# Copyright 2010-2011 Florent Le Coz # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the zlib license. See the COPYING file. """ Various useful functions. """ from datetime import ( datetime, timedelta, timezone, ) from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Any import os import subprocess import time import string import logging import itertools from slixmpp import JID, InvalidJID, Message from poezio.poezio_shlex import shlex log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_output_of_command(command: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: """ Runs a command and returns its output. :param str command: The command to run. :return: The output or None :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ try: return subprocess.check_output( command.split()).decode('utf-8').split('\n') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None def _is_in_path(command: str, return_abs_path: bool = False) -> Union[bool, str]: """ Check if *command* is in the $PATH or not. :param str command: The command to be checked. :param bool return_abs_path: Return the absolute path of the command instead of True if the command is found. :return: True if the command is found, the command path if the command is found and *return_abs_path* is True, otherwise False. """ path = os.getenv('PATH', default='') for directory in path.split(os.pathsep): try: if command in os.listdir(directory): if return_abs_path: return os.path.join(directory, command) return True except OSError: # If the user has non directories in his path pass return False DISTRO_INFO = { 'Arch Linux': Path('/etc/arch-release'), 'Aurox Linux': Path('/etc/aurox-release'), 'Conectiva Linux': Path('/etc/conectiva-release'), 'CRUX': Path('/usr/bin/crux'), 'Debian GNU/Linux': Path('/etc/debian_version'), 'Fedora Linux': Path('/etc/fedora-release'), 'Gentoo Linux': Path('/etc/gentoo-release'), 'Linux from Scratch': Path('/etc/lfs-release'), 'Mandrake Linux': Path('/etc/mandrake-release'), 'Slackware Linux': Path('/etc/slackware-version'), 'Solaris/Sparc': Path('/etc/release'), 'Source Mage': Path('/etc/sourcemage_version'), 'SUSE Linux': Path('/etc/SuSE-release'), 'Sun JDS': Path('/etc/sun-release'), 'PLD Linux': Path('/etc/pld-release'), 'Yellow Dog Linux': Path('/etc/yellowdog-release'), # many distros use the /etc/redhat-release for compatibility # so Redhat is the last 'Redhat Linux': Path('/etc/redhat-release') } def get_os_info() -> str: """ Returns a detailed and well formatted string containing information about the operating system :rtype: str """ if os.name == 'posix': executable = 'lsb_release' params = ' --description --codename --release --short' full_path_to_executable = _is_in_path(executable, return_abs_path=True) if full_path_to_executable: command = executable + params process = subprocess.Popen( [command], shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) process.wait() if process.stdout is not None: out = process.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8').strip() # some distros put n/a in places, so remove those out = out.replace('n/a', '').replace('N/A', '') return out return '' # lsb_release executable not available, so parse files for distro_name in DISTRO_INFO: path_to_file = DISTRO_INFO[distro_name] if path_to_file.exists(): if os.access(str(path_to_file), os.X_OK): # the file is executable (f.e. CRUX) # yes, then run it and get the first line of output. output = _get_output_of_command(str(path_to_file)) if output: text = output[0] else: text = '' else: with path_to_file.open(encoding='utf-8') as fdes: text = fdes.readline().strip() # get only first line basename = path_to_file.name if basename.endswith('version'): # sourcemage_version and slackware-version files # have all the info we need (name and version of distro) if not basename.startswith('sourcemage') or not\ basename.startswith('slackware'): text = distro_name + ' ' + text elif basename == 'aurox-release' or \ basename == 'arch-release': # file doesn't have version text = distro_name elif basename == 'lfs-release': # file just has version text = distro_name + ' ' + text os_info = text.replace('\n', '') return os_info # our last chance, ask uname and strip it uname_output = _get_output_of_command('uname -sr') if uname_output is not None: os_info = uname_output[0] # only first line return os_info os_info = 'N/A' return os_info def _datetime_tuple(timestamp: str) -> datetime: """ Convert a timestamp using strptime and the format: %Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S. Because various datetime formats are used, the following exceptions are handled: * Optional milliseconds appened to the string are removed * Optional Z (that means UTC) appened to the string are removed * XEP-082 datetime strings have all '-' chars removed to meet the above format. :param str timestamp: The string containing the formatted date. :return: The date. :rtype: :py:class:`datetime.datetime` """ timestamp = timestamp.replace('-', '', 2).replace(':', '') date = timestamp[:15] tz_msg = timestamp[15:] try: ret = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') except ValueError: ret = datetime.now() # add the message timezone if any try: if tz_msg and tz_msg != 'Z': tz_mod = -1 if tz_msg[0] == '-' else 1 tz_parsed = time.strptime(tz_msg[1:], '%H%M') tz_seconds = tz_parsed.tm_hour * 3600 + tz_parsed.tm_min * 60 delta = timedelta(seconds=tz_mod * tz_seconds) ret -= delta except ValueError: pass # ignore if we got a badly-formatted offset # convert UTC to local time, with DST etc. if time.daylight and time.localtime().tm_isdst: tz = timedelta(seconds=-time.altzone) else: tz = timedelta(seconds=-time.timezone) ret += tz return ret def get_utc_time(local_time: Optional[datetime] = None) -> datetime: """ Get the current UTC time :param datetime local_time: The current local time :return: The current UTC time """ if local_time is None: local_time = datetime.now() isdst = time.localtime().tm_isdst else: isdst = time.localtime(int(local_time.timestamp())).tm_isdst if time.daylight and isdst: tz = timedelta(seconds=time.altzone) else: tz = timedelta(seconds=time.timezone) utc_time = local_time + tz return utc_time def get_local_time(utc_time: datetime) -> datetime: """ Get the local time from an UTC time """ isdst = time.localtime(int(utc_time.timestamp())).tm_isdst if time.daylight and isdst: tz = timedelta(seconds=time.altzone) else: tz = timedelta(seconds=time.timezone) local_time = utc_time - tz return local_time def find_delayed_tag(message: Message) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[datetime]]: """ Check if a message is delayed or not. :param slixmpp.Message message: The message to check. :return: A tuple containing (True, the datetime) or (False, None) :rtype: :py:class:`tuple` """ find_delay = message.xml.find delay_tag = find_delay('{urn:xmpp:delay}delay') date: Optional[datetime] = None if delay_tag is not None: delayed = True date = _datetime_tuple(delay_tag.attrib['stamp']) else: # We support the OLD and deprecated XEP: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0091.html # But it sucks, please, Jabber servers, don't do this :( delay_tag = find_delay('{jabber:x:delay}x') if delay_tag is not None: delayed = True date = _datetime_tuple(delay_tag.attrib['stamp']) else: delayed = False return (delayed, date) def shell_split(st: str) -> List[str]: """ Split a string correctly according to the quotes around the elements. :param str st: The string to split. :return: A list of the different of the string. :rtype: :py:class:`list` >>> shell_split('"sdf 1" "toto 2"') ['sdf 1', 'toto 2'] """ sh = shlex(st) ret = [] w = sh.get_token() while w and w[2] is not None: ret.append(w[2]) if w[1] == len(st): return ret w = sh.get_token() return ret def find_argument(pos: int, text: str, quoted: bool = True) -> int: """ Split an input into a list of arguments, return the number of the argument selected by pos. If the position searched is outside the string, or in a space between words, then it will return the position of an hypothetical new argument. See the doctests of the two methods for example behaviors. :param int pos: The position to search. :param str text: The text to analyze. :param bool quoted: Whether to take quotes into account or not. :rtype: int """ if quoted: return _find_argument_quoted(pos, text) return _find_argument_unquoted(pos, text) def _find_argument_quoted(pos: int, text: str) -> int: """ Get the number of the argument at position pos in a string with possibly quoted text. """ sh = shlex(text) count = -1 w = sh.get_token() while w and w[2] is not None: count += 1 if w[0] <= pos < w[1]: return count w = sh.get_token() return count + 1 def _find_argument_unquoted(pos: int, text: str) -> int: """ Get the number of the argument at position pos in a string without interpreting quotes. """ ret = text.split() search = 0 argnum = 0 for i, elem in enumerate(ret): elem_start = text.find(elem, search) elem_end = elem_start + len(elem) search = elem_end if elem_start <= pos < elem_end: return i argnum = i return argnum + 1 def parse_str_to_secs(duration: str = '') -> int: """ Parse a string of with a number of d, h, m, s. :param str duration: The formatted string. :return: The number of seconds represented by the string :rtype: :py:class:`int` >>> parse_str_to_secs("1d3m1h") 90180 """ values = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 3600, 'd': 86400} result = 0 tmp = '0' for char in duration: if char in string.digits: tmp += char elif char in values: tmp_i = int(tmp) result += tmp_i * values[char] tmp = '0' else: return 0 if tmp != '0': result += int(tmp) return result def parse_secs_to_str(duration: int = 0) -> str: """ Do the reverse operation of :py:func:`parse_str_to_secs`. Parse a number of seconds to a human-readable string. The string has the form XdXhXmXs. 