""" Module for the MucTab A MucTab is a tab for multi-user chats as defined in XEP-0045. It keeps track of many things such as part/joins, maintains an user list, and updates private tabs when necessary. """ from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import bisect import curses import logging import os import random import re import functools from copy import copy from datetime import datetime from typing import ( cast, Any, Dict, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Set, Pattern, TYPE_CHECKING, ) from slixmpp import InvalidJID, JID, Presence, Iq from slixmpp.exceptions import IqError, IqTimeout from poezio.tabs import ChatTab, Tab, SHOW_NAME from poezio import common from poezio import mam from poezio import multiuserchat as muc from poezio import timed_events from poezio import windows from poezio import xhtml from poezio.common import to_utc from poezio.config import config from poezio.core.structs import Command from poezio.decorators import refresh_wrapper, command_args_parser from poezio.logger import logger from poezio.roster import roster from poezio.theming import get_theme, dump_tuple from poezio.user import User from poezio.core.structs import Completion, Status from poezio.ui.types import ( BaseMessage, InfoMessage, Message, MucOwnJoinMessage, MucOwnLeaveMessage, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from poezio.core.core import Core from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0004 import Form log = logging.getLogger(__name__) NS_MUC_USER = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user' COMPARE_USERS_LAST_TALKED = lambda x: x.last_talked class MucTab(ChatTab): """ The tab containing a multi-user-chat room. It contains a userlist, an input, a topic, an information and a chat zone """ message_type = 'groupchat' plugin_commands: Dict[str, Command] = {} plugin_keys: Dict[str, Callable[..., Any]] = {} additional_information: Dict[str, Callable[[str], str]] = {} lagged = False def __init__(self, core: Core, jid: JID, nick: str, password: Optional[str] = None) -> None: ChatTab.__init__(self, core, jid) self.joined = False self._state = 'disconnected' # our nick in the MUC self.own_nick = nick # self User object self.own_user: Optional[User] = None self.password = password # buffered presences self.presence_buffer: List[Presence] = [] # userlist self.users: List[User] = [] # private conversations self.privates: List[Tab] = [] self.topic = '' self.topic_from = '' # Self ping event, so we can cancel it when we leave the room self.self_ping_event: Optional[timed_events.DelayedEvent] = None # UI stuff self.topic_win = windows.Topic() self.v_separator = windows.VerticalSeparator() self.user_win = windows.UserList() self.info_header = windows.MucInfoWin() self.input: windows.MessageInput = windows.MessageInput() # List of ignored users self.ignores: List[User] = [] # keys self.register_keys() self.update_keys() # commands self.register_commands() self.update_commands() self.resize() @property def general_jid(self) -> JID: return self.jid def check_send_chat_state(self) -> bool: "If we should send a chat state" return self.joined @property def last_connection(self) -> Optional[datetime]: last_message = self._text_buffer.last_message if last_message: return last_message.time return None @staticmethod @refresh_wrapper.always def add_information_element(plugin_name: str, callback: Callable[[str], str]) -> None: """ Lets a plugin add its own information to the MucInfoWin """ MucTab.additional_information[plugin_name] = callback @staticmethod @refresh_wrapper.always def remove_information_element(plugin_name: str) -> None: """ Lets a plugin add its own information to the MucInfoWin """ del MucTab.additional_information[plugin_name] def cancel_config(self, form: Form) -> None: """ The user do not want to send their config, send an iq cancel """ asyncio.ensure_future(self.core.xmpp['xep_0045'].cancel_config(self.jid.bare)) self.core.close_tab() def send_config(self, form: Form) -> None: """ The user sends their config to the server """ asyncio.ensure_future(self.core.xmpp['xep_0045'].set_room_config(self.jid.bare, form)) self.core.close_tab() def join(self) -> None: """ Join the room """ seconds: Optional[int] status = self.core.get_status() if self.last_connection: delta = to_utc(datetime.now()) - to_utc(self.last_connection) seconds = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600 else: last_message = self._text_buffer.find_last_message() seconds = None if last_message is not None: seconds = (datetime.now() - last_message.time).seconds muc.join_groupchat( self.core, self.jid.bare, self.own_nick, self.password or '', status=status.message, show=status.show, seconds=seconds) def leave_room(self, message: str) -> None: if self.joined: theme = get_theme() info_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) char_quit = theme.CHAR_QUIT spec_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_QUIT_CHAR) if config.get_by_tabname('display_user_color_in_join_part', self.general_jid): color = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_OWN_NICK) else: color = "3" if message: msg = ('\x19%(color_spec)s}%(spec)s\x19%(info_col)s} ' 'You (\x19%(color)s}%(nick)s\x19%(info_col)s})' ' left the room' ' (\x19o%(reason)s\x19%(info_col)s})') % { 'info_col': info_col, 'reason': message, 'spec': char_quit, 'color': color, 'color_spec': spec_col, 'nick': self.own_nick, } else: msg = ('\x19%(color_spec)s}%(spec)s\x19%(info_col)s} ' 'You (\x19%(color)s}%(nick)s\x19%(info_col)s})' ' left the room') % { 'info_col': info_col, 'spec': char_quit, 'color': color, 'color_spec': spec_col, 'nick': self.own_nick, } self.add_message(MucOwnLeaveMessage(msg), typ=2) self.disconnect() muc.leave_groupchat(self.core.xmpp, self.jid.bare, self.own_nick, message) self.core.disable_private_tabs(self.jid.bare, reason=msg) else: muc.leave_groupchat(self.core.xmpp, self.jid.bare, self.own_nick, message) async def change_affiliation( self, nick_or_jid: Union[str, JID], affiliation: str, reason: str = '' ) -> None: """ Change the affiliation of a nick or JID """ if not self.joined: return valid_affiliations = ('outcast', 'none', 'member', 'admin', 'owner') if affiliation not in valid_affiliations: self.core.information( 'The affiliation must be one of ' + ', '.join(valid_affiliations), 'Error') return jid = None nick = None for user in self.users: if user.nick == nick_or_jid: jid = user.jid nick = user.nick break if jid is None: try: jid = JID(nick_or_jid) except InvalidJID: self.core.information( f'Invalid JID or missing occupant: {nick_or_jid}', 'Error' ) return try: await self.core.xmpp['xep_0045'].set_affiliation( self.jid.bare, nick=nick, jid=jid, affiliation=affiliation, reason=reason ) self.core.information( f"Affiliation of {jid} set to {affiliation} successfully", "Info" ) except (IqError, IqTimeout) as exc: self.core.information( f"Could not set affiliation '{affiliation}' for '{jid}': {exc}", "Warning", ) async def change_role(self, nick: str, role: str, reason: str = '') -> None: """ Change the role of a nick """ valid_roles = ('none', 'visitor', 'participant', 'moderator') if not self.joined or role not in valid_roles: self.core.information( 'The role must be one of ' + ', '.join(valid_roles), 'Error') return try: target_jid = copy(self.jid) target_jid.resource = nick except InvalidJID: self.core.information('Invalid nick', 'Info') return try: await self.core.xmpp['xep_0045'].set_role( self.jid.bare, nick, role=role, reason=reason ) self.core.information( f'Role of {nick} changed to {role} successfully.' 