""" Module defining all the "info wins", ie the bar which is on top of the info buffer in normal tabs """ from __future__ import annotations from typing import Optional, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, Any import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from poezio.common import safeJID from poezio.config import config from poezio.windows.base_wins import Win from poezio.ui.funcs import truncate_nick from poezio.theming import get_theme, to_curses_attr if TYPE_CHECKING: from poezio.user import User from poezio.tabs import MucTab from poezio.windows import TextWin class InfoWin(Win): """ Base class for all the *InfoWin, used in various tabs. For example MucInfoWin, etc. Provides some useful methods. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self): Win.__init__(self) def print_scroll_position(self, window): """ Print, like in Weechat, a -MORE(n)- where n is the number of available lines to scroll down """ if window.pos > 0: plus = ' -MORE(%s)-' % window.pos self.addstr(plus, to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_SCROLLABLE_NUMBER)) class XMLInfoWin(InfoWin): """ Info about the latest xml filter used and the state of the buffer. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self): InfoWin.__init__(self) def refresh(self, filter_t='', filter='', window=None): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) self._win.erase() bar = to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) if not filter_t: self.addstr('[No filter]', bar) else: info = '[%s] %s' % (filter_t, filter) self.addstr(info, bar) self.print_scroll_position(window) self.finish_line(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() class PrivateInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The line above the information window, displaying information about the MUC user we are talking to """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self): InfoWin.__init__(self) def refresh(self, name, window, chatstate, information): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) self._win.erase() self.write_room_name(name) self.print_scroll_position(window) self.write_chatstate(chatstate) self.write_additional_information(information, name) self.finish_line(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_additional_information(self, information, jid): """ Write all information added by plugins by getting the value returned by the callbacks. """ for plugin in information.values(): self.addstr(plugin(jid), to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_room_name(self, name): jid = safeJID(name) room_name, nick = jid.bare, jid.resource theme = get_theme() self.addstr(nick, to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_PRIVATE_NAME)) txt = ' from room %s' % room_name self.addstr(txt, to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_chatstate(self, state): if state: self.addstr(' %s' % (state, ), to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class MucListInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The live above the information window, displaying informatios about the muc server being listed """ __slots__ = ('message') def __init__(self, message=''): InfoWin.__init__(self) self.message = message def refresh(self, name=None, window=None): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) self._win.erase() theme = get_theme() if name: self.addstr(name, to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) else: self.addstr(self.message, to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) if window: self.print_scroll_position(window) self.finish_line(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() class ConversationInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The line above the information window, displaying information about the user we are talking to """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self): InfoWin.__init__(self) def refresh(self, jid, contact, window, chatstate, information): # contact can be None, if we receive a message # from someone not in our roster. In this case, we display # only the maximum information from the message we can get. log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) jid = safeJID(jid) if contact: if jid.resource: resource = contact[jid.full] else: resource = contact.get_highest_priority_resource() else: resource = None # if contact is None, then resource is None too: # user is not in the roster so we know almost nothing about it # If contact is a Contact, then # resource can now be a Resource: user is in the roster and online # or resource is None: user is in the roster but offline self._win.erase() if config.get('show_jid_in_conversations'): self.write_contact_jid(jid) self.write_contact_information(contact) self.write_resource_information(resource) self.print_scroll_position(window) self.write_chatstate(chatstate) self.write_additional_information(information, jid) self.finish_line(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_additional_information(self, information, jid): """ Write all information added by plugins by getting the value returned by the callbacks. """ color = to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) for plugin in information.values(): self.addstr(plugin(jid), color) def write_resource_information(self, resource): """ Write the information about the resource """ if not resource: presence = "unavailable" else: presence = resource.presence theme = get_theme() color = theme.color_show(presence) if not presence: presence = theme.CHAR_STATUS