""" Module for the ConversationTabs A ConversationTab is a direct chat between two JIDs, outside of a room. There are two different instances of a ConversationTab: - A DynamicConversationTab that implements XEP-0296 (best practices for resource locking), which means it will switch the resource it is focused on depending on the presences received. This is the default. - A StaticConversationTab that will stay focused on one resource all the time. """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import curses from poezio.tabs.basetabs import OneToOneTab, Tab from poezio import common from poezio import fixes from poezio import windows from poezio import xhtml from poezio.common import safeJID from poezio.config import config from poezio.decorators import refresh_wrapper from poezio.roster import roster from poezio.theming import get_theme, dump_tuple from poezio.decorators import command_args_parser class ConversationTab(OneToOneTab): """ The tab containg a normal conversation (not from a MUC) Must not be instantiated, use Static or Dynamic version only. """ plugin_commands = {} plugin_keys = {} additional_informations = {} message_type = 'chat' def __init__(self, core, jid): OneToOneTab.__init__(self, core, jid) self.nick = None self.nick_sent = False self.state = 'normal' self.name = jid # a conversation tab is linked to one specific full jid OR bare jid self.text_win = windows.TextWin() self._text_buffer.add_window(self.text_win) self.upper_bar = windows.ConversationStatusMessageWin() self.input = windows.MessageInput() # keys self.key_func['^I'] = self.completion # commands self.register_command('unquery', self.command_unquery, shortdesc='Close the tab.') self.register_command('close', self.command_unquery, shortdesc='Close the tab.') self.register_command('version', self.command_version, desc='Get the software version of the current interlocutor (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).', shortdesc='Get the software version of the user.') self.register_command('info', self.command_info, shortdesc='Get the status of the contact.') self.register_command('last_activity', self.command_last_activity, usage='[jid]', desc='Get the last activity of the given or the current contact.', shortdesc='Get the activity.', completion=self.core.completion.last_activity) self.resize() self.update_commands() self.update_keys() @property def general_jid(self): return safeJID(self.name).bare @staticmethod def add_information_element(plugin_name, callback): """ Lets a plugin add its own information to the ConversationInfoWin """ ConversationTab.additional_informations[plugin_name] = callback @staticmethod def remove_information_element(plugin_name): del ConversationTab.additional_informations[plugin_name] def completion(self): self.complete_commands(self.input) @command_args_parser.raw def command_say(self, line, attention=False, correct=False): msg = self.core.xmpp.make_message(self.get_dest_jid()) msg['type'] = 'chat' msg['body'] = line if not self.nick_sent: msg['nick'] = self.core.own_nick self.nick_sent = True # trigger the event BEFORE looking for colors. # and before displaying the message in the window # This lets a plugin insert \x19xxx} colors, that will # be converted in xhtml. self.core.events.trigger('conversation_say', msg, self) if not msg['body']: self.cancel_paused_delay() self.text_win.refresh() self.input.refresh() return replaced = False if correct or msg['replace']['id']: msg['replace']['id'] = self.last_sent_message['id'] if config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections', self.name): try: self.modify_message(msg['body'], self.last_sent_message['id'], msg['id'], jid=self.core.xmpp.boundjid, nickname=self.core.own_nick) replaced = True except: log.error('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True) else: del msg['replace'] if msg['body'].find('\x19') != -1: msg.enable('html') msg['html']['body'] = xhtml.poezio_colors_to_html(msg['body']) msg['body'] = xhtml.clean_text(msg['body']) if (config.get_by_tabname('send_chat_states', self.general_jid) and self.remote_wants_chatstates is not False): needed = 'inactive' if self.inactive else 'active' msg['chat_state'] = needed if attention and self.remote_supports_attention: msg['attention'] = True self.core.events.trigger('conversation_say_after', msg, self) if not msg['body']: self.cancel_paused_delay() self.text_win.refresh() self.input.refresh() return if not replaced: self.add_message(msg['body'], nickname=self.core.own_nick, nick_color=get_theme().COLOR_OWN_NICK, identifier=msg['id'], jid=self.core.xmpp.boundjid, typ=1) self.last_sent_message = msg if self.remote_supports_receipts: msg._add_receipt = True msg.send() self.cancel_paused_delay() self.text_win.refresh() self.input.refresh() @command_args_parser.quoted(0, 1) def command_last_activity(self, args): """ /last_activity [jid] """ if args and args[0]: return self.core.command.last_activity(args[0]) def callback(iq): if iq['type'] != 'result': if iq['error']['type'] == 'auth': self.core.information('You are not allowed to see the activity of this contact.', 'Error') else: self.core.information('Error retrieving the activity', 'Error') return seconds = iq['last_activity']['seconds'] status = iq['last_activity']['status'] from_ = iq['from'] msg = '\x19%s}The last activity of %s was %s ago%s' if not safeJID(from_).user: msg = '\x19%s}The uptime of %s is %s.' % ( dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT), from_, common.parse_secs_to_str(seconds)) else: msg = '\x19%s}The last activity of %s was %s ago%s' % ( dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT), from_, common.parse_secs_to_str(seconds), (' and his/her last status was %s' % status) if status else '',) self.add_message(msg) self.core.refresh_window() self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0012'].get_last_activity(self.get_dest_jid(), callback=callback) @refresh_wrapper.conditional @command_args_parser.ignored def command_info(self): contact = roster[self.get_dest_jid()] jid = safeJID(self.get_dest_jid()) if contact: if jid.resource: resource = contact[jid.full] else: resource = contact.get_highest_priority_resource() else: resource = None if resource: status = ('Status: %s' % resource.status) if resource.status else '' self._text_buffer.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}Show: %(show)s, %(status)s\x19o" % { 'show': resource.show or 'available', 'status': status, 'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}) return True else: self._text_buffer.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}No information available\x19o" % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}) return True @command_args_parser.ignored def command_unquery(self): self.core.close_tab() @command_args_parser.quoted(0, 1) def command_version(self, args): """ /version [jid] """ def callback(res): if not res: return self.core.information('Could not get the software version from %s' % (jid,), 'Warning') version = '%s is running %s version %s on %s' % (jid, res.get('name') or 'an unknown software', res.get('version') or 'unknown', res.get('os') or 'an unknown platform') self.core.information(version, 'Info') if args: return self.core.command.version(args[0]) jid = safeJID(self.name) if not jid.resource: if jid in roster: resource = roster[jid].get_highest_priority_resource() jid = resource.jid if resource else jid fixes.get_version(self.core.xmpp, jid, callback=callback) def resize(self): self.need_resize = False if self.size.tab_degrade_y: display_bar = False info_win_height = 0 tab_win_height = 0 bar_height = 0 else: display_bar = True info_win_height = self.core.information_win_size tab_win_height = Tab.tab_win_height() bar_height = 1 self.text_win.resize(self.height - 2 - bar_height - info_win_height - tab_win_height, self.width, bar_height, 0) self.text_win.rebuild_everything(self._text_buffer) if display_bar: self.upper_bar.resize(1, self.width, 0, 0) self.info_header.resize(1, self.width, self.height - 2 - info_win_height - tab_win_height, 0) self.input.resize(1, self.width, self.height - 1, 0) def refresh(self): if self.need_resize: self.resize() log.debug(' TAB Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) display_bar = display_info_win = not self.size.tab_degrade_y self.text_win.refresh() if display_bar: self.upper_bar.refresh(self.get_dest_jid(), roster[self.get_dest_jid()]) self.info_header.refresh(self.get_dest_jid(), roster[self.get_dest_jid()], self.text_win, self.chatstate, ConversationTab.additional_informations) if display_info_win: self.info_win.refresh() self.refresh_tab_win() self.input.refresh() def refresh_info_header(self): self.info_header.refresh(self.get_dest_jid(), roster[self.get_dest_jid()], self.text_win, self.chatstate, ConversationTab.additional_informations) self.input.refresh() def get_nick(self): jid = safeJID(self.name) contact = roster[jid.bare] if contact: return contact.name or jid.user else: if self.nick: return self.nick return jid.user def on_input(self, key, raw): if not raw and key in self.key_func: self.key_func[key]() return False self.input.do_command(key, raw=raw) empty_after = self.input.get_text() == '' or (self.input.get_text().startswith('/') and not self.input.get_text().startswith('//')) self.send_composing_chat_state(empty_after) return False def on_lose_focus(self): contact = roster[self.get_dest_jid()] jid = safeJID(self.get_dest_jid()) if contact: if jid.resource: resource = contact[jid.full] else: resource = contact.get_highest_priority_resource() else: resource = None if self.input.text: self.state = 'nonempty' else: self.state = 'normal' self.text_win.remove_line_separator() self.text_win.add_line_separator(self._text_buffer) if (config.get_by_tabname('send_chat_states', self.general_jid) and (not self.input.get_text() or not self.input.get_text().startswith('//'))): if resource: self.send_chat_state('inactive') self.check_scrolled() def on_gain_focus(self): contact = roster[self.get_dest_jid()] jid = safeJID(self.get_dest_jid()) if contact: if jid.resource: resource = contact[jid.full] else: resource = contact.get_highest_priority_resource() else: resource = None self.state = 'current' curses.curs_set(1) if (config.get_by_tabname('send_chat_states', self.general_jid) and (not self.input.get_text() or not self.input.get_text().startswith('//'))): if resource: self.send_chat_state('active') def on_info_win_size_changed(self): if self.core.information_win_size >= self.height-3: return self.text_win.resize(self.height-3-self.core.information_win_size - Tab.tab_win_height(), self.width, 1, 0) self.info_header.resize(1, self.width, self.height-2-self.core.information_win_size - Tab.tab_win_height(), 0) def get_text_window(self): return self.text_win def on_close(self): Tab.on_close(self) if config.get_by_tabname('send_chat_states', self.general_jid): self.send_chat_state('gone') def matching_names(self): res = [] jid = safeJID(self.name) res.append((2, jid.bare)) res.append((1, jid.user)) contact = roster[self.name] if contact and contact.name: res.append((0, contact.name)) return res class DynamicConversationTab(ConversationTab): """ A conversation tab associated with one bare JID that can be “locked” to a full jid, and unlocked, as described in the XEP-0296. Only one DynamicConversationTab can be opened for a given jid. """ def __init__(self, jid, resource=None): self.locked_resource = None self.name = safeJID(jid).bare if resource: self.lock(resource) self.info_header = windows.DynamicConversationInfoWin() ConversationTab.__init__(self, jid) self.register_command('unlock', self.unlock_command, shortdesc='Unlock the conversation from a particular resource.') def lock(self, resource): """ Lock the tab to the resource. """ assert(resource) if resource != self.locked_resource: self.locked_resource = resource info = '\x19%s}' % dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) jid_c = '\x19%s}' % dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_MUC_JID) message = ('%(info)sConversation locked to ' '%(jid_c)s%(jid)s/%(resource)s%(info)s.') % { 'info': info, 'jid_c': jid_c, 'jid': self.name, 'resource': resource} self.add_message(message, typ=0) self.check_features() def unlock_command(self, arg=None): self.unlock() self.refresh_info_header() def unlock(self, from_=None): """ Unlock the tab from a resource. It is now “associated” with the bare jid. """ self.remote_wants_chatstates = None if self.locked_resource != None: self.locked_resource = None info = '\x19%s}' % dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT) jid_c = '\x19%s}' % dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_MUC_JID) if from_: message = ('%(info)sConversation unlocked (received activity' ' from %(jid_c)s%(jid)s%(info)s).') % { 'info': info, 'jid_c': jid_c, 'jid': from_} self.add_message(message, typ=0) else: message = '%sConversation unlocked.' % info self.add_message(message, typ=0) def get_dest_jid(self): """ Returns the full jid (using the locked resource), or the bare jid if the conversation is not locked. """ if self.locked_resource: return "%s/%s" % (self.name, self.locked_resource) return self.name def refresh(self): """ Different from the parent class only for the info_header object. """ if self.need_resize: self.resize() log.debug(' TAB Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) display_bar = display_info_win = not self.size.tab_degrade_y self.text_win.refresh() if display_bar: self.upper_bar.refresh(self.name, roster[self.name]) if self.locked_resource: displayed_jid = "%s/%s" % (self.name, self.locked_resource) else: displayed_jid = self.name self.info_header.refresh(displayed_jid, roster[self.name], self.text_win, self.chatstate, ConversationTab.additional_informations) if display_info_win: self.info_win.refresh() self.refresh_tab_win() self.input.refresh() def refresh_info_header(self): """ Different from the parent class only for the info_header object. """ if self.locked_resource: displayed_jid = "%s/%s" % (self.name, self.locked_resource) else: displayed_jid = self.name self.info_header.refresh(displayed_jid, roster[self.name], self.text_win, self.chatstate, ConversationTab.additional_informations) self.input.refresh() class StaticConversationTab(ConversationTab): """ A conversation tab associated with one Full JID. It cannot be locked to an different resource or unlocked. """ def __init__(self, jid): assert(safeJID(jid).resource) self.info_header = windows.ConversationInfoWin() ConversationTab.__init__(self, jid)