# Copyright 2010-2011 Florent Le Coz # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the zlib license. See the COPYING file. """ Defines the Roster and RosterGroup classes """ import logging from typing import List from poezio.config import config from poezio.contact import Contact from poezio.roster_sorting import SORTING_METHODS, GROUP_SORTING_METHODS from os import path as p from datetime import datetime from slixmpp.exceptions import IqError, IqTimeout from slixmpp import JID, InvalidJID log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Roster: """ The proxy class to get the roster from slixmpp. Caches Contact and RosterGroup objects. """ DEFAULT_FILTER = (lambda x, y: None, None) def __init__(self): self.__node = None # A tuple(function, *args) function to filter contacts # on search, for example self.contact_filter = self.DEFAULT_FILTER self.groups = {} self.contacts = {} self.length = 0 self.connected = 0 self.folded_groups = [] # Used for caching roster infos self.last_built = datetime.now() self.last_modified = datetime.now() def reset(self): """ node: the RosterSingle from slixmpp """ self.__node = None # A tuple(function, *args) function to filter contacts # on search, for example self.contact_filter = self.DEFAULT_FILTER self.folded_groups = set( config.getlist('folded_roster_groups', section='var') ) self.groups = {} self.contacts = {} self.length = 0 self.connected = 0 # Used for caching roster infos self.last_built = datetime.now() self.last_modified = datetime.now() def modified(self): self.last_modified = datetime.now() @property def needs_rebuild(self): return self.last_modified >= self.last_built def __getitem__(self, key): """Get a Contact from his bare JID""" try: key = JID(key).bare except InvalidJID: return None if key in self.contacts and self.contacts[key] is not None: return self.contacts[key] if key in self.jids(): contact = Contact(self.__node[key]) self.contacts[key] = contact return contact def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set the a Contact value for the bare jid key""" self.contacts[key] = value def remove(self, jid): """Send a removal iq to the server""" try: jid = JID(jid).bare except InvalidJID: return if self.__node[jid]: try: self.__node[jid].send_presence(ptype='unavailable') self.__node.remove(jid) except (IqError, IqTimeout): log.debug('IqError when removing %s:', jid, exc_info=True) def __delitem__(self, jid): """Remove a contact from the roster view""" try: jid = JID(jid).bare except InvalidJID: return contact = self[jid] if not contact: return del self.contacts[contact.bare_jid] for group in list(self.groups.values()): group.remove(contact) if not group: del self.groups[group.name] self.modified() def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the jids of the contacts""" return iter(self.contacts.values()) def __contains__(self, key): """True if the bare jid is in the roster, false otherwise""" try: return JID(key).bare in self.jids() except InvalidJID: return False @property def jid(self): """Our JID""" return self.__node.jid def get_and_set(self, jid): contact = self.contacts.get(jid) if contact is None: contact = Contact(self.__node[jid]) self.contacts[jid] = contact return contact return contact def set_node(self, value): """Set the slixmpp RosterSingle for our roster""" self.__node = value def get_groups(self, sort=''): """Return a list of the RosterGroups""" group_list = sorted( (group for group in self.groups.values() if group), key=lambda x: x.name.lower() if x.name else '') for sorting in sort.split(':'): if sorting == 'reverse': group_list = list(reversed(group_list)) else: method = GROUP_SORTING_METHODS.get(sorting, lambda x: 0) group_list = sorted(group_list, key=method) return group_list def get_group(self, name): """Return a group or create it if not present""" if name in self.groups: return self.groups[name] self.groups[name] = RosterGroup( name, folded=name in self.folded_groups) def add(self, jid): """Subscribe to a jid""" self.__node.subscribe(jid) def jids(self) -> List[JID]: """List of the contact JIDS""" l = [] for key in self.