""" This plugin adds a :term:`/vcard` command to all tabs, allowing you to request and display the vcard-temp of any given entity. Command ------- .. glossary:: /vcard **Usage (globally):** ``/vcard <jid>`` **Usage (in a chatroom tab):** ``/vcard <jid or nick>`` **Usage (in a conversation or contact list tab):** ``/vcard [jid]`` Globally, you can do ``/vcard user@server.example`` to get a vcard. In a chatroom , you can either do it on a JID or a nick (``/vcard nick``, ``/vcard room@muc.server.example/nick`` or ``/vcard user@server.example``). In a private or a direct conversation, you can do ``/vcard`` to request vcard from the current interlocutor, and in the contact list to do it on the currently selected contact. """ from poezio.decorators import command_args_parser from poezio.plugin import BasePlugin from poezio.roster import roster from poezio.common import safeJID from poezio.contact import Contact, Resource from poezio.core.structs import Completion from poezio import tabs from slixmpp.jid import JID, InvalidJID class Plugin(BasePlugin): def init(self): self.api.add_command( 'vcard', self.command_vcard, usage='<jid>', help='Send an XMPP vcard request to jid (see XEP-0054).', short='Send a vcard request', completion=self.completion_vcard) self.api.add_tab_command( tabs.MucTab, 'vcard', self.command_muc_vcard, usage='<jid|nick>', help='Send an XMPP vcard request to jid or nick (see XEP-0054).', short='Send a vcard request.', completion=self.completion_muc_vcard) self.api.add_tab_command( tabs.RosterInfoTab, 'vcard', self.command_roster_vcard, usage='<jid>', help='Send an XMPP vcard request to jid (see XEP-0054).', short='Send a vcard request.', completion=self.completion_vcard) for _class in (tabs.PrivateTab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab, tabs.StaticConversationTab): self.api.add_tab_command( _class, 'vcard', self.command_private_vcard, usage='[jid]', help= 'Send an XMPP vcard request to the current interlocutor or the given JID.', short='Send a vcard request', completion=self.completion_vcard) def _handle_vcard(self, iq): '''Retrieves a vCard from vcard-temp and present it as a DataFormsTab. ''' jid = iq['from'] if iq['type'] == 'error': self.api.information( 'Error retrieving vCard for %s: %s: %s' % (jid, iq['error']['type'], iq['error']['condition']), 'Error') return vcard = iq['vcard_temp'] form = self.core.xmpp['xep_0004'].make_form( ftype='result', title='vCard of %s' % jid) # TODO: implement the other fields. form.add_field( var='FN', ftype='text-single', label='Name', value=vcard['FN']) form.add_field( var='NICKNAME', ftype='text-multi', label='Nicknames', value=vcard['NICKNAME']) # TODO: find a way to detect whether this is present or not. form.add_field(ftype='fixed', value='Full Name') form.add_field( var='N/GIVEN', ftype='text-single', label='Given', value=vcard['N']['GIVEN']) form.add_field( var='N/MIDDLE', ftype='text-single', label='Middle', value=vcard['N']['MIDDLE']) form.add_field( var='N/FAMILY', ftype='text-single', label='Family', value=vcard['N']['FAMILY']) form.add_field( var='N/PREFIX', ftype='text-single', label='Prefix', value=vcard['N']['PREFIX']) form.add_field( var='N/SUFFIX', ftype='text-single', label='Suffix', value=vcard['N']['SUFFIX']) for i, addr in enumerate(vcard['addresses']): form.add_field(ftype='fixed', value='Address') values = [type_ for type_ in addr.bool_interfaces if addr[type_]] addr_type = form.add_field( var='ADR %d/TYPE' % i, ftype='list-multi', label='Type', value=values) addr_type.add_option(label='Home', value='HOME') for type_ in addr.bool_interfaces: addr_type.add_option(label=type_, value=type_) form.add_field( var='ADR %d/POBOX' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Pobox', value=addr['POBOX']) form.add_field( var='ADR %d/EXTADD' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Extended Address', value=addr['EXTADD']) form.add_field( var='ADR %d/STREET' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Street', value=addr['STREET']) form.add_field( var='ADR %d/LOCALITY' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Locality', value=addr['LOCALITY']) form.add_field( var='ADR %d/REGION' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Region', value=addr['REGION']) form.add_field( var='ADR %d/PCODE' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Post Code', value=addr['PCODE']) form.add_field( var='ADR %d/CTRY' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Country', value=addr['CTRY']) for i, tel in enumerate(vcard['telephone_numbers']): form.add_field(ftype='fixed', value='Telephone') values = [type_ for type_ in tel.bool_interfaces if tel[type_]] tel_type = form.add_field( var='TEL %d/TYPE' % i, ftype='list-multi', label='Type', value=values) for type_ in tel.bool_interfaces: tel_type.add_option(label=type_, value=type_) form.add_field( var='TEL %d/NUMBER' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Number', value=tel['NUMBER']) for i, email in enumerate(vcard['emails']): form.add_field(ftype='fixed', value='Email address') values = [type_ for type_ in email.bool_interfaces if email[type_]] email_type = form.add_field( var='EMAIL %d/TYPE' % i, ftype='list-multi', label='Type', value=values) for type_ in email.bool_interfaces: email_type.add_option(label=type_, value=type_) form.add_field( var='EMAIL %d/USERID' % i, ftype='text-single', label='Email Address', value=email['USERID']) form.add_field(ftype='fixed', value='Misc') form.add_field( var='BDAY', ftype='text-single', label='Birthday', value=str(vcard['BDAY'])) for i, jabberid in enumerate(vcard['jids']): form.add_field(ftype='fixed', value='URL') form.add_field( var='JABBERID %d' % i, ftype='jid-single', label='URL', value=jabberid['JABBERID']) for i, url in enumerate(vcard['urls']): form.add_field(ftype='fixed', value='URL') form.add_field( var='URL %d' % i, ftype='text-single', label='URL', value=url['URL']) for i, desc in enumerate(vcard['descriptions']): form.add_field(ftype='fixed', value='Description') form.add_field( var='DESC %d' % i, ftype='text-multi', label='Description', value=desc['DESC']) on_validate = lambda form: self.core.close_tab() on_cancel = lambda form: self.core.close_tab() self.core.open_new_form(form, on_cancel, on_validate) def _get_vcard(self, jid): '''Send an iq to ask the vCard.''' def timeout_cb(iq): self.api.information('Timeout while retrieving vCard for %s' % jid, 'Error') return self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0054'].get_vcard( jid=jid, timeout=30, callback=self._handle_vcard, timeout_callback=timeout_cb) @command_args_parser.raw def command_vcard(self, arg): if not arg: self.core.command.help('vcard') return try: jid = JID(arg) except InvalidJID: self.api.information('Invalid JID: %s' % arg, 'Error') return self._get_vcard(jid) @command_args_parser.raw def command_private_vcard(self, arg): if arg: self.command_vcard(arg) return self.command_vcard(self.api.current_tab().jid.full) @command_args_parser.raw def command_muc_vcard(self, arg): if not arg: self.core.command.help('vcard') return user = self.api.current_tab().get_user_by_name(arg) if user: jid = self.api.current_tab().jid.bare + '/' + user.nick else: try: jid = safeJID(arg) except InvalidJID: return self.api.information('Invalid JID: %s' % arg, 'Error') self._get_vcard(jid) @command_args_parser.raw def command_roster_vcard(self, arg): if arg: self.command_vcard(arg) return current = self.api.current_tab().selected_row if isinstance(current, Resource): self._get_vcard(JID(current.jid).bare) elif isinstance(current, Contact): self._get_vcard(current.bare_jid) def completion_vcard(self, the_input): contacts = [contact.bare_jid for contact in roster.get_contacts()] return Completion( the_input.auto_completion, contacts, '', quotify=False) def completion_muc_vcard(self, the_input): users = [user.nick for user in self.api.current_tab().users] users.extend([ resource.jid for contact in roster.get_contacts() for resource in contact.resources ]) return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, users, '', quotify=False)