""" Define the base window object and the constants/"globals" used by the file of this module. A window is a little part of the screen, for example the input window, the text window, the roster window, etc. A Tab (see the poezio.tabs module) is composed of multiple Windows """ from __future__ import annotations TAB_WIN: _CursesWindow = None import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import curses import string from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING from poezio.theming import to_curses_attr, read_tuple from poezio.ui.consts import FORMAT_CHAR if TYPE_CHECKING: from _curses import _CursesWindow # pylint: disable=E0611 class DummyWin: def __getattribute__(self, name: str): if name != '__bool__': return lambda *args, **kwargs: (0, 0) else: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return False class Win: __slots__ = ('_win', 'height', 'width', 'y', 'x') def __init__(self) -> None: self._win: _CursesWindow = None self.height, self.width = 0, 0 def _resize(self, height: int, width: int, y: int, x: int) -> None: if height == 0 or width == 0: self.height, self.width = height, width return self.height, self.width, self.x, self.y = height, width, x, y try: self._win = TAB_WIN.derwin(height, width, y, x) except: log.debug('DEBUG: mvwin returned ERR. Please investigate') if self._win is None: self._win = DummyWin() def resize(self, height: int, width: int, y: int, x: int) -> None: """ Override if something has to be done on resize """ self._resize(height, width, y, x) def _refresh(self) -> None: self._win.noutrefresh() def addnstr(self, *args) -> None: """ Safe call to addnstr """ try: self._win.addnstr(*args) except: # this actually mostly returns ERR, but works. # more specifically, when the added string reaches the end # of the screen. pass @contextmanager def colored_text(self, color: Optional[Tuple]=None, attr: Optional[int]=None): """Context manager which sets up an attr/color when inside""" if color is None and attr is None: yield None return if color is not None: mode = to_curses_attr(color) if attr is not None: mode = mode | attr else: mode = attr self._win.attron(mode) yield None self._win.attroff(mode) def addstr(self, *args) -> None: """ Safe call to addstr """ try: self._win.addstr(*args) except: pass def move(self, y: int, x: int) -> None: try: self._win.move(y, x) except: pass def addstr_colored(self, text: str, y: Optional[int] = None, x: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Write a string on the window, setting the attributes as they are in the string. For example: \x19bhello → hello in bold \x191}Bonj\x192}our → 'Bonj' in red and 'our' in green next_attr_char is the \x19 delimiter attr_char is the char following it, it can be one of 'u', 'b', 'i', 'c[0-9]' """ if y is not None and x is not None: self.move(y, x) next_attr_char = text.find(FORMAT_CHAR) attr_italic = curses.A_ITALIC if hasattr( curses, 'A_ITALIC') else curses.A_REVERSE while next_attr_char != -1 and text: if next_attr_char + 1 < len(text): attr_char = text[next_attr_char + 1].lower() else: attr_char = str() if next_attr_char != 0: self.addstr(text[:next_attr_char]) if attr_char == 'o': self._win.attrset(0) elif attr_char == 'u': self._win.attron(curses.A_UNDERLINE) elif attr_char == 'b': self._win.attron(curses.A_BOLD) elif attr_char == 'i': self._win.attron(attr_italic) if (attr_char in string.digits or attr_char == '-') and attr_char != '': color_str = text[next_attr_char + 1:text.find('}', next_attr_char)] if ',' in color_str: tup, char = read_tuple(color_str) self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(tup)) if char: if char == 'o': self._win.attrset(0) elif char == 'u': self._win.attron(curses.A_UNDERLINE) elif char == 'b': self._win.attron(curses.A_BOLD) elif char == 'i': self._win.attron(attr_italic) else: # this will reset previous bold/uderline sequences if any was used self._win.attroff(curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._win.attroff(curses.A_BOLD) elif color_str: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr((int(color_str), -1))) text = text[next_attr_char + len(color_str) + 2:] else: text = text[next_attr_char + 2:] next_attr_char = text.find(FORMAT_CHAR) self.addstr(text) def finish_line(self, color: Optional[Tuple] = None) -> None: """ Write colored spaces until the end of line """ (y, x) = self._win.getyx() size = self.width - x if color: self.addnstr(' ' * size, size, to_curses_attr(color)) else: self.addnstr(' ' * size, size)