""" Tabs management module Provide a class holding the current tabs of the application. Supported list modification operations: - Appending a tab - Deleting a tab (and going back to the previous one) - Inserting a tab from a position to another - Replacing the whole tab list with another (used for rearranging the list from outside) This class holds a cursor to the current tab, which allows: - Going left (prev()) or right (next()) in the list, cycling - Getting a reference to the current tab - Setting the current tab by index or reference It supports the poezio "gap tab" concept, aka empty tabs taking a space in the tab list in order to avoid shifting the tab numbers when closing a tab. Example tab list: [0|1|2|3|4] We then close the tab 3: [0|1|2|4] The tab has been closed and replaced with a "gap tab", which the user cannot switch to, but which avoids shifting numbers (in the case above, the list would have become [0|1|2|3], with the tab "4" renumbered to "3" if gap tabs are disabled. """ from typing import List, Dict, Type, Optional, Union from collections import defaultdict from poezio import tabs class Tabs: """ Tab list class """ __slots__ = [ '_current_index', '_current_tab', '_tabs', '_tab_types', '_tab_names', '_previous_tab' ] def __init__(self): """ Initialize the Tab List. Even though the list is initially empty, all methods are only valid once append() has been called once. Otherwise, mayhem is expected. """ # cursor self._current_index: int = 0 self._previous_tab: Optional[tabs.Tab] = None self._current_tab: Optional[tabs.Tab] = None self._tabs: List[tabs.Tab] = [] self._tab_types: Dict[Type[tabs.Tab], List[tabs.Tab]] = defaultdict( list) self._tab_names: Dict[str, tabs.Tab] = dict() def __len__(self): return len(self._tabs) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._tabs) def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, str]): if isinstance(index, int): return self._tabs[index] return self.by_name(index) def first(self) -> tabs.Tab: """Return the Roster tab""" return self._tabs[0] @property def current_index(self) -> int: """Current tab index""" return self._current_index def set_current_index(self, value: int) -> bool: """Set the current tab index""" if 0 <= value < len(self._tabs): tab = self._tabs[value] if not isinstance(tab, tabs.GapTab): self._store_previous() self._current_index = tab.nb self._current_tab = tab return True return False @property def current_tab(self) -> Optional[tabs.Tab]: """Current tab""" return self._current_tab def set_current_tab(self, tab: tabs.Tab) -> bool: """Set the current tab""" if (not isinstance(tab, tabs.GapTab) and 0 <= tab.nb < len(self._tabs)): self._store_previous() self._current_index = tab.nb self._current_tab = tab return True return False def get_tabs(self) -> List[tabs.Tab]: """Return the tab list""" return self._tabs def by_name(self, name: str) -> tabs.Tab: """Get a tab with a specific name""" return self._tab_names.get(name) def by_class(self, cls: Type[tabs.Tab]) -> List[tabs.Tab]: """Get all the tabs of a class""" return self._tab_types.get(cls, []) def find_match(self, name: str) -> Optional[tabs.Tab]: """Get a tab using extended matching (tab.matching_name())""" def transform(tab_index): """Wrap the value of the range around the current index""" return (tab_index + self._current_index + 1) % len(self._tabs) for i in map(transform, range(len(self._tabs) - 1)): for tab_name in self._tabs[i].matching_names(): if tab_name[1] and name in tab_name[1].lower(): return self._tabs[i] return None def by_name_and_class(self, name: str, cls: Type[tabs.Tab]) -> Optional[tabs.Tab]: """Get a tab with its name and class""" cls_tabs = self._tab_types.get(cls, []) for tab in cls_tabs: if tab.name == name: return tab return None def _rebuild(self): self._tab_types = defaultdict(list) self._tab_names = dict() for tab in self._tabs: self._tab_types[type(tab)].append(tab) self._tab_names[tab.name] = tab self._update_numbers() def replace_tabs(self, new_tabs: List[tabs.Tab]) -> bool: """ Replace the current tab list with another, and rebuild the mappings. """ if self._current_tab not in new_tabs: return False self._tabs = new_tabs self._rebuild() return True def _inc_cursor(self): self._current_index = (self._current_index + 1) % len(self._tabs) self._current_tab = self._tabs[self._current_index] def _dec_cursor(self): self._current_index = (self._current_index - 1) % len(self._tabs) self._current_tab = self._tabs[self._current_index] def _store_previous(self): self._previous_tab = self._current_tab def next(self): """Go to the right of the tab list (circular)""" self._store_previous() self._inc_cursor() while isinstance(self.current_tab, tabs.GapTab): self._inc_cursor() def prev(self): """Go to the left of the tab list (circular)""" self._store_previous() self._dec_cursor() while isinstance(self.current_tab, tabs.GapTab): self._dec_cursor() def append(self, tab: tabs.Tab): """ Add a tab to the list """ if not self._tabs: tab.nb = 0 self._current_tab = tab else: tab.nb = self._tabs[-1].nb + 1 self._tabs.append(tab) self._tab_types[type(tab)].append(tab) self._tab_names[tab.name] = tab def delete(self, tab: tabs.Tab, gap=False): """Remove a tab""" if isinstance(tab, tabs.RosterInfoTab): return if gap: self._tabs[tab.nb] = tabs.GapTab(None) else: self._tabs.remove(tab) is_current = tab is self.current_tab self._tab_types[type(tab)].remove(tab) del self._tab_names[tab.name] if gap: self._collect_trailing_gaptabs() else: self._update_numbers() if tab is self._previous_tab: self._previous_tab = None if is_current: self._restore_previous_tab() self._validate_current_index() def _restore_previous_tab(self): if self._previous_tab: if not self.set_current_tab(self._previous_tab): self.set_current_index(0) else: self.set_current_index(0) def _validate_current_index(self): if not 0 <= self._current_index < len( self._tabs) or not self.current_tab: self.prev() def _collect_trailing_gaptabs(self): """Remove trailing gap tabs if any""" i = len(self._tabs) - 1 while isinstance(self._tabs[i], tabs.GapTab): self._tabs.pop() i -= 1 def _update_numbers(self): for i, tab in enumerate(self._tabs): tab.nb = i self._current_index = self._current_tab.nb # Moving tabs around # def update_gaps(self, enable_gaps: bool): """ Remove the present gaps from the list if enable_gaps is False. """ if not enable_gaps: self._tabs = [tab for tab in self._tabs if tab] self._update_numbers() def _insert_nogaps(self, old_pos: int, new_pos: int) -> bool: """ Move tabs without creating gaps old_pos: old position of the tab new_pos: desired position of the tab """ tab = self._tabs[old_pos] if new_pos < old_pos: self._tabs.pop(old_pos) self._tabs.insert(new_pos, tab) elif new_pos > old_pos: self._tabs.insert(new_pos, tab) self._tabs.remove(tab) else: return False return True def _insert_gaps(self, old_pos: int, new_pos: int) -> bool: """ Move tabs and create gaps in the eventual remaining space old_pos: old position of the tab new_pos: desired position of the tab """ tab = self._tabs[old_pos] target = None if new_pos >= len(self._tabs) else self._tabs[new_pos] if not target: if new_pos < len(self._tabs): old_tab = self._tabs[old_pos] self._tabs[new_pos], self._tabs[ old_pos] = old_tab, tabs.GapTab(self) else: self._tabs.append(self._tabs[old_pos]) self._tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab(self) else: if new_pos > old_pos: self._tabs.insert(new_pos, tab) self._tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab(self) elif new_pos < old_pos: self._tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab(self) self._tabs.insert(new_pos, tab) else: return False i = self._tabs.index(tab) done = False # Remove the first Gap on the right in the list # in order to prevent global shifts when there is empty space while not done: i += 1 if i >= len(self._tabs): done = True elif not self._tabs[i]: self._tabs.pop(i) done = True self._collect_trailing_gaptabs() return True def insert_tab(self, old_pos: int, new_pos=99999, gaps=False) -> bool: """ Insert a tab at a position, changing the number of the following tabs returns False if it could not move the tab, True otherwise """ if (old_pos <= 0 or old_pos >= len(self._tabs) or new_pos <= 0 or new_pos == old_pos or not self._tabs[old_pos]): return False if gaps: result = self._insert_gaps(old_pos, new_pos) else: result = self._insert_nogaps(old_pos, new_pos) self._update_numbers() return result