__node.keys(): contact = self.get_and_set(key) if key != self.jid and (contact and self.exists(contact)): l.append(key) self.update_size(l) return l def update_size(self, jids=None): if jids is None: jids = self.jids() self.length = len(jids) def get_contacts(self): """ Return a list of all the contacts """ return [self[jid] for jid in self.jids()] def get_contacts_sorted_filtered(self, sort=''): """ Return a list of all the contacts sorted with a criteria """ contact_list = [] for contact in self.get_contacts(): if contact.bare_jid != self.jid: if self.contact_filter is not self.DEFAULT_FILTER: if self.contact_filter[0](contact, self.contact_filter[1]): contact_list.append(contact) else: contact_list.append(contact) contact_list = sorted(contact_list, key=SORTING_METHODS['name']) for sorting in sort.split(':'): if sorting == 'reverse': contact_list = list(reversed(contact_list)) else: method = SORTING_METHODS.get(sorting, lambda x: 0) contact_list = sorted(contact_list, key=method) return contact_list def save_to_config_file(self): """ Save various information to the config file e.g. the folded groups """ folded_groups = ':'.join([group.name for group in self.groups.values()\ if group.folded]) log.debug('folded:%s\n', folded_groups) return config.silent_set('folded_roster_groups', folded_groups, 'var') def get_nb_connected_contacts(self): """ Get the number of connected contacts """ return self.connected def update_contact_groups(self, contact): """Regenerate the RosterGroups when receiving a contact update""" if not isinstance(contact, Contact): contact = self.get_and_set(contact) if not contact: return for name, group in self.groups.items(): if name in contact.groups and contact not in group: group.add(contact) elif contact in group and name not in contact.groups: group.remove(contact) for group in contact.groups: if group not in self.groups: self.groups[group] = RosterGroup( group, folded=group in self.folded_groups) self.groups[group].add(contact) def __len__(self): """ Return the number of contacts (used to return the display size, but now we have the display cache in RosterWin for that) """ return self.length def __repr__(self): ret = '== Roster:\nContacts:\n' for contact in self.contacts.values(): ret += '%s\n' % (contact, ) ret += 'Groups\n' for group in self.groups: ret += '%s\n' % (group, ) return ret + '\n' def export(self, path): """Export a list of bare jids to a given file""" if p.isfile(path): return False try: f = open(path, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') f.writelines([ str(i) + "\n" for i in self.contacts if self[i] and (self[i].subscription == "both" or self[i].ask) ]) f.close() return True except OSError: return False def exists(self, contact): if not contact: return False for group in contact.groups: if contact not in self.groups.get(group, tuple()): return False return True class RosterGroup: """ A RosterGroup is a group containing contacts It can be Friends/Family etc, but also can be Online/Offline or whatever """ def __init__(self, name, contacts=None, folded=False): if not contacts: contacts = [] self.contacts = set(contacts) self.name = name if name is not None else '' self.folded = folded # if the group content is to be shown def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the contacts""" return iter(self.contacts) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.name, self.contacts) def __len__(self): """Number of contacts in the group""" return len(self.contacts) def __contains__(self, contact): """ Return a bool, telling if the contact is in the group """ return contact in self.contacts def add(self, contact): """Add a contact to the group""" self.contacts.add(contact) def remove(self, contact): """Remove a contact from the group if present""" if contact in self.contacts: self.contacts.remove(contact) def get_contacts(self, contact_filter=None, sort=''): """Return the group contacts, filtered and sorted""" if contact_filter is Roster.DEFAULT_FILTER or contact_filter is None: contact_list = self.contacts.copy() else: contact_list = [ contact for contact in self.contacts.copy() if contact_filter[0](contact, contact_filter[1]) ] contact_list = sorted(contact_list, key=SORTING_METHODS['name']) for sorting in sort.split(':'): if sorting == 'reverse': contact_list = list(reversed(contact_list)) else: method = SORTING_METHODS.get(sorting, lambda x: 0) contact_list = sorted(contact_list, key=method) return contact_list def toggle_folded(self): """Fold/unfold the group in the roster""" self.folded = not self.folded if self.folded: if self.name not in roster.folded_groups: roster.folded_groups.add(self.name) else: if self.name in roster.folded_groups: roster.folded_groups.remove(self.name) def get_nb_connected_contacts(self): """Return the number of connected contacts""" return len([1 for contact in self.contacts if len(contact)]) # Shared roster object roster = Roster()