""" This modules contains a class that loads messages into a ChatTab, either from MAM or the local logs, and a class that loads MUC history into the local logs. """ from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from typing import List from poezio import tabs from poezio.logger import ( build_log_message, iterate_messages_reverse, last_message_in_archive, Logger, LogDict, ) from poezio.mam import ( fetch_history, NoMAMSupportException, MAMQueryException, DiscoInfoException, make_line, ) from poezio.common import to_utc from poezio.ui.types import EndOfArchive, Message, BaseMessage from poezio.text_buffer import HistoryGap from slixmpp import JID log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def make_line_local(tab: tabs.ChatTab, msg: LogDict) -> Message: """Create a UI message from a local log read. :param tab: Tab in which that message will be displayed :param msg: Log data :returns: The UI message """ if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab): jid = JID(tab.jid) jid.resource = msg.get('nickname') or '' else: jid = JID(tab.jid) msg['time'] = msg['time'].astimezone(tz=timezone.utc) return make_line(tab, msg['txt'], msg['time'], jid, '', msg['nickname']) class LogLoader: """ An ephemeral class that loads history in a tab. Loading from local logs is blocked until history has been fetched from MAM to fill the local archive. """ logger: Logger tab: tabs.ChatTab mam_only: bool def __init__(self, logger: Logger, tab: tabs.ChatTab, local_logs: bool = True): self.mam_only = not local_logs self.logger = logger self.tab = tab async def tab_open(self) -> None: """Called on a tab opening or a MUC join""" amount = 2 * self.tab.text_win.height gap = self.tab._text_buffer.find_last_gap_muc() messages = [] if gap is not None: if self.mam_only: messages = await self.mam_fill_gap(gap) else: messages = await self.local_fill_gap(gap) else: if self.mam_only: messages = await self.mam_tab_open(amount) else: messages = await self.local_tab_open(amount) log.debug( 'Fetched %s messages for %s', len(messages), self.tab.jid ) if messages: self.tab._text_buffer.add_history_messages(messages) self.tab.core.refresh_window() async def mam_tab_open(self, nb: int) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Fetch messages in MAM when opening a new tab. :param nb: number of max messages to fetch. :returns: list of ui messages to add """ tab = self.tab end = datetime.now() for message in tab._text_buffer.messages: time_ok = to_utc(message.time) < to_utc(end) if isinstance(message, Message) and time_ok: end = message.time break end = end - timedelta(microseconds=1) try: return await fetch_history(tab, end=end, amount=nb) except (NoMAMSupportException, MAMQueryException, DiscoInfoException): return [] finally: tab.query_status = False async def local_tab_open(self, nb: int) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Fetch messages locally when opening a new tab. :param nb: number of max messages to fetch. :returns: list of ui messages to add """ await self.wait_mam() results: List[BaseMessage] = [] filepath = self.logger.get_file_path(self.tab.jid) for msg in iterate_messages_reverse(filepath): typ_ = msg.pop('type') if typ_ == 'message': results.append(make_line_local(self.tab, msg)) if len(results) >= nb: break return results[::-1] async def mam_fill_gap(self, gap: HistoryGap) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Fill a message gap in an existing tab using MAM. :param gap: Object describing the history gap :returns: list of ui messages to add """ tab = self.tab start = gap.last_timestamp_before_leave end = gap.first_timestamp_after_join if start: start = start + timedelta(seconds=1) if end: end = end - timedelta(seconds=1) try: return await fetch_history(tab, start=start, end=end, amount=999) except (NoMAMSupportException, MAMQueryException, DiscoInfoException): return [] finally: tab.query_status = False async def local_fill_gap(self, gap: HistoryGap) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Fill a message gap in an existing tab using the local logs. Mostly useless when not used with the MAMFiller. :param gap: Object describing the history gap :returns: list of ui messages to add """ await self.wait_mam() start = gap.last_timestamp_before_leave end = gap.first_timestamp_after_join results: List[BaseMessage] = [] filepath = self.logger.get_file_path(self.tab.jid) for