self.addstr('[', to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.addstr(presence, to_curses_attr(color)) if resource and resource.status: shortened = resource.status[:20] + (resource.status[:20] and '…') self.addstr(' %s' % shortened, to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.addstr(']', to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_contact_information(self, contact): """ Write the information about the contact """ color = to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) if not contact: self.addstr("(contact not in roster)", color) return display_name = contact.name if display_name: self.addstr('%s ' % (display_name), color) def write_contact_jid(self, jid): """ Just write the jid that we are talking to """ theme = get_theme() color = to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self.addstr('[', color) self.addstr(jid.full, to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_CONVERSATION_NAME)) self.addstr('] ', color) def write_chatstate(self, state): if state: self.addstr(' %s' % (state, ), to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class DynamicConversationInfoWin(ConversationInfoWin): __slots__ = () def write_contact_jid(self, jid): """ Just displays the resource in an other color """ log.debug("write_contact_jid DynamicConversationInfoWin, jid: %s", jid.resource) theme = get_theme() color = to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self.addstr('[', color) self.addstr(jid.bare, to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_CONVERSATION_NAME)) if jid.resource: self.addstr( "/%s" % (jid.resource, ), to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_CONVERSATION_RESOURCE)) self.addstr('] ', color) class MucInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The line just above the information window, displaying information about the MUC we are viewing """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self) -> None: InfoWin.__init__(self) def refresh( self, room: MucTab, window: Optional[TextWin] = None, user: Optional[User] = None, information: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) self._win.erase() self.write_room_name(room) self.write_participants_number(room) self.write_own_nick(room) self.write_disconnected(room) self.write_role(room, user) if information: self.write_additional_information(information, room.name) if window: self.print_scroll_position(window) self.finish_line(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_additional_information(self, information, jid): """ Write all information added by plugins by getting the value returned by the callbacks. """ color = to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) for plugin in information.values(): self.addstr(plugin(jid), color) def write_room_name(self, room): theme = get_theme() color = to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self.addstr('[', color) self.addstr(room.name, to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_GROUPCHAT_NAME)) self.addstr(']', color) def write_participants_number(self, room): theme = get_theme() color = to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self.addstr('{', color) self.addstr( str(len(room.users)), to_curses_attr(theme.COLOR_GROUPCHAT_NAME)) self.addstr('} ', color) def write_disconnected(self, room): """ Shows a message if the room is not joined """ if not room.joined: self.addstr(' -!- Not connected ', to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_own_nick(self, room): """ Write our own nick in the info bar """ nick = room.own_nick if not nick: return self.addstr( truncate_nick(nick, 13), to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_role(self, room, user): """ Write our own role and affiliation """ if not user: return txt = ' (' if user.affiliation != 'none': txt += user.affiliation + ', ' txt += user.role + ')' self.addstr(txt, to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class ConversationStatusMessageWin(InfoWin): """ The upper bar displaying the status message of the contact """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self): InfoWin.__init__(self) def refresh(self, jid, contact): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) jid = safeJID(jid) if contact: if jid.resource: resource = contact[jid.full] else: resource = contact.get_highest_priority_resource() else: resource = None self._win.erase() if resource: self.write_status_message(resource) self.finish_line(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_status_message(self, resource): self.addstr(resource.status, to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class BookmarksInfoWin(InfoWin): __slots__ = () def __init__(self): InfoWin.__init__(self) def refresh(self, preferred): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) self._win.erase() self.write_remote_status(preferred) self.finish_line(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR) self._refresh() def write_remote_status(self, preferred): self.addstr('Remote storage: %s' % preferred, to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class ConfirmStatusWin(Win): __slots__ = ('text', 'critical') def __init__(self, text, critical=False): Win.__init__(self) self.text = text self.critical = critical def refresh(self): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) self._win.erase() theme = get_theme() if self.critical: color = theme.COLOR_WARNING_PROMPT else: color = theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR c_color = to_curses_attr(color) self.addstr(self.text, c_color) self.finish_line(color) self._refresh()