""" Completions for the global commands """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import os from functools import reduce from poezio import common from poezio import pep from poezio import tabs from poezio.common import safeJID from poezio.config import config from poezio.roster import roster from . structs import POSSIBLE_SHOW class CompletionCore: def __init__(self, core): self.core = core def help(self, the_input): """Completion for /help.""" commands = sorted(self.core.commands.keys()) + sorted(self.core.current_tab().commands.keys()) return the_input.new_completion(commands, 1, quotify=False) def status(self, the_input): """ Completion of /status """ if the_input.get_argument_position() == 1: return the_input.new_completion([status for status in POSSIBLE_SHOW], 1, ' ', quotify=False) def presence(self, the_input): """ Completion of /presence """ arg = the_input.get_argument_position() if arg == 1: return the_input.auto_completion([jid for jid in roster.jids()], '', quotify=True) elif arg == 2: return the_input.auto_completion([status for status in POSSIBLE_SHOW], '', quotify=True) def theme(self, the_input): """ Completion for /theme""" themes_dir = config.get('themes_dir') themes_dir = (themes_dir or os.path.join(os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME') or os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.local', 'share'), 'poezio', 'themes')) themes_dir = os.path.expanduser(themes_dir) try: names = os.listdir(themes_dir) except OSError as e: log.error('Completion for /theme failed', exc_info=True) return False theme_files = [name[:-3] for name in names if name.endswith('.py') and name != '__init__.py'] if 'default' not in theme_files: theme_files.append('default') return the_input.new_completion(theme_files, 1, '', quotify=False) def win(self, the_input): """Completion for /win""" l = [] for tab in self.core.tabs: l.extend(tab.matching_names()) l = [i[1] for i in l] return the_input.new_completion(l, 1, '', quotify=False) def join(self, the_input): """ Completion for /join Try to complete the MUC JID: if only a resource is provided, complete with the default nick if only a server is provided, complete with the rooms from the disco#items of that server if only a nodepart is provided, complete with the servers of the current joined rooms """ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) args = common.shell_split(the_input.text) if n != 1: # we are not on the 1st argument of the command line return False if len(args) == 1: args.append('') jid = safeJID(args[1]) if args[1].endswith('@') and not jid.user and not jid.server: jid.user = args[1][:-1] relevant_rooms = [] relevant_rooms.extend(sorted(self.core.pending_invites.keys())) bookmarks = {str(elem.jid): False for elem in self.core.bookmarks} for tab in self.core.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): name = tab.name if name in bookmarks and not tab.joined: bookmarks[name] = True relevant_rooms.extend(sorted(room[0] for room in bookmarks.items() if room[1])) if the_input.last_completion: return the_input.new_completion([], 1, quotify=True) if jid.user: # we are writing the server: complete the server serv_list = [] for tab in self.core.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): if tab.joined: serv_list.append('%s@%s' % (jid.user, safeJID(tab.name).host)) serv_list.extend(relevant_rooms) return the_input.new_completion(serv_list, 1, quotify=True) elif args[1].startswith('/'): # we completing only a resource return the_input.new_completion(['/%s' % self.core.own_nick], 1, quotify=True) else: return the_input.new_completion(relevant_rooms, 1, quotify=True) def version(self, the_input): """Completion for /version""" comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), []) return the_input.new_completion(sorted(comp), 1, quotify=False) def list(self, the_input): """Completion for /list""" muc_serv_list = [] for tab in self.core.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): # TODO, also from an history if tab.name not in muc_serv_list: muc_serv_list.append(safeJID(tab.name).server) if muc_serv_list: return the_input.new_completion(muc_serv_list, 1, quotify=False) def move_tab(self, the_input): """Completion for /move_tab""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 1: nodes = [tab.name for tab in self.core.tabs if tab] nodes.remove('Roster') return the_input.new_completion(nodes, 1, ' ', quotify=True) def runkey(self, the_input): """ Completion for /runkey """ list_ = [] list_.extend(self.core.key_func.keys()) list_.extend(self.core.current_tab().key_func.keys()) return the_input.new_completion(list_, 1, quotify=False) def bookmark(self, the_input): """Completion for /bookmark""" args = common.shell_split(the_input.text) n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 2: return the_input.new_completion(['true', 'false'], 2, quotify=True) if n >= 3: return False if len(args) == 1: args.append('') jid = safeJID(args[1]) if jid.server and (jid.resource or jid.full.endswith('/')): tab = self.core.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.MucTab) nicks = [tab.own_nick] if tab else [] default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio' nick = config.get('default_nick') if not nick: if default not in nicks: nicks.append(default) else: if nick not in nicks: nicks.append(nick) jids_list = ['%s/%s' % (jid.bare, nick) for nick in nicks] return the_input.new_completion(jids_list, 1, quotify=True) muc_list = [tab.name for tab in self.core.