'Info' ) except (IqError, IqTimeout) as e: self.core.information( "Could not set role '%s' for '%s': %s" % (role, nick, e), "Warning") @refresh_wrapper.conditional def print_info(self, nick: str) -> bool: """Print information about a user""" user = self.get_user_by_name(nick) if not user: return False theme = get_theme() inf = '\x19' + dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) + '}' if user.jid: user_jid = '%s (\x19%s}%s\x19o%s)' % ( inf, dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_MUC_JID), user.jid, inf) else: user_jid = '' info = ('\x19%(user_col)s}%(nick)s\x19o%(jid)s%(info)s: show: ' '\x19%(show_col)s}%(show)s\x19o%(info)s, affiliation: ' '\x19%(role_col)s}%(affiliation)s\x19o%(info)s, role: ' '\x19%(role_col)s}%(role)s\x19o%(status)s') % { 'user_col': dump_tuple(user.color), 'nick': nick, 'jid': user_jid, 'info': inf, 'show_col': dump_tuple(theme.color_show(user.show)), 'show': user.show or 'Available', 'role_col': dump_tuple(theme.color_role(user.role)), 'affiliation': user.affiliation or 'None', 'role': user.role or 'None', 'status': '\n%s' % user.status if user.status else '' } self.add_message(InfoMessage(info), typ=0) return True def change_topic(self, topic: str) -> None: """Change the current topic""" self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].set_subject(self.jid.bare, topic) @refresh_wrapper.always def show_topic(self) -> None: """ Print the current topic """ theme = get_theme() info_text = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) norm_text = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT) if self.topic_from: user = self.get_user_by_name(self.topic_from) if user: user_text = dump_tuple(user.color) user_string = '\x19%s}(set by \x19%s}%s\x19%s})' % ( info_text, user_text, user.nick, info_text) else: user_string = self.topic_from else: user_string = '' self.add_message( InfoMessage( "The subject of the room is: \x19%s}%s %s" % (norm_text, self.topic, user_string), ), typ=0, ) @refresh_wrapper.always def recolor(self) -> None: """Recolor the current MUC users""" for user in self.users: if user is self.own_user: continue color = self.search_for_color(user.nick) if color != '': continue user.set_deterministic_color() self.text_win.rebuild_everything(self._text_buffer) @refresh_wrapper.conditional def set_nick_color(self, nick: str, color: str) -> bool: "Set a custom color for a nick, permanently" user = self.get_user_by_name(nick) if color not in xhtml.colors and color not in ('unset', 'random'): return False if nick == self.own_nick: return False if color == 'unset': if config.remove_and_save(nick, 'muc_colors'): self.core.information('Color for nick %s unset' % (nick), 'Info') else: if color == 'random': color = random.choice(list(xhtml.colors)) if user: user.change_color(color) config.set_and_save(nick, color, 'muc_colors') nick_color_aliases = config.get_by_tabname('nick_color_aliases', self.jid.bare) if nick_color_aliases: # if any user in the room has a nick which is an alias of the # nick, update its color for tab in self.core.get_tabs(MucTab): for u in tab.users: nick_alias = re.sub('^_*', '', u.nick) nick_alias = re.sub('_*$', '', nick_alias) if nick_alias == nick: u.change_color(color) self.text_win.rebuild_everything(self._text_buffer) return True def on_input(self, key: str, raw: bool) -> bool: if not raw and key in self.key_func: self.key_func[key]() return False self.input.do_command(key, raw=raw) empty_after = self.input.get_text() == '' empty_after = empty_after or ( self.input.get_text().startswith('/') and not self.input.get_text().startswith('//')) self.send_composing_chat_state(empty_after) return False def get_nick(self) -> str: if config.getbool('show_muc_jid'): return cast(str, self.jid.bare) bookmark = self.core.bookmarks[self.jid.bare] if bookmark is not None and bookmark.name: return bookmark.name # TODO: send the disco#info identity name here, if it exists. return self.jid.user def get_text_window(self) -> windows.TextWin: return self.text_win def on_lose_focus(self) -> None: if self.joined: if self.input.text: self.state = 'nonempty' elif self.lagged: self.state = 'disconnected' else: self.state = 'normal' else: self.state = 'disconnected' self.text_win.remove_line_separator() self.text_win.add_line_separator(self._text_buffer) if config.get_by_tabname('send_chat_states', self.general_jid): self.send_chat_state('inactive') self.check_scrolled() def on_gain_focus(self) -> None: self.state = 'current' if (self.text_win.built_lines and self.text_win.built_lines[-1] is None and not config.getbool('show_useless_separator')): self.text_win.remove_line_separator() curses.curs_set(1) if self.joined and config.get_by_tabname( 'send_chat_states', self.general_jid) and not self.input.get_text(): self.send_chat_state('active') def handle_presence(self, presence: Presence) -> None: """Handle MUC presence""" self.reset_lag() status_codes = presence['muc']['status_codes'] if presence['type'] == 'error': self.core.room_error(presence, self.jid.bare) elif not self.joined: own = 110 in status_codes if own or len(self.presence_buffer) >= 10: self.process_presence_buffer(presence, own) else: self.presence_buffer.append(presence) return else: try: self.handle_presence_joined(presence, status_codes) except PresenceError: self.core.room_error(presence, presence['from'].bare) if self.core.tabs.current_tab is self: self.text_win.refresh() self.user_win.refresh_if_changed(self.users) self.info_header.refresh( self, self.text_win, user=self.own_user, information=MucTab.additional_information) self.input.refresh() self.core.doupdate() def process_presence_buffer(self, last_presence: Presence, own: bool) -> None: """ Batch-process all the initial presences """ for stanza in self.presence_buffer: try: self.handle_presence_unjoined(stanza) except PresenceError: self.core.room_error(stanza, stanza['from'].bare) self.presence_buffer = [] self.handle_presence_unjoined(last_presence, own) self.users.sort() # Enable the self ping event, to regularly check if we # are still in the room. if own: self.enable_self_ping_event() if self.core.tabs.current_tab is not self: self.refresh_tab_win() self.core.tabs.current_tab.refresh_input() self.core.doupdate() def handle_presence_unjoined(self, presence: Presence, own: bool = False) -> None: """ Presence received while we are not in the room (before code=110) """ # If presence is coming from MUC barejid, ignore. if not presence['from'].resource: return None dissected_presence = dissect_presence(presence) from_nick, _, affiliation, show, status, role, jid, typ = dissected_presence if typ == 'unavailable': return user_color = self.search_for_color(from_nick) new_user = User(from_nick, affiliation, show, status, role, jid, user_color) self.users.append(new_user) self.core.events.trigger('muc_join', presence, self) if own: status_codes = presence['muc']['status_codes'] self.own_join(from_nick, new_user, status_codes) def own_join(self, from_nick: str, new_user: User, status_codes: Set[int]) -> None: """ Handle the last presence we received, entering the room """ self.own_nick = from_nick self.own_user = new_user self.joined = True if self.jid.bare in self.core.initial_joins: self.core.initial_joins.remove(self.jid.bare) self._state = 'normal' elif self != self.core.tabs.current_tab: self._state = 'joined' if (self.core.tabs.current_tab is self and self.core.status.show not in ('xa', 'away')): self.send_chat_state('active') theme = get_theme() new_user.color = theme.COLOR_OWN_NICK if config.get_by_tabname('display_user_color_in_join_part', self.general_jid): color = dump_tuple(new_user.color) else: color = "3" info_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) warn_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_WARNING_TEXT) spec_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_JOIN_CHAR) enable_message = ('\x19%(color_spec)s}%(spec)s\x19%(info_col)s} You ' '(\x19%(nick_col)s}%(nick)s\x19%(info_col)s}) joined' ' the room') % { 'nick': from_nick, 'spec': theme.CHAR_JOIN, 'color_spec': spec_col, 'nick_col': color, 'info_col': info_col, } self.add_message(MucOwnJoinMessage(enable_message), typ=2) self.core.enable_private_tabs(self.jid.bare, enable_message) if 201 in status_codes: self.add_message( InfoMessage('Info: The room has been created'), typ=0 ) if 170 in status_codes: self.add_message( InfoMessage( '\x19%(warn_col)s}Warning:\x19%(info_col)s}' ' This room is publicly logged' % { 'info_col': info_col, 'warn_col': warn_col }, ), typ=0) if 100 in status_codes: self.add_message( InfoMessage( '\x19%(warn_col)s}Warning:\x19%(info_col)s}' ' This room is not anonymous.' % { 'info_col': info_col, 'warn_col': warn_col }, ), typ=0) mam.schedule_tab_open(self) def handle_presence_joined(self, presence: Presence, status_codes: Set[int]) -> None: """ Handle new presences when we are already in the room """ # If presence is coming from MUC barejid, ignore. if not presence['from'].resource: return None dissected_presence = dissect_presence(presence) from_nick, from_room, affiliation, show, status, role, jid, typ = dissected_presence change_nick = 303 in status_codes kick = 307 in status_codes and typ == 'unavailable' ban = 301 in status_codes and typ == 'unavailable' shutdown = 332 in status_codes and typ == 'unavailable' server_initiated = 333 in status_codes and typ == 'unavailable' non_member = 322 in status_codes and typ == 'unavailable' user = self.get_user_by_name(from_nick) # New user if not user and typ != "unavailable": user_color = self.search_for_color(from_nick) self.core.events.trigger('muc_join', presence, self) self.on_user_join(from_nick, affiliation, show, status, role, jid, user_color) elif user is None: log.error('BUG: User %s in %s is None', from_nick, self.jid.bare) return elif change_nick: self.core.events.trigger('muc_nickchange', presence, self) self.on_user_nick_change(presence, user, from_nick) elif ban: self.core.events.trigger('muc_ban', presence, self) self.core.on_user_left_private_conversation( from_room, user, status) self.on_user_banned(presence, user, from_nick) elif kick and not server_initiated: self.core.events.trigger('muc_kick', presence, self) self.core.on_user_left_private_conversation( from_room, user, status) self.on_user_kicked(presence, user, from_nick) elif shutdown: self.core.events.trigger('muc_shutdown', presence, self) self.on_muc_shutdown() elif non_member: self.core.events.trigger('muc_shutdown', presence, self) self.on_non_member_kicked() # user quit elif typ == 'unavailable': self.on_user_leave_groupchat(user, jid, status, from_nick, from_room, server_initiated) # status change else: self.on_user_change_status(user, from_nick, from_room, affiliation, role, show, status) def on_non_member_kicked(self) -> None: """We have been kicked because the MUC is members-only""" self.add_message( MucOwnLeaveMessage( 'You have been kicked because you ' 'are not a member and the room is now members-only.' ), typ=2) self.disconnect() def on_muc_shutdown(self) -> None: """We have been kicked because the MUC service is shutting down""" self.add_message( MucOwnLeaveMessage( 'You have been kicked because the' ' MUC service is shutting down.' ), typ=2) self.disconnect() def on_user_join(self, from_nick: str, affiliation: str, show: str, status: str, role: str, jid: JID, color: str) -> None: """ When a new user joins the groupchat """ user = User(from_nick, affiliation, show, status, role, jid, color) bisect.insort_left(self.users, user) hide_exit_join = config.get_by_tabname('hide_exit_join', self.general_jid) if hide_exit_join != 0: if config.get_by_tabname('display_user_color_in_join_part', self.general_jid): color = dump_tuple(user.color) else: color = "3" theme = get_theme() info_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) spec_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_JOIN_CHAR) char_join = theme.CHAR_JOIN if not jid.full: msg = ('\x19%(color_spec)s}%(spec)s \x19%(color)s}%(nick)s' '\x19%(info_col)s} joined the room') % { 'nick': from_nick, 'spec': char_join, 'color': color, 'info_col': info_col, 'color_spec': spec_col, } else: msg = ('\x19%(color_spec)s}%(spec)s \x19%(color)s}%(nick)s' '\x19%(info_col)s} (\x19%(jid_color)s}%(jid)s\x19' '%(info_col)s}) joined the room') % { 'spec': char_join, 'nick': from_nick, 'color': color, 'jid': jid.full, 'info_col': info_col, 'jid_color': dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_MUC_JID), 'color_spec': spec_col, } self.add_message(InfoMessage(msg), typ=2) self.core.on_user_rejoined_private_conversation(self.jid.bare, from_nick) def on_user_nick_change(self, presence: Presence, user: User, from_nick: str) -> None: new_nick = presence.xml.find( '{%s}x/{%s}item' % (NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER) ).attrib['nick'] old_color_tuple = user.color if user.nick == self.own_nick: self.own_nick = new_nick # also change our nick in all private discussions of this room self.core.handler.on_muc_own_nickchange(self) user.change_nick(new_nick) else: user.change_nick(new_nick) color = config.get_by_tabname(new_nick, 'muc_colors') or None user.change_color(color) self.users.remove(user) bisect.insort_left(self.users, user) if config.get_by_tabname('display_user_color_in_join_part', self.general_jid): color = dump_tuple(user.color) old_color = dump_tuple(old_color_tuple) else: old_color = color = "3" info_col = dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) self.add_message( InfoMessage( '\x19%(old_color)s}%(old)s\x19%(info_col)s} is' ' now known as \x19%(color)s}%(new)s' % { 'old': from_nick, 'new': new_nick, 'color': color, 'old_color': old_color, 'info_col': info_col }, ), typ=2) # rename the private tabs if needed self.core.rename_private_tabs(self.jid.bare, from_nick, user) def on_user_banned(self, presence: Presence, user: User, from_nick: str) -> None: """ When someone is banned from a muc """ cls = InfoMessage self.users.remove(user) by = presence.xml.find('{%s}x/{%s}item/{%s}actor' % (NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER)) reason = presence.xml.find('{%s}x/{%s}item/{%s}reason' % (NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER)) if by: by = by.get('jid') or by.get('nick') or None else: by = None theme = get_theme() info_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) char_kick = theme.CHAR_KICK if from_nick == self.own_nick: # we are banned cls = MucOwnLeaveMessage if by: kick_msg = ('\x191}%(spec)s \x193}You\x19%(info_col)s}' ' have been banned by \x194}%(by)s') % { 'spec': char_kick, 'by': by, 'info_col': info_col } else: kick_msg = ('\x191}%(spec)s \x193}You\x19' '%(info_col)s} have been banned.') % { 'spec': char_kick, 'info_col': info_col } self.core.disable_private_tabs(self.jid.bare, reason=kick_msg) self.disconnect() self.refresh_tab_win() self.core.tabs.current_tab.refresh_input() if config.get_by_tabname('autorejoin', self.general_jid): delay = config.get_by_tabname('autorejoin_delay', self.general_jid) delay = common.parse_str_to_secs(delay) if delay <= 0: muc.join_groupchat(self.core, self.jid.bare, self.own_nick) else: self.core.add_timed_event( timed_events.DelayedEvent(delay, muc.join_groupchat, self.core, self.jid.bare, self.own_nick)) else: if config.get_by_tabname('display_user_color_in_join_part', self.general_jid): color = dump_tuple(user.color) else: color = "3" if by: kick_msg = ('\x191}%(spec)s \x19%(color)s}' '%(nick)s\x19%(info_col)s} ' 'has been banned by \x194}%(by)s') % { 'spec': char_kick, 'nick': from_nick, 'color': color, 'by': by, 'info_col': info_col } else: kick_msg = ('\x191}%(spec)s \x19%(color)s}%(nick)s' '\x19%(info_col)s} has been banned') % { 'spec': char_kick, 'nick': from_nick, 'color': color, 'info_col': info_col } if reason is not None and reason.text: kick_msg += ('\x19%(info_col)s} Reason: \x196}' '%(reason)s\x19%(info_col)s}') % { 'reason': reason.text, 'info_col': info_col } self.add_message(cls(kick_msg), typ=2) def on_user_kicked(self, presence: Presence, user: User, from_nick: str) -> None: """ When someone is kicked from a muc """ cls = InfoMessage self.users.remove(user) actor_elem = presence.xml.find('{%s}x/{%s}item/{%s}actor' % (NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER)) reason = presence.xml.find('{%s}x/{%s}item/{%s}reason' % (NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER, NS_MUC_USER)) by = None theme = get_theme() info_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) char_kick = theme.CHAR_KICK if actor_elem is not None: by = actor_elem.get('nick') or actor_elem.get('jid') if from_nick == self.own_nick: # we are kicked cls = MucOwnLeaveMessage if by: kick_msg = ('\x191}%(spec)s \x193}You\x19' '%(info_col)s} have been kicked' ' by \x193}%(by)s') % { 'spec': char_kick, 'by': by, 'info_col': info_col } else: kick_msg = ('\x191}%(spec)s \x193}You\x19%(info_col)s}' ' have been kicked.') % { 'spec': char_kick, 'info_col': info_col } self.core.disable_private_tabs(self.jid.bare, reason=kick_msg) self.disconnect() self.refresh_tab_win() self.core.tabs.current_tab.refresh_input() # try to auto-rejoin if config.get_by_tabname('autorejoin', self.general_jid): delay = config.get_by_tabname('autorejoin_delay', self.general_jid) delay = common.parse_str_to_secs(delay) if delay <= 0: muc.join_groupchat(self.core, self.jid.bare, self.own_nick) else: self.core.add_timed_event( timed_events.DelayedEvent(delay, muc.join_groupchat, self.core, self.jid.bare, self.own_nick)) else: if config.get_by_tabname('display_user_color_in_join_part', self.general_jid): color = dump_tuple(user.color) else: color = "3" if by: kick_msg = ('\x191}%(spec)s \x19%(color)s}%(nick)s' '\x19%(info_col)s} has been kicked by ' '\x193}%(by)s') % { 'spec': char_kick, 'nick': from_nick, 'color': color, 'by': by, 'info_col': info_col } else: kick_msg = ('\x191}%(spec)s \x19%(color)s}%(nick)s' '\x19%(info_col)s} has been kicked') % { 'spec': char_kick, 'nick': from_nick, 'color': color, 'info_col': info_col } if reason is not None and reason.text: kick_msg += ('\x19%(info_col)s} Reason: \x196}' '%(reason)s') % { 'reason': reason.text, 'info_col': info_col } self.add_message(cls(kick_msg), typ=2) def on_user_leave_groupchat(self, user: User, jid: JID, status: str, from_nick: str, from_room: JID, server_initiated: bool = False) -> None: """ When a user leaves a groupchat """ self.users.remove(user) if self.own_nick == user.nick: # We are now out of the room. # Happens with some buggy (? not sure) servers self.disconnect() self.core.disable_private_tabs(from_room) self.refresh_tab_win() hide_exit_join = config.get_by_tabname('hide_exit_join', self.general_jid) if hide_exit_join <= -1 or user.has_talked_since(hide_exit_join): if config.get_by_tabname('display_user_color_in_join_part', self.general_jid): color = dump_tuple(user.color) else: color = "3" theme = get_theme() info_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) spec_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_QUIT_CHAR) error_leave_txt = '' if server_initiated: error_leave_txt = ' due to an error' if not jid.full: leave_msg = ('\x19%(color_spec)s}%(spec)s \x19%(color)s}' '%(nick)s\x19%(info_col)s} has left the ' 'room%(error_leave)s') % { 'nick': from_nick, 'color': color, 'spec': theme.CHAR_QUIT, 'info_col': info_col, 'color_spec': spec_col, 'error_leave': error_leave_txt, } else: jid_col = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_MUC_JID) leave_msg = ('\x19%(color_spec)s}%(spec)s \x19%(color)s}' '%(nick)s\x19%(info_col)s} (\x19%(jid_col)s}' '%(jid)s\x19%(info_col)s}) has left the ' 'room%(error_leave)s') % { 'spec': theme.CHAR_QUIT, 'nick': from_nick, 'color': color, 'jid': jid.full, 'info_col': info_col, 'color_spec': spec_col, 'jid_col': jid_col, 'error_leave': error_leave_txt, } if status: leave_msg += ' (\x19o%s\x19%s})' % (status, info_col) self.add_message(InfoMessage(leave_msg), typ=2) self.core.on_user_left_private_conversation(from_room, user, status) def on_user_change_status(self, user: User, from_nick: str, from_room: str, affiliation: str, role: str, show: str, status: str) -> None: """ When a user changes her status """ # build the message display_message = False # flag to know if something significant enough # to be displayed has changed if config.get_by_tabname('display_user_color_in_join_part', self.general_jid): color = dump_tuple(user.color) else: color = "3" info_col = dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) if from_nick == self.own_nick: msg = '\x19%(color)s}You\x19%(info_col)s} changed: ' % { 'info_col': info_col, 'color': color } else: msg = '\x19%(color)s}%(nick)s\x19%(info_col)s} changed: ' % { 'nick': from_nick, 'color': color, 'info_col': info_col } if affiliation != user.affiliation: msg += 'affiliation: %s, ' % affiliation display_message = True if role != user.role: msg += 'role: %s, ' % role display_message = True if show != user.show and show in SHOW_NAME: msg += 'show: %s, ' % SHOW_NAME[show] display_message = True if status != user.status: # if the user sets his status to nothing if status: msg += 'status: %s, ' % status display_message = True elif show in SHOW_NAME and show == user.show: msg += 'show: %s, ' % SHOW_NAME[show] display_message = True if not display_message: return msg = msg[:-2] # remove the last ", " hide_status_change = config.get_by_tabname('hide_status_change', self.general_jid) if hide_status_change < -1: hide_status_change = -1 if ((hide_status_change == -1 or user.has_talked_since(hide_status_change) or user.nick == self.own_nick) and (affiliation != user.affiliation or role != user.role or show != user.show or status != user.status)) or ( affiliation != user.affiliation or role != user.role): # display the message in the room self.add_message(InfoMessage(msg)) self.core.on_user_changed_status_in_private( '%s/%s' % (from_room, from_nick), Status(show, status)) self.users.remove(user) # finally, effectively change the user status user.update(affiliation, show, status, role) bisect.insort_left(self.users, user) def disconnect(self) -> None: """ Set the state of the room as not joined, so we can know if we can join it, send messages to it, etc """ self.presence_buffer = [] self.users = [] if self is not self.core.tabs.current_tab: self.state = 'disconnected' self.joined = False self.disable_self_ping_event() def get_single_line_topic(self) -> str: """ Return the topic as a single-line string (for the window header) """ return self.topic.replace('\n', '|') def log_message(self, msg: Message, typ: int = 1) -> None: """ Log the messages in the archives, if it needs to be """ if not isinstance(msg, Message): return if not msg.history and self.joined and msg.nickname and msg.txt: # don't log the history messages if not logger.log_message(self.jid.bare, msg.nickname, msg.txt, typ=typ): self.core.