msg in iterate_messages_reverse(filepath): typ_ = msg.pop('type') if start and msg['time'] < start: break if typ_ == 'message' and (not end or msg['time'] < end): results.append(make_line_local(self.tab, msg)) return results[::-1] async def scroll_requested(self): """When a scroll up is requested in a chat tab. Try to load more history if there are no more messages in the buffer. """ tab = self.tab tw = tab.text_win # If position in the tab is < two screen pages, then fetch MAM, so that # wa keep some prefetched margin. A first page should also be # prefetched on join if not already available. total, pos, height = len(tw.built_lines), tw.pos, tw.height rest = (total - pos) // height if rest > 1: return None if self.mam_only: messages = await self.mam_scroll_requested(height) else: messages = await self.local_scroll_requested(height) if messages: tab._text_buffer.add_history_messages(messages) tab.core.refresh_window() async def local_scroll_requested(self, nb: int) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Fetch messages locally on scroll up. :param nb: Number of messages to fetch :returns: list of ui messages to add """ await self.wait_mam() tab = self.tab last_message_time = None if tab._text_buffer.messages: last_message_time = to_utc(tab._text_buffer.messages[0].time) last_message_time -= timedelta(microseconds=1) results: List[BaseMessage] = [] filepath = self.logger.get_file_path(self.tab.jid) for msg in iterate_messages_reverse(filepath): typ_ = msg.pop('type') if last_message_time is None or msg['time'] < last_message_time: if typ_ == 'message': results.append(make_line_local(self.tab, msg)) if len(results) >= nb: break return results[::-1] async def mam_scroll_requested(self, nb: int) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Fetch messages from MAM on scroll up. :param nb: Number of messages to fetch :returns: list of ui messages to add """ tab = self.tab try: messages = await fetch_history(tab, amount=nb) last_message_exists = False if tab._text_buffer.messages: last_message = tab._text_buffer.messages[0] last_message_exists = True if (not messages and last_message_exists and not isinstance(last_message, EndOfArchive)): time = tab._text_buffer.messages[0].time messages = [EndOfArchive('End of archive reached', time=time)] return messages except NoMAMSupportException: return [] except (MAMQueryException, DiscoInfoException): tab.core.information( f'An error occured when fetching MAM for {tab.jid}', 'Error' ) return [] finally: tab.query_status = False async def wait_mam(self) -> None: """Waitt for the MAM history sync before reading the local logs. Does nothing apart from blocking. """ if self.tab.mam_filler is None: return await self.tab.mam_filler.done.wait() class MAMFiller: """Class that loads messages from MAM history into the local logs. """ tab: tabs.ChatTab logger: Logger future: asyncio.Future done: asyncio.Event max_msgs: int = 2000 def __init__(self, logger: Logger, tab: tabs.ChatTab): self.tab = tab self.logger = logger logger.fd_busy(tab.jid) self.future = asyncio.ensure_future(self.fetch_routine()) self.done = asyncio.Event() def cancel(self) -> None: """Cancel the routine and signal the end.""" self.future.cancel() self.end() async def fetch_routine(self) -> None: """Load logs into the local archive, if possible.""" filepath = self.logger.get_file_path(self.tab.jid) log.debug('Fetching logs for %s', self.tab.jid) try: last_msg = last_message_in_archive(filepath) last_msg_time = None if last_msg: last_msg_time = last_msg['time'] + timedelta(seconds=1) try: messages = await fetch_history( self.tab, start=last_msg_time, amount=self.max_msgs, ) log.debug( 'Fetched %s messages to fill local logs for %s', len(messages), self.tab.jid, ) except (DiscoInfoException, NoMAMSupportException, MAMQueryException): log.debug( 'Failed fetching logs for %s', self.tab.jid, exc_info=True ) return def build_message(msg) -> str: return build_log_message( msg.nickname, msg.txt, msg.time, prefix='MR', ) logs = ''.join(map(build_message, messages)) self.logger.log_raw(self.tab.jid, logs, force=True) finally: self.end() def end(self) -> None: """End a MAM fill (error or sucess). Remove references and signal on the Event(). """ try: self.logger.fd_available(self.tab.jid) except Exception: log.error('Error when restoring log fd:', exc_info=True) self.tab.mam_filler = None self.done.set()