#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Query and control an archive of messages stored on a server using XEP-0313: Message Archive Management(MAM). """ import asyncio import random from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from slixmpp.exceptions import IqError, IqTimeout from poezio.theming import get_theme from poezio import tabs from poezio import xhtml, colors from poezio.config import config from poezio.text_buffer import Message, TextBuffer def add_line(tab, text_buffer: TextBuffer, text: str, str_time: str, nick: str, top: bool): """Adds a textual entry in the TextBuffer""" time = datetime.strftime(str_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') time = datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') time = time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None) time = time.replace(tzinfo=None) deterministic = config.get_by_tabname('deterministic_nick_colors', tab.jid.bare) if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab): nick = nick.split('/')[1] user = tab.get_user_by_name(nick) if deterministic: if user: color = user.color else: theme = get_theme() if theme.ccg_palette: fg_color = colors.ccg_text_to_color(theme.ccg_palette, nick) color = fg_color, -1 else: mod = len(theme.LIST_COLOR_NICKNAMES) nick_pos = int(md5(nick.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) % mod color = theme.LIST_COLOR_NICKNAMES[nick_pos] else: color = random.choice(list(xhtml.colors)) color = xhtml.colors.get(color) color = (color, -1) else: nick = nick.split('/')[0] color = get_theme().COLOR_OWN_NICK text_buffer.add_message( text, time, nick, color, True, # History None, # User False, # Highlight top, #Top None, # Identifier None, # str_time None, # Jid ) async def query(tab, remote_jid, top, start=None, end=None, before=None): text_buffer = tab._text_buffer try: iq = await tab.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=remote_jid) except (IqError, IqTimeout): return tab.core.information('Failed to retrieve messages', 'Error') if 'urn:xmpp:mam:2' not in iq['disco_info'].get_features(): return tab.core.information("%s doesn't support MAM." % remote_jid, "Info") if top: if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab): try: if before is not None: results = tab.core.xmpp['xep_0313'].retrieve(jid=remote_jid, iterator=True, reverse=before, rsm={'before':before}) else: results = tab.core.xmpp['xep_0313'].retrieve(jid=remote_jid, iterator=True, reverse=top, end=end) except (IqError, IqTimeout): return tab.core.information('Failed to retrieve messages', 'Error') else: try: if before is not None: results = tab.core.xmpp['xep_0313'].retrieve(with_jid=remote_jid, iterator=True, reverse=before, rsm={'before':before}) else: results = tab.core.xmpp['xep_0313'].retrieve(with_jid=remote_jid, iterator=True, reverse=top, end=end) except (IqError, IqTimeout): return tab.core.information('Failed to retrieve messages', 'Error') else: if 'conference' in list(iq['disco_info']['identities'])[0]: try: results = tab.core.xmpp['xep_0313'].retrieve(jid=remote_jid, iterator=True, reverse=top, start=start_date, end=end) except (IqError, IqTimeout): return tab.core.information('Failed to retrieve messages', 'Error') else: try: results = tab.core.xmpp['xep_0313'].retrieve(with_jid=remote_jid, iterator=True, reverse=top, start=start_date, end=end) except (IqError, IqTimeout): return tab.core.information('Failed to retrieve messages', 'Error') msg_count = 0 msgs = [] async for rsm in results: if top: for msg in rsm['mam']['results']: if msg['mam_result']['forwarded']['stanza'].xml.find( '{%s}%s' % ('jabber:client', 'body')) is not None: msgs.append(msg) if msg_count == 10: tab.query_status = False tab.core.refresh_window() return msg_count += 1 msgs.reverse() for msg in msgs: forwarded = msg['mam_result']['forwarded'] timestamp = forwarded['delay']['stamp'] message = forwarded['stanza'] tab.last_stanza_id = msg['mam_result']['id'] nick = str(message['from']) add_line(tab, text_buffer, message['body'], timestamp, nick, top) tab.text_win.scroll_up(len(tab.text_win.built_lines)) else: for msg in rsm['mam']['results']: forwarded = msg['mam_result']['forwarded'] timestamp = forwarded['delay']['stamp'] message = forwarded['stanza'] nick = str(message['from']) add_line(tab, text_buffer, message['body'], timestamp, nick, top) tab.core.refresh_window() if len(msgs) == 0: return tab.core.information('No more messages left to retrieve', 'Info') tab.query_status = False def mam_scroll(tab): remote_jid = tab.jid text_buffer = tab._text_buffer before = tab.last_stanza_id end = datetime.now() if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) is False: for message in text_buffer.messages: time = message.time if time < end: end = time end = end + timedelta(seconds=-1) tzone = datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo end = end.replace(tzinfo=tzone).astimezone(tz=timezone.utc) end = end.replace(tzinfo=None) end = datetime.strftime(end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') pos = tab.text_win.pos tab.text_win.pos += tab.text_win.height - 1 if tab.text_win.pos + tab.text_win.height > len(tab.text_win.built_lines): if before is None: asyncio.ensure_future(query(tab, remote_jid, top=True, end=end)) else: asyncio.ensure_future(query(tab, remote_jid, top=True, before=before)) tab.query_status = True tab.text_win.pos = len(tab.text_win.built_lines) - tab.text_win.height if tab.text_win.pos < 0: tab.text_win.pos = 0 return tab.text_win.pos != pos