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error') def get_user_by_name(self, nick: str) -> Optional[User]: """ Gets the user associated with the given nick, or None if not found """ for user in self.users: if user.nick == nick: return user return None def add_message(self, msg: BaseMessage, typ: int = 1) -> None: """Add a message to the text buffer and set various tab status""" # reset self-ping interval if self.self_ping_event: self.enable_self_ping_event() super().add_message(msg, typ=typ) if not isinstance(msg, Message): return if msg.user: msg.user.set_last_talked(msg.time) if config.get_by_tabname('notify_messages', self.jid.bare) and self.state != 'current': if msg.nickname != self.own_nick and not msg.history: self.state = 'message' if msg.txt and msg.nickname: self.do_highlight(msg.txt, msg.nickname, msg.history) def modify_message(self, txt: str, old_id: str, new_id: str, time: Optional[datetime] = None, delayed: bool = False, nickname: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[User] = None, jid: Optional[JID] = None) -> bool: highlight = self.message_is_highlight( txt, nickname, delayed, corrected=True ) message = self._text_buffer.modify_message( txt, old_id, new_id, highlight=highlight, time=time, user=user, jid=jid) if message: self.log_message(message, typ=1) self.text_win.modify_message(message.identifier, message) return highlight return False def matching_names(self) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]: return [(1, self.jid.user), (3, self.jid.full)] def enable_self_ping_event(self) -> None: delay = config.get_by_tabname( "self_ping_delay", self.general_jid, default=0) interval = int( config.get_by_tabname( "self_ping_interval", self.general_jid, default=delay)) if interval <= 0: # use 0 or some negative value to disable it return self.disable_self_ping_event() self.self_ping_event = timed_events.DelayedEvent( interval, self.send_self_ping) self.core.add_timed_event(self.self_ping_event) def disable_self_ping_event(self) -> None: if self.self_ping_event is not None: self.core.remove_timed_event(self.self_ping_event) self.self_ping_event = None def send_self_ping(self) -> None: timeout = config.get_by_tabname( "self_ping_timeout", self.general_jid, default=60) to = self.jid.bare + "/" + self.own_nick self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0199'].send_ping( jid=to, callback=self.on_self_ping_result, timeout_callback=self.on_self_ping_failed, timeout=timeout) def on_self_ping_result(self, iq: Iq) -> None: if iq["type"] == "error" and iq["error"]["condition"] not in \ ("feature-not-implemented", "service-unavailable", "item-not-found"): self.command_cycle(iq["error"]["text"] or "not in this room") self.core.refresh_window() else: # Re-send a self-ping in a few seconds self.reset_lag() self.enable_self_ping_event() def search_for_color(self, nick: str) -> str: """ Search for the color of a nick in the config file. Also, look at the colors of its possible aliases if nick_color_aliases is set. """ color = cast(str, config.get_by_tabname(nick, 'muc_colors')) if color != '': return color nick_color_aliases = config.get_by_tabname('nick_color_aliases', self.jid.bare) if nick_color_aliases: nick_alias = re.sub('^_*(.*?)_*$', '\\1', nick) color = config.get_by_tabname(nick_alias, 'muc_colors') return color def on_self_ping_failed(self, iq: Any = None) -> None: if not self.lagged: self.lagged = True self._text_buffer.add_message( InfoMessage( "MUC service not responding." ), ) self._state = 'disconnected' self.core.refresh_window() self.enable_self_ping_event() def reset_lag(self) -> None: if self.lagged: self.lagged = False self.add_message( InfoMessage("MUC service is responding again.") ) if self != self.core.tabs.current_tab: self._state = 'joined' else: self._state = 'normal' self.core.refresh_window() ########################## UI ONLY ##################################### @refresh_wrapper.always def go_to_next_hl(self) -> None: """ Go to the next HL in the room, or the last """ self.text_win.next_highlight() @refresh_wrapper.always def go_to_prev_hl(self) -> None: """ Go to the previous HL in the room, or the first """ self.text_win.previous_highlight() @refresh_wrapper.always def scroll_user_list_up(self) -> None: "Scroll up in the userlist" self.user_win.scroll_up() @refresh_wrapper.always def scroll_user_list_down(self) -> None: "Scroll down in the userlist" self.user_win.scroll_down() def resize(self) -> None: """ Resize the whole window. i.e. all its sub-windows """ self.need_resize = False if config.getbool('hide_user_list') or self.size.tab_degrade_x: text_width = self.width else: text_width = (self.width // 10) * 9 if self.size.tab_degrade_y: tab_win_height = 0 info_win_height = 0 else: tab_win_height = Tab.tab_win_height() info_win_height = self.core.information_win_size self.user_win.resize( self.height - 3 - info_win_height - tab_win_height, self.width - (self.width // 10) * 9 - 1, 1, (self.width // 10) * 9 + 1) self.v_separator.resize( self.height - 3 - info_win_height - tab_win_height, 1, 1, 9 * (self.width // 10)) self.topic_win.resize(1, self.width, 0, 0) self.text_win.resize( self.height - 3 - info_win_height - tab_win_height, text_width, 1, 0) self.text_win.rebuild_everything(self._text_buffer) self.info_header.resize( 1, self.width, self.height - 2 - info_win_height - tab_win_height, 0) self.input.resize(1, self.width, self.height - 1, 0) def refresh(self) -> None: if self.need_resize: self.resize() log.debug(' TAB Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) if config.getbool('hide_user_list') or self.size.tab_degrade_x: display_user_list = False else: display_user_list = True display_info_win = not self.size.tab_degrade_y self.topic_win.refresh(self.get_single_line_topic()) self.text_win.refresh() if display_user_list: self.v_separator.refresh() self.user_win.refresh(self.users) self.info_header.refresh( self, self.text_win, user=self.own_user, information=MucTab.additional_information) self.refresh_tab_win() if display_info_win: self.info_win.refresh() self.input.refresh() def on_info_win_size_changed(self) -> None: if self.core.information_win_size >= self.height - 3: return if config.getbool("hide_user_list"): text_width = self.width else: text_width = (self.width // 10) * 9 self.user_win.resize( self.height - 3 - self.core.information_win_size - Tab.tab_win_height(), self.width - (self.width // 10) * 9 - 1, 1, (self.width // 10) * 9 + 1) self.v_separator.resize( self.height - 3 - self.core.information_win_size - Tab.tab_win_height(), 1, 1, 9 * (self.width // 10)) self.text_win.resize( self.height - 3 - self.core.information_win_size - Tab.tab_win_height(), text_width, 1, 0) self.info_header.resize( 1, self.width, self.height - 2 - self.core.information_win_size - Tab.tab_win_height(), 0) # This maxsize is kinda arbitrary, but most users won’t have that many # nicknames anyway. @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=8) def build_highlight_regex(self, nickname: str) -> Pattern: return re.compile(r"(^|\W)" + re.escape(nickname) + r"(\W|$)", re.I) def message_is_highlight(self, txt: str, nickname: Optional[str], history: bool, corrected: bool = False) -> bool: """Highlight algorithm for MUC tabs""" # Don't highlight on info message or our own messages if not nickname or nickname == self.own_nick: return False highlight_on = config.get_by_tabname( 'highlight_on', self.general_jid, ).split(':') highlighted = False if not history: if self.build_highlight_regex(self.own_nick).search(txt): highlighted = True else: for word in highlight_on: if word and word.lower() in txt.lower(): highlighted = True break return highlighted def do_highlight(self, txt: str, nickname: str, history: bool, corrected: bool = False) -> bool: """Set the tab color and returns the highlight state""" highlighted = self.message_is_highlight( txt, nickname, history, corrected ) if highlighted and