else '', '|autojoin' if self.autojoin else '', '|%s' % self.password if self.password else '') def stanza(self): """ Generate a stanza from the instance """ el = Conference() el['name'] = self.name el['jid'] = self.jid el['autojoin'] = 'true' if self.autojoin else 'false' if self.nick: el['nick'] = self.nick if self.password: el['password'] = self.password return el def local(self): """Generate a str for local storage""" local = self.jid if self.nick: local += '/%s' % self.nick local += ':' if self.password: config.set_and_save('password', self.password, section=self.jid) return local @functools.singledispatch @staticmethod def parse(el, method=None): """ Generate a Bookmark object from a element (this is a fallback for raw XML Elements) """ jid = el.get('jid') name = el.get('name') autojoin = True if el.get('autojoin', 'false').lower() in ('true', '1') else False nick = None for n in el.iter('nick'): nick = n.text password = None for p in el.iter('password'): password = p.text return Bookmark(jid, name, autojoin, nick, password, method) @staticmethod @parse.register(Conference) def parse_from_stanza(el, method=None): """ Parse a Conference element into a Bookmark object """ jid = el['jid'] autojoin = el['autojoin'] password = el['password'] nick = el['nick'] name = el['name'] return Bookmark(jid, name, autojoin, nick, password, method) bookmarks = [] def get_by_jid(value): """ Get a bookmark by bare jid """ for item in bookmarks: if item.jid == value: return item def remove(value): """ Remove a bookmark (with its jid or directly the Bookmark object). """ if isinstance(value, str): value = get_by_jid(value) bookmarks.remove(value) def stanza_storage(method): """Generate a stanza with the conference elements.""" storage = Bookmarks() for b in (b for b in bookmarks if b.method == method): storage.append(b.stanza()) return storage def save_pep(xmpp): """Save the remote bookmarks via PEP.""" xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].set_bookmarks(stanza_storage('pep'), method='xep_0223') def save_privatexml(xmpp): """"Save the remote bookmarks with privatexml.""" xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].set_bookmarks(stanza_storage('privatexml'), method='xep_0049') def save_remote(xmpp, callback, method=preferred): """Save the remote bookmarks.""" method = 'privatexml' if method != 'pep' else 'pep' if method is 'privatexml': xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].set_bookmarks(stanza_storage('privatexml'), method='xep_0049', callback=callback) else: xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].set_bookmarks(stanza_storage('pep'), method='xep_0223', callback=callback) def save_local(): """Save the local bookmarks.""" local = ''.join(bookmark.local() for bookmark in bookmarks if bookmark.method is 'local') config.set_and_save('rooms', local) def save(xmpp, core=None): """Save all the bookmarks.""" save_local() def _cb(core, iq): if iq["type"] == "error": core.information('Could not save bookmarks.', 'Error') elif core: core.information('Bookmarks saved', 'Info') if config.get('use_remote_bookmarks'): preferred = config.get('use_bookmarks_method') cb = functools.partial(_cb, core) save_remote(xmpp, cb, method=preferred) def get_pep(xmpp, available_methods, callback): """Add the remotely stored bookmarks via pep to the list.""" def _cb(iq): if iq["type"] == "error": available_methods["pep"] = False else: available_methods["pep"] = True for conf in iq['pubsub']['items']['item']['bookmarks']['conferences']: if isinstance(conf, URL): continue b = Bookmark.parse(conf, method='pep') if not get_by_jid(b.jid): bookmarks.append(b) if callback: callback() xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].get_bookmarks(method='xep_0223', callback=_cb) def get_privatexml(xmpp, available_methods, callback): """Add the remotely stored bookmarks via privatexml to the list. If both is True, we want to have the result of both methods (privatexml and pep) before calling pep""" def _cb(iq): if iq["type"] == "error": available_methods["privatexml"] = False else: available_methods["privatexml"] = True for conf in iq['private']['bookmarks']['conferences']: b = Bookmark.parse(conf, method='privatexml') if not get_by_jid(b.jid): bookmarks.append(b) if callback: callback() xmpp.plugin['xep_0048'].get_bookmarks(method='xep_0049', callback=_cb) def get_remote(xmpp, callback): """Add the remotely stored bookmarks to the list.""" if xmpp.anon: return method = config.get('use_bookmarks_method') if not method: available_methods = {} def _save_and_call_callback(): # If both methods returned a result, we can now call the given callback if callback and "privatexml" in available_methods and "pep" in available_methods: save_bookmarks_method(available_methods) if callback: callback() for method in methods[1:]: if method == 'pep': get_pep(xmpp, available_methods, _save_and_call_callback) else: get_privatexml(xmpp, available_methods, _save_and_call_callback) else: if method == 'pep': get_pep(xmpp, {}, callback) else: get_privatexml(xmpp, {}, callback) def save_bookmarks_method(available_methods): pep, privatexml = available_methods["pep"], available_methods["privatexml"] if pep and not privatexml: config.set_and_save('use_bookmarks_method', 'pep') elif privatexml and not pep: config.set_and_save('use_bookmarks_method', 'privatexml') elif not pep and not privatexml: config.set_and_save('use_bookmarks_method', '') def get_local(): """Add the locally stored bookmarks to the list.""" rooms = config.get('rooms') if not rooms: return rooms = rooms.split(':') for room in rooms: jid = safeJID(room) if jid.bare == '': continue if jid.resource != '': nick = jid.resource else: nick = None passwd = config.get_by_tabname('password', jid.bare, fallback=False) or None b = Bookmark(jid.bare, autojoin=True, nick=nick, password=passwd, method='local') if not get_by_jid(b.jid): bookmarks.append(b)