#!/usr/bin/env python3

Parses the output of gpg into a list suitable for the poezio
GPG plugin. Double-check the output and use at your own risk.

import subprocess
import pprint
import re
import os

addr_re = re.compile(r'^uid\s+\[\s+full\s+\]\s.*<(.*@.*)>$')
id_re = re.compile(r'^pub\s+.*/(........) .*')

def extract_block(total):
    GPG output blocks are separated by newlines
    if '' in total:
        index = total.index('')
        index = len(total)
    block = total[:index]
    total = total[index+1:]
    return (block, total)

def parse_block(blocks, block):
    Keep the blocks with trusted keys
    and extract addresses and UIDs

    uid = ''
    addrs = []
    blocksize = len(block)

    for i, line in enumerate(reversed(block)):
        if line.startswith('uid'):
            match = addr_re.match(line)
            if match:
                addr = match.groups()[0]
                if addr not in addrs:
                del block[blocksize-1-i]
        elif line.startswith('pub'):
            uid = id_re.match(line).groups()[0]

    if addrs:
        blocks[uid] = addrs

def output(blocks):
    for uid in blocks:
        for addr in blocks[uid]:
            print('%s = %s' % (addr, uid))

def main():

    os.putenv('LANG', 'en_US.UTF-8')

    gpg_proc = subprocess.Popen(

    result, _ = gpg_proc.communicate()
    result = result.decode().strip().splitlines()[2:]
    blocks = {}

    while result:
        block, result = extract_block(result)
        parse_block(blocks, block)

if __name__ == '__main__':