""" Standalone functions used by the modules """ import string DIGITS = string.digits + '-' from poezio.windows.base_wins import FORMAT_CHAR, format_chars def find_first_format_char(text, chars=None): if chars is None: chars = format_chars pos = -1 for char in chars: p = text.find(char) if p == -1: continue if pos == -1 or p < pos: pos = p return pos def truncate_nick(nick, size=10): if size < 1: size = 1 if nick and len(nick) > size: return nick[:size]+'…' return nick def parse_attrs(text, previous=None): next_attr_char = text.find(FORMAT_CHAR) if previous: attrs = previous else: attrs = [] while next_attr_char != -1 and text: if next_attr_char + 1 < len(text): attr_char = text[next_attr_char+1].lower() else: attr_char = '\0' if attr_char == 'o': attrs = [] elif attr_char == 'u': attrs.append('u') elif attr_char == 'b': attrs.append('b') elif attr_char == 'i': attrs.append('i') if attr_char in DIGITS and attr_char: color_str = text[next_attr_char+1:text.find('}', next_attr_char)] if color_str: attrs.append(color_str + '}') text = text[next_attr_char+len(color_str)+2:] else: text = text[next_attr_char+2:] next_attr_char = text.find(FORMAT_CHAR) return attrs