self.joined and not corrected: if self.state != 'current': self.state = 'highlight' beep_on = config.getlist('beep_on') if 'highlight' in beep_on and 'message' not in beep_on: if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', self.jid.bare): curses.beep() return True return False ########################## COMMANDS #################################### @command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1, ['']) async def command_invite(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """/invite [reason]""" if args is None: self.core.command.help('invite') return jid, reason = args await self.core.command.invite('%s %s "%s"' % (jid, self.jid.bare, reason)) @command_args_parser.quoted(1) def command_info(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /info """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('info') return nick = args[0] if not self.print_info(nick): self.core.information("Unknown user: %s" % nick, "Error") @command_args_parser.quoted(0) async def command_configure(self, ignored: Any) -> None: """ /configure """ try: form = await self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].get_room_config( self.jid.bare ) self.core.open_new_form(form, self.cancel_config, self.send_config) except (IqError, IqTimeout, ValueError): self.core.information( 'Could not retrieve the configuration form', 'Error') @command_args_parser.raw def command_cycle(self, msg: str) -> None: """/cycle [reason]""" self.leave_room(msg) self.join() @command_args_parser.ignored def command_recolor(self) -> None: """ /recolor [random] Re-assigns color to the participants of the room """ self.recolor() @command_args_parser.quoted(2, 2, ['']) def command_color(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /color Fix a color for a nick. Use "unset" instead of a color to remove the attribution. User "random" to attribute a random color. """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('color') return nick = args[0] color = args[1].lower() if nick == self.own_nick: self.core.information( "You cannot change the color of your" " own nick.", 'Error' ) elif color not in xhtml.colors and color not in ('unset', 'random'): self.core.information("Unknown color: %s" % color, 'Error') else: self.set_nick_color(nick, color) @command_args_parser.quoted(1) async def command_version(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /version """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('version') return nick = args[0] try: if nick in {user.nick for user in self.users}: jid = copy(self.jid) jid.resource = nick else: jid = JID(nick) except InvalidJID: self.core.information('Invalid jid or nick %r' % nick, 'Error') return iq = await self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0092'].get_version(jid) self.core.handler.on_version_result(iq) @command_args_parser.quoted(1) def command_nick(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /nick """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('nick') return nick = args[0] if not self.joined: self.core.information('/nick only works in joined rooms', 'Info') return current_status = self.core.get_status() try: target_jid = copy(self.jid) target_jid.resource = nick except InvalidJID: self.core.information('Invalid nick', 'Info') return muc.change_nick(self.core, self.jid.bare, nick, current_status.message, current_status.show) @command_args_parser.quoted(0, 1, ['']) def command_part(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /part [msg] """ message = args[0] self.leave_room(message) if self == self.core.tabs.current_tab: self.refresh() self.core.doupdate() @command_args_parser.raw def command_leave(self, msg: str) -> None: """ /leave [msg] """ self.command_close(msg) @command_args_parser.raw def command_close(self, msg: str) -> None: """ /close [msg] """ self.leave_room(msg) if config.getbool('synchronise_open_rooms'): if self.jid in self.core.bookmarks: self.core.bookmarks[self.jid].autojoin = False asyncio.ensure_future( self.core.bookmarks.save(self.core.xmpp) ) self.core.close_tab(self) def on_close(self) -> None: super().on_close() if self.joined: self.leave_room('') @command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1) def command_query(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /query [message] """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('query') return nick = args[0] r = None for user in self.users: if user.nick == nick: r = self.core.open_private_window(self.jid.bare, user.nick) if r and len(args) == 2: msg = args[1] r.command_say( xhtml.convert_simple_to_full_colors(msg) ) if not r: self.core.information("Cannot find user: %s" % nick, 'Error') @command_args_parser.raw def command_topic(self, subject: str) -> None: """ /topic [new topic] """ if not subject: self.show_topic() else: self.change_topic(subject) @command_args_parser.quoted(0) def command_names(self, args: Any) -> None: """ /names """ if not self.joined: return theme = get_theme() aff = { 'owner': theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_OWNER, 'admin': theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_ADMIN, 'member': theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_MEMBER, 'none': theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_NONE, } colors = {} colors["visitor"] = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_USER_VISITOR) colors["moderator"] = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_USER_MODERATOR) colors["participant"] = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_USER_PARTICIPANT) color_other = dump_tuple(theme.COLOR_USER_NONE) buff = ['Users: %s \n' % len(self.users)] for user in self.users: affiliation = aff.get(user.affiliation, theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_NONE) color = colors.get(user.role, color_other) buff.append( '\x19%s}%s\x19o\x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, affiliation, dump_tuple(user.color), user.nick)) buff.append('\n') message = ' '.join(buff) self.add_message(InfoMessage(message), typ=0) self.text_win.refresh() self.input.refresh() @command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1) async def command_kick(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /kick [reason] """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('kick') return if len(args) == 2: reason = args[1] else: reason = '' nick = args[0] await self.change_role(nick, 'none', reason) @command_args_parser.quoted(1, 1) async def command_ban(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /ban [reason] """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('ban') return nick = args[0] msg = args[1] if len(args) == 2 else '' await self.change_affiliation(nick, 'outcast', msg) @command_args_parser.quoted(2, 1, ['']) async def command_role(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /role [reason] Changes the role of a user roles can be: none, visitor, participant, moderator """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('role') return nick, role, reason = args[0], args[1].lower(), args[2] try: await self.change_role(nick, role, reason) except IqError as iq: self.core.room_error(iq, self.jid.bare) @command_args_parser.quoted(0, 2) async def command_affiliation(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /affiliation [ ] Changes the affiliation of a user affiliations can be: outcast, none, member, admin, owner """ room = JID(self.name) if not room: self.core.information('affiliation: requires a valid chat address', 'Error') return # List affiliations if not args: await self.get_users_affiliations(room) return None if len(args) != 2: self.core.command.help('affiliation') return