0 units are removed. :param int duration: The duration, in seconds. :return: A formatted string containing the duration. :rtype: :py:class:`str` >>> parse_secs_to_str(3601) '1h1s' """ secs, mins, hours, days = 0, 0, 0, 0 result = '' secs = duration % 60 mins = (duration % 3600) // 60 hours = (duration % 86400) // 3600 days = duration // 86400 result += '%dd' % days if days else '' result += '%dh' % hours if hours else '' result += '%dm' % mins if mins else '' result += '%ds' % secs if secs else '' if not result: result = '0s' return result def format_tune_string(infos: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """ Construct a string from a dict created from an "User tune" event. :param dict infos: Tune information :return: The formatted string :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ elems = [] track = infos.get('track') if track: elems.append(track) title = infos.get('title') if title: elems.append(title) else: elems.append('Unknown title') elems.append('-') artist = infos.get('artist') if artist: elems.append(artist) else: elems.append('Unknown artist') rating = infos.get('rating') if rating: elems.append('[ ' + rating + '/10 ]') length_str = infos.get('length') if length_str: length = int(length_str) secs = length % 60 mins = length // 60 secs_str = str(secs).zfill(2) mins_str = str(mins).zfill(2) elems.append('[' + mins_str + ':' + secs_str + ']') return ' '.join(elems) def format_gaming_string(infos: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """ Construct a string from a dict containing "user gaming" information. (for now, only use address and name) :param dict infos: Gaming information :returns: The formatted string :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ name = infos.get('name') if not name: return '' server_address = infos.get('server_address') if server_address: return '%s on %s' % (name, server_address) return name def safeJID(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> JID: """ Construct a :py:class:`slixmpp.JID` object from a string. Used to avoid tracebacks during is stringprep fails (fall back to a JID with an empty string). """ try: return JID(*args, **kwargs) except InvalidJID: log.debug( 'safeJID caught an invalidJID exception: %r, %r', args, kwargs, exc_info=True, ) return JID('') def unique_prefix_of(a: str, b: str) -> str: """ Return the unique prefix of `a` with `b`. Corner cases: * If `a` and `b` share no prefix, the first letter of `a` is returned. * If `a` and `b` are equal, `a` is returned. * If `a` is a prefix of `b`, `a` is returned. * If `b` is a prefix of `a`, `b` plus the first letter of `a` after the common prefix is returned. """ for i, (ca, cb) in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(a, b)): if ca != cb: return a[:i+1] # both are equal, return a return a def to_utc(time_: datetime) -> datetime: """Convert a datetime-aware time zone into raw UTC""" tzone = datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo if time_.tzinfo is not None: # Convert to UTC time_ = time_.astimezone(tz=timezone.utc) else: # Assume local tz, convert to URC time = time_.replace(tzinfo=tzone).astimezone(tz=timezone.utc) # Return an offset-naive datetime return time_.replace(tzinfo=None) # http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#errorstatus ERROR_AND_STATUS_CODES = { '401': 'A password is required', '403': 'Permission denied', '404': 'The room doesn’t exist', '405': 'Your are not allowed to create a new room', '406': 'A reserved nick must be used', '407': 'You are not in the member list', '409': 'This nickname is already in use or has been reserved', '503': 'The maximum number of users has been reached', } # http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0086.html DEPRECATED_ERRORS = { '302': 'Redirect', '400': 'Bad request', '401': 'Not authorized', '402': 'Payment required', '403': 'Forbidden', '404': 'Not found', '405': 'Not allowed', '406': 'Not acceptable', '407': 'Registration required', '408': 'Request timeout', '409': 'Conflict', '500': 'Internal server error', '501': 'Feature not implemented', '502': 'Remote server error', '503': 'Service unavailable', '504': 'Remote server timeout', '510': 'Disconnected', } def get_error_message(stanza: Message, deprecated: bool = False) -> str: """ Takes a stanza of the form and return a well formed string containing error information """ sender = stanza['from'] msg = stanza['error']['type'] condition = stanza['error']['condition'] code = stanza['error']['code'] body = stanza['error']['text'] if not body: if deprecated: if code in DEPRECATED_ERRORS: body = DEPRECATED_ERRORS[code] else: body = condition or 'Unknown error' else: if code in ERROR_AND_STATUS_CODES: body = ERROR_AND_STATUS_CODES[code] else: body = condition or 'Unknown error' if code: message = '%(from)s: %(code)s - %(msg)s: %(body)s' % { 'from': sender, 'msg': msg, 'body': body, 'code': code } else: message = '%(from)s: %(msg)s: %(body)s' % { 'from': sender, 'msg': msg, 'body': body } return message