""" A generic tab that displays a serie of items in a scrollable, searchable, sortable list. It should be inherited, to actually provide methods that insert items in the list, and that lets the user interact with them. """ import curses import collections import logging from typing import Dict, Callable from poezio import windows from poezio.core.structs import Command from poezio.decorators import refresh_wrapper from poezio.tabs import Tab log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ListTab(Tab): plugin_commands = {} # type: Dict[str, Command] plugin_keys = {} # type: Dict[str, Callable] def __init__(self, core, name, help_message, header_text, cols): """Parameters: name: The name of the tab help_message: The default help message displayed instead of the input header_text: The text displayed on the header line, at the top of the tab cols: a tuple of 2-tuples. e.g. (('column1_name', number), ('column2_name', number)) """ Tab.__init__(self, core) self.state = 'normal' self._error_message = '' self.name = name columns = collections.OrderedDict() for col, num in cols: columns[col] = num self.list_header = windows.ColumnHeaderWin(list(columns)) self.listview = windows.ListWin(columns) self.info_header = windows.MucListInfoWin(header_text) self.default_help_message = windows.HelpText(help_message) self.input = self.default_help_message self.key_func["KEY_DOWN"] = self.move_cursor_down self.key_func["KEY_UP"] = self.move_cursor_up self.key_func['^I'] = self.completion self.key_func["/"] = self.on_slash self.key_func['KEY_LEFT'] = self.list_header.sel_column_left self.key_func['KEY_RIGHT'] = self.list_header.sel_column_right self.key_func[' '] = self.sort_by self.register_command('close', self.close, shortdesc='Close this tab.') self.resize() self.update_keys() self.update_commands() def get_columns_sizes(self): """ Must be implemented in subclasses. Must return a dict like this: {'column1_name': size1, 'column2_name': size2} Where the size are calculated based on the size of the tab etc """ raise NotImplementedError def refresh(self): if self.need_resize: self.resize() log.debug(' TAB Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) if self.size.tab_degrade_y: display_info_win = False else: display_info_win = True self.info_header.refresh(window=self.listview) if display_info_win: self.info_win.refresh() self.refresh_tab_win() self.list_header.refresh() self.listview.refresh() self.input.refresh() def resize(self): if self.size.tab_degrade_y: info_win_height = 0 tab_win_height = 0 else: info_win_height = self.core.information_win_size tab_win_height = Tab.tab_win_height() self.info_header.resize( 1, self.width, self.height - 2 - info_win_height - tab_win_height, 0) column_size = self.get_columns_sizes() self.list_header.resize_columns(column_size) self.list_header.resize(1, self.width, 0, 0) self.listview.resize_columns(column_size) self.listview.resize( self.height - 3 - info_win_height - tab_win_height, self.width, 1, 0) self.input.resize(1, self.width, self.height - 1, 0) def on_slash(self): """ '/' is pressed, activate the input """ curses.curs_set(1) self.input = windows.CommandInput("", self.reset_help_message, self.execute_slash_command) self.input.resize(1, self.width, self.height - 1, 0) self.input.do_command("/") # we add the slash def close(self, arg=None): self.core.close_tab(self) def set_error(self, msg, code, body): """ If there's an error (retrieving the values etc) """ self._error_message = 'Error: %(code)s - %(msg)s: %(body)s' % { 'msg': msg, 'body': body, 'code': code } self.info_header.message = self._error_message self.info_header.refresh() curses.doupdate() def sort_by(self): if self.list_header.get_order(): self.listview.sort_by_column( col_name=self.list_header.get_sel_column(), asc=False) self.list_header.set_order(False) self.list_header.refresh() else: self.listview.sort_by_column( col_name=self.list_header.get_sel_column(), asc=True) self.list_header.set_order(True) self.list_header.refresh() self.core.doupdate() @refresh_wrapper.always def reset_help_message(self, _=None): if self.closed: return True curses.curs_set(0) self.input = self.default_help_message self.input.resize(1, self.width, self.height - 1, 0) return True def execute_slash_command(self, txt): if txt.startswith('/'): self.input.key_enter() self.execute_command(txt) return self.reset_help_message() def completion(self): if isinstance(self.input, windows.Input): self.complete_commands(self.input) def on_input(self, key, raw): res = self.input.do_command(key, raw=raw) if res and not isinstance(self.input, windows.Input): return True elif res: return False if not raw and key in self.key_func: return self.key_func[key]() def on_info_win_size_changed(self): if self.core.information_win_size >= self.height - 3: return self.info_header.resize( 1, self.width, self.height - 2 - self.core.information_win_size - Tab.tab_win_height(), 0) self.listview.resize( self.height - 3 - self.core.information_win_size - Tab.tab_win_height(), self.width, 1, 0) def on_lose_focus(self): self.state = 'normal' def on_gain_focus(self): self.state = 'current' curses.curs_set(0) def on_scroll_up(self): return self.listview.scroll_up() def on_scroll_down(self): return self.listview.scroll_down() def move_cursor_up(self): self.listview.move_cursor_up() self.listview.refresh() self.core.doupdate() def move_cursor_down(self): self.listview.move_cursor_down() self.listview.refresh() self.core.doupdate() def matching_names(self): return [(2, self.name)]