nick, affiliation = args[0], args[1].lower() # Set affiliation await self.change_affiliation(nick, affiliation) async def get_users_affiliations(self, jid: JID) -> None: owners, admins, members, outcasts = await asyncio.gather( self.core.xmpp['xep_0045'].get_affiliation_list(jid, 'owner'), self.core.xmpp['xep_0045'].get_affiliation_list(jid, 'admin'), self.core.xmpp['xep_0045'].get_affiliation_list(jid, 'member'), self.core.xmpp['xep_0045'].get_affiliation_list(jid, 'outcast'), return_exceptions=True, ) all_errors = functools.reduce( lambda acc, iq: acc and isinstance(iq, (IqError, IqTimeout)), (owners, admins, members, outcasts), True, ) if all_errors: self.core.information( 'Can’t access affiliations for %s' % jid.bare, 'Error', ) return None theme = get_theme() aff_colors = { 'owner': theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_OWNER, 'admin': theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_ADMIN, 'member': theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_MEMBER, 'outcast': theme.CHAR_AFFILIATION_OUTCAST, } lines = ['Affiliations for %s' % jid.bare] affiliation_dict = { 'owner': owners, 'admin': admins, 'member': members, 'outcast': outcasts, } for affiliation, items in affiliation_dict.items(): if isinstance(items, BaseException) or not items: continue aff_char = aff_colors[affiliation] lines.append(' %s%s' % (aff_char, affiliation.capitalize())) for ajid in sorted(items): lines.append(' %s' % ajid) self.core.information('\n'.join(lines), 'Info') return None @command_args_parser.raw def command_say(self, line: str, correct: bool = False) -> None: """ /say Or normal input + enter """ needed = 'inactive' if self.inactive else 'active' msg = self.core.xmpp.make_message(self.jid.bare) msg['type'] = 'groupchat' msg['body'] = line # trigger the event BEFORE looking for colors. # This lets a plugin insert \x19xxx} colors, that will # be converted in xhtml. self.core.events.trigger('muc_say', msg, self) if not msg['body']: self.cancel_paused_delay() self.text_win.refresh() self.input.refresh() return if msg['body'].find('\x19') != -1: msg.enable('html') msg['html']['body'] = xhtml.poezio_colors_to_html(msg['body']) msg['body'] = xhtml.clean_text(msg['body']) if config.get_by_tabname('send_chat_states', self.general_jid): msg['chat_state'] = needed if correct: msg['replace']['id'] = self.last_sent_message['id'] self.cancel_paused_delay() self.core.events.trigger('muc_say_after', msg, self) if not msg['body']: self.cancel_paused_delay() self.text_win.refresh() self.input.refresh() return # TODO: #3314. Display outgoing MUC message. self.set_last_sent_message(msg, correct=correct) msg.send() self.chat_state = needed @command_args_parser.raw def command_xhtml(self, msg: str) -> None: message = self.generate_xhtml_message(msg) if message: message['type'] = 'groupchat' message.send() @command_args_parser.quoted(1) def command_ignore(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /ignore """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('ignore') return nick = args[0] user = self.get_user_by_name(nick) if not user: self.core.information('%s is not in the room' % nick) elif user in self.ignores: self.core.information('%s is already ignored' % nick) else: self.ignores.append(user) self.core.information("%s is now ignored" % nick, 'info') @command_args_parser.quoted(1) def command_unignore(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ /unignore """ if args is None: self.core.command.help('unignore') return nick = args[0] user = self.get_user_by_name(nick) if not user: self.core.information('%s is not in the room' % nick) elif user not in self.ignores: self.core.information('%s is not ignored' % nick) else: self.ignores.remove(user) self.core.information('%s is now unignored' % nick) ########################## COMPLETIONS ################################# def completion(self) -> None: """ Called when Tab is pressed, complete the nickname in the input """ if self.complete_commands(self.input): return # If we are not completing a command or a command argument, # complete a nick word_list = [] for user in sorted(self.users, key=COMPARE_USERS_LAST_TALKED, reverse=True): if user.nick != self.own_nick: word_list.append(user.nick) after = config.getstr('after_completion') + ' ' input_pos = self.input.pos if ' ' not in self.input.get_text()[:input_pos] or ( self.input.last_completion and self.input.get_text() [:input_pos] == self.input.last_completion + after): add_after = after else: if not config.getbool('add_space_after_completion'): add_after = '' else: add_after = ' ' self.input.auto_completion(word_list, add_after, quotify=False) empty_after = self.input.get_text() == '' empty_after = empty_after or ( self.input.get_text().startswith('/') and not self.input.get_text().startswith('//')) self.send_composing_chat_state(empty_after) def completion_version(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Completion: """Completion for /version""" userlist = [] for user in sorted(self.users, key=COMPARE_USERS_LAST_TALKED, reverse=True): if user.nick != self.own_nick: userlist.append(user.nick) comp = [] for jid in (jid for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])): for resource in roster[jid].resources: comp.append(resource.jid) comp.sort() userlist.extend(comp) return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, userlist, quotify=False) def completion_info(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Completion: """Completion for /info""" userlist = [] for user in sorted(self.users, key=COMPARE_USERS_LAST_TALKED, reverse=True): userlist.append(user.nick) return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, userlist, quotify=False) def completion_nick(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Completion: """Completion for /nick""" nicks_list = [ os.environ.get('USER'), config.getstr('default_nick'), self.core.get_bookmark_nickname(self.jid.bare) ] nicks = [i for i in nicks_list if i] return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, nicks, '', quotify=False) def completion_recolor(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Optional[Completion]: if the_input.get_argument_position() == 1: return Completion( the_input.new_completion, ['random'], 1, '', quotify=False) return None def completion_color(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Optional[Completion]: """Completion for /color""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 1: userlist = [user.nick for user in self.users] if self.own_nick in userlist: userlist.remove(self.own_nick) return Completion( the_input.new_completion, userlist, 1, '', quotify=True) elif n == 2: colors = [i for i in xhtml.colors if i] colors.sort() colors.append('unset') colors.append('random') return Completion( the_input.new_completion, colors, 2, '', quotify=False) return None def completion_ignore(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Completion: """Completion for /ignore""" userlist = [user.nick for user in self.users] if self.own_nick in userlist: userlist.remove(self.own_nick) userlist.sort() return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, userlist, quotify=False) def completion_role(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Optional[Completion]: """Completion for /role""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 1: userlist = [user.nick for user in self.users] if self.own_nick in userlist: userlist.remove(self.own_nick) return Completion( the_input.new_completion, userlist, 1, '', quotify=True) elif n == 2: possible_roles = ['none', 'visitor', 'participant', 'moderator'] return Completion( the_input.new_completion, possible_roles, 