from datetime import datetime from math import ceil, log10 from typing import Union, Optional, List, Tuple from poezio.theming import get_theme, dump_tuple from poezio.ui.funcs import truncate_nick, parse_attrs from poezio import poopt from poezio.ui.consts import FORMAT_CHAR class Message: __slots__ = ('txt', 'nick_color', 'time', 'str_time', 'nickname', 'user', 'identifier', 'top', 'highlight', 'me', 'old_message', 'revisions', 'jid', 'ack') def __init__(self, txt: str, time: Optional[datetime], nickname: Optional[str], nick_color: Optional[Tuple], history: bool, user: Optional[str], identifier: Optional[str], top: Optional[bool] = False, str_time: Optional[str] = None, highlight: bool = False, old_message: Optional['Message'] = None, revisions: int = 0, jid: Optional[str] = None, ack: int = 0) -> None: """ Create a new Message object with parameters, check for /me messages, and delayed messages """ time = time if time is not None else if txt.startswith('/me '): me = True txt = '\x19%s}%s\x19o' % (dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_ME_MESSAGE), txt[4:]) else: me = False str_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") if history: txt = txt.replace( '\x19o', '\x19o\x19%s}' % dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_LOG_MSG)) str_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.txt = txt.replace('\t', ' ') + '\x19o' self.nick_color = nick_color self.time = time self.str_time = str_time self.nickname = nickname self.user = user self.identifier = identifier = top self.highlight = highlight = me self.old_message = old_message self.revisions = revisions self.jid = jid self.ack = ack def _other_elems(self) -> str: "Helper for the repr_message function" acc = [] fields = list(self.__slots__) fields.remove('old_message') for field in fields: acc.append('%s=%s' % (field, repr(getattr(self, field)))) return 'Message(%s, %s' % (', '.join(acc), 'old_message=') def __repr__(self) -> str: """ repr() for the Message class, for debug purposes, since the default repr() is recursive, so it can stack overflow given too many revisions of a message """ init = self._other_elems() acc = [init] next_message = self.old_message rev = 1 while next_message is not None: acc.append(next_message._other_elems()) next_message = next_message.old_message rev += 1 acc.append('None') while rev: acc.append(')') rev -= 1 return ''.join(acc) def render(self, width: int, timestamp: bool = False, nick_size: int = 10) -> List["Line"]: """ Build a list of lines from this message. """ txt = self.txt if not txt: return [] theme = get_theme() if len(self.str_time) > 8: default_color = ( FORMAT_CHAR + dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_LOG_MSG) + '}') # type: Optional[str] else: default_color = None ret = [] # type: List[Union[None, Line]] nick = truncate_nick(self.nickname, nick_size) offset = 0 if self.ack: if self.ack > 0: offset += poopt.wcswidth(theme.CHAR_ACK_RECEIVED) + 1 else: offset += poopt.wcswidth(theme.CHAR_NACK) + 1 if nick: offset += poopt.wcswidth(nick) + 2 # + nick + '> ' length if self.revisions > 0: offset += ceil(log10(self.revisions + 1)) if offset += 1 # '* ' before and ' ' after if timestamp: if self.str_time: offset += 1 + len(self.str_time) if theme.CHAR_TIME_LEFT and self.str_time: offset += 1 if theme.CHAR_TIME_RIGHT and self.str_time: offset += 1 lines = poopt.cut_text(txt, width - offset - 1) prepend = default_color if default_color else '' attrs = [] # type: List[str] for line in lines: saved = Line( msg=self, start_pos=line[0], end_pos=line[1], prepend=prepend) attrs = parse_attrs(self.txt[line[0]:line[1]], attrs) if attrs: prepend = FORMAT_CHAR + FORMAT_CHAR.join(attrs) else: if default_color: prepend = default_color else: prepend = '' ret.append(saved) return ret # msg is a reference to the corresponding Message object. text_start and # text_end are the position delimiting the text in this line. class Line: __slots__ = ('msg', 'start_pos', 'end_pos', 'prepend') def __init__(self, msg: Message, start_pos: int, end_pos: int, prepend: str) -> None: self.msg = msg self.start_pos = start_pos self.end_pos = end_pos self.prepend = prepend