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab)] muc_list.sort() muc_list.append('*') return the_input.new_completion(muc_list, 1, quotify=True) def remove_bookmark(self, the_input): """Completion for /remove_bookmark""" return the_input.new_completion([bm.jid for bm in self.core.bookmarks], 1, quotify=False) def decline(self, the_input): """Completion for /decline""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 1: return the_input.auto_completion(sorted(self.core.pending_invites.keys()), 1, '', quotify=True) def bind(self, the_input): n = the_input.get_argument_position() if n == 1: args = [key for key in self.core.key_func if not key.startswith('_')] elif n == 2: args = [key for key in self.core.key_func] else: return False return the_input.new_completion(args, n, '', quotify=False) def message(self, the_input): """Completion for /message""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n >= 2: return False l = [] for jid in roster.jids(): if len(roster[jid]): l.append(jid) for resource in roster[jid].resources: l.append(resource.jid) return the_input.new_completion(l, 1, '', quotify=True) def invite(self, the_input): """Completion for /invite""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 1: comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), []) comp = sorted(comp) bares = sorted(roster[contact].bare_jid for contact in roster.jids() if len(roster[contact])) off = sorted(jid for jid in roster.jids() if jid not in bares) comp = comp + bares + off return the_input.new_completion(comp, n, quotify=True) elif n == 2: rooms = [] for tab in self.core.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): if tab.joined: rooms.append(tab.name) rooms.sort() return the_input.new_completion(rooms, n, '', quotify=True) def activity(self, the_input): """Completion for /activity""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) args = common.shell_split(the_input.text) if n == 1: return the_input.new_completion(sorted(pep.ACTIVITIES.keys()), n, quotify=True) elif n == 2: if args[1] in pep.ACTIVITIES: l = list(pep.ACTIVITIES[args[1]]) l.remove('category') l.sort() return the_input.new_completion(l, n, quotify=True) def mood(self, the_input): """Completion for /mood""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n == 1: return the_input.new_completion(sorted(pep.MOODS.keys()), 1, quotify=True) def last_activity(self, the_input): """ Completion for /last_activity """ n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=False) if n >= 2: return False comp = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [i.jid for i in y], (roster[jid].resources for jid in roster.jids() if len(roster[jid])), []) return the_input.new_completion(sorted(comp), 1, '', quotify=False) def server_cycle(self, the_input): """Completion for /server_cycle""" serv_list = set() for tab in self.core.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): serv = safeJID(tab.name).server serv_list.add(serv) return the_input.new_completion(sorted(serv_list), 1, ' ') def set(self, the_input): """Completion for /set""" args = common.shell_split(the_input.text) n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n >= len(args): args.append('') if n == 1: if '|' in args[1]: plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2] if plugin_name not in self.core.plugin_manager.plugins: return the_input.new_completion([], n, quotify=True) plugin = self.core.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name] end_list = ['%s|%s' % (plugin_name, section) for section in plugin.config.sections()] else: end_list = set(config.options('Poezio')) end_list.update(config.default.get('Poezio', {})) end_list = list(end_list) end_list.sort() elif n == 2: if '|' in args[1]: plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2] if plugin_name not in self.core.plugin_manager.plugins: return the_input.new_completion([''], n, quotify=True) plugin = self.core.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name] end_list = set(plugin.config.options(section or plugin_name)) if plugin.config.default: end_list.update(plugin.config.default.get(section or plugin_name, {})) end_list = list(end_list) end_list.sort() elif not config.has_option('Poezio', args[1]): if config.has_section(args[1]): end_list = config.options(args[1]) end_list.append('') else: end_list = [] else: end_list = [str(config.get(args[1], '')), ''] elif n == 3: if '|' in args[1]: plugin_name, section = args[1].split('|')[:2] if plugin_name not in self.core.plugin_manager.plugins: return the_input.new_completion([''], n, quotify=True) plugin = self.core.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name] end_list = [str(plugin.config.get(args[2], '', section or plugin_name)), ''] else: if not config.has_section(args[1]): end_list = [''] else: end_list = [str(config.get(args[2], '', args[1])), ''] else: return False return the_input.new_completion(end_list, n, quotify=True) def set_default(self, the_input): """ Completion for /set_default """ args = common.shell_split(the_input.text) n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) if n >= len(args): args.append('') if n == 1 or (n == 2 and config.has_section(args[1])): return self.set(the_input) return False def toggle(self, the_input): "Completion for /toggle" return the_input.new_completion(config.options('Poezio'), 1, quotify=False) def bookmark_local(self, the_input): """Completion for /bookmark_local""" n = the_input.get_argument_position(quoted=True) args = common.shell_split(the_input.text) if n >= 2: return False if len(args) == 1: args.append('') jid = safeJID(args[1]) if jid.server and (jid.resource or jid.full.endswith('/')): tab = self.core.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.MucTab) nicks = [tab.own_nick] if tab else [] default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio' nick = config.get('default_nick') if not nick: if default not in nicks: nicks.append(default) else: if nick not in nicks: nicks.append(nick) jids_list = ['%s/%s' % (jid.bare, nick) for nick in nicks] return the_input.new_completion(jids_list, 1, quotify=True) muc_list = [tab.name for tab in self.core.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab)] muc_list.append('*') return the_input.new_completion(muc_list, 1, quotify=True)