2, '', quotify=True) return None def completion_affiliation(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Optional[Completion]: """Completion for /affiliation""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 1: userlist = [user.nick for user in self.users] if self.own_nick in userlist: userlist.remove(self.own_nick) jidlist = [user.jid.bare for user in self.users] if self.core.xmpp.boundjid.bare in jidlist: jidlist.remove(self.core.xmpp.boundjid.bare) userlist.extend(jidlist) return Completion( the_input.new_completion, userlist, 1, '', quotify=True) elif n == 2: possible_affiliations = [ 'none', 'member', 'admin', 'owner', 'outcast' ] return Completion( the_input.new_completion, possible_affiliations, 2, '', quotify=True) return None def completion_invite(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Optional[Completion]: """Completion for /invite""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 1: return Completion( the_input.new_completion, roster.jids(), 1, quotify=True) return None def completion_topic(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Optional[Completion]: if the_input.get_argument_position() == 1: return Completion( the_input.auto_completion, [self.topic], '', quotify=False) return None def completion_quoted(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Optional[Completion]: """Nick completion, but with quotes""" if the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) == 1: word_list = [] for user in sorted(self.users, key=COMPARE_USERS_LAST_TALKED, reverse=True): if user.nick != self.own_nick: word_list.append(user.nick) return Completion( the_input.new_completion, word_list, 1, quotify=True) return None def completion_unignore(self, the_input: windows.MessageInput) -> Optional[Completion]: if the_input.get_argument_position() == 1: users = [user.nick for user in self.ignores] return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, users, quotify=False) return None ########################## REGISTER STUFF ############################## def register_keys(self) -> None: "Register tab-specific keys" self.key_func['^I'] = self.completion self.key_func['M-u'] = self.scroll_user_list_down self.key_func['M-y'] = self.scroll_user_list_up self.key_func['M-n'] = self.go_to_next_hl self.key_func['M-p'] = self.go_to_prev_hl def register_commands(self) -> None: "Register tab-specific commands" self.register_commands_batch([{ 'name': 'ignore', 'func': self.command_ignore, 'usage': '', 'desc': 'Ignore a specified nickname.', 'shortdesc': 'Ignore someone', 'completion': self.completion_unignore }, { 'name': 'unignore', 'func': self.command_unignore, 'usage': '', 'desc': 'Remove the specified nickname from the ignore list.', 'shortdesc': 'Unignore someone.', 'completion': self.completion_unignore }, { 'name': 'kick', 'func': self.command_kick, 'usage': ' [reason]', 'desc': ('Kick the user with the specified nickname.' ' You also can give an optional reason.'), 'shortdesc': 'Kick someone.', 'completion': self.completion_quoted }, { 'name': 'ban', 'func': self.command_ban, 'usage': ' [reason]', 'desc': ('Ban the user with the specified nickname.' ' You also can give an optional reason.'), 'shortdesc': 'Ban someone', 'completion': self.completion_quoted }, { 'name': 'role', 'func': self.command_role, 'usage': ' [reason]', 'desc': ('Set the role of a user. Roles can be:' ' none, visitor, participant, moderator.' ' You also can give an optional reason.'), 'shortdesc': 'Set the role of a user.', 'completion': self.completion_role }, { 'name': 'affiliation', 'func': self.command_affiliation, 'usage': '[ []]', 'desc': ('Set the affiliation of a user. Affiliations can be:' ' outcast, none, member, admin, owner.'), 'shortdesc': 'Set the affiliation of a user.', 'completion': self.completion_affiliation }, { 'name': 'topic', 'func': self.command_topic, 'usage': '', 'desc': 'Change the subject of the room.', 'shortdesc': 'Change the subject.', 'completion': self.completion_topic }, { 'name': 'subject', 'func': self.command_topic, 'usage': '', 'desc': 'Change the subject of the room.', 'shortdesc': 'Change the subject.', 'completion': self.completion_topic }, { 'name': 'query', 'func': self.command_query, 'usage': ' [message]', 'desc': ('Open a private conversation with . This nick' ' has to be present in the room you\'re currently in.' ' If you specified a message after the nickname, it ' 'will immediately be sent to this user.'), 'shortdesc': 'Query a user.', 'completion': self.completion_quoted }, { 'name': 'part', 'func': self.command_part, 'usage': '[message]', 'desc': ('Disconnect from a room. You can' ' specify an optional message.'), 'shortdesc': 'Leave the room.' }, { 'name': 'leave', 'func': self.command_leave, 'usage': '[message]', 'desc': 'Deprecated alias for /close', 'shortdesc': 'Leave the room.' }, { 'name': 'close', 'func': self.command_close, 'usage': '[message]', 'desc': ('Disconnect from a room and close the tab. ' 'You can specify an optional message if ' 'you are still connected. If synchronise_open_tabs ' 'is true, also disconnect you from your other ' 'clients.'), 'shortdesc': 'Close the tab.' }, { 'name': 'nick', 'func': self.command_nick, 'usage': '', 'desc': 'Change your nickname in the current room.', 'shortdesc': 'Change your nickname.', 'completion': self.completion_nick }, { 'name': 'recolor', 'func': self.command_recolor, 'usage': '', 'desc': ( 'Re-assign a color to all participants of the room ' 'if the theme has changed.' ), 'shortdesc': 'Change the nicks colors.', 'completion': self.completion_recolor }, { 'name': 'color', 'func': self.command_color, 'usage': ' ', 'desc': ('Fix a color for a nick. Use "unset" instead of a ' 'color to remove the attribution'), 'shortdesc': 'Fix a color for a nick.', 'completion': self.completion_recolor }, { 'name': 'cycle', 'func': self.command_cycle, 'usage': '[message]', 'desc': 'Leave the current room and rejoin it immediately.', 'shortdesc': 'Leave and re-join the room.' }, { 'name': 'info', 'func': self.command_info, 'usage': '', 'desc': ('Display some information about the user ' 'in the MUC: their role, affiliation,' ' status and status message.'), 'shortdesc': 'Show a user\'s infos.', 'completion': self.completion_info }, { 'name': 'configure', 'func': self.command_configure, 'desc': 'Configure the current room, through a form.', 'shortdesc': 'Configure the room.' }, { 'name': 'version', 'func': self.command_version, 'usage': '', 'desc': ('Get the software version of the given JID' ' or nick in room (usually its XMPP client' ' and Operating System).'), 'shortdesc': 'Get the software version of a jid.', 'completion': self.completion_version }, { 'name': 'names', 'func': self.command_names, 'desc': 'Get the users in the room with their roles.', 'shortdesc': 'List the users.' }, { 'name': 'invite', 'func': self.command_invite, 'desc': 'Invite a contact to this room', 'usage': ' [reason]', 'shortdesc': 'Invite a contact to this room', 'completion': self.completion_invite }]) class PresenceError(Exception): pass def dissect_presence(presence: Presence) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str, JID, str]: """ Extract relevant information from a presence """ from_nick = presence['from'].resource from_room = presence['from'].bare # Check if it's not an error presence. if presence['type'] == 'error': raise PresenceError(presence) affiliation = presence['muc']['affiliation'] show = presence['show'] status = presence['status'] role = presence['muc']['role'] jid = presence['muc']['jid'] typ = presence['type'] return from_nick, from_room, affiliation, show, status, role, jid, typ