""" The command added by this plugin sends a message to someone when he next joins. Usage ----- This plugin defines two new commands for chatroom tabs: :term:`/tell`, :term:`/untell`, and :term:`/list_tell`. .. glossary:: :sorted: /tell **Usage:** ``/tell <nick> <message>`` Send *message* to *nick* at his next join. /untell **Usage:** ``/untell <nick>`` Cancel all scheduled messages to *nick*. /list_tell **Usage:** ``/list_tell`` List all queued messages for the current chatroom. """ from poezio.plugin import BasePlugin from poezio.core.structs import Completion from poezio.decorators import command_args_parser from poezio import tabs class Plugin(BasePlugin): def init(self): self.api.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'tell', self.command_tell, usage='<nick> <message>', help='Will tell <nick> of <message> when he next joins.', short='Send a message when someone joins') self.api.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'untell', self.command_untell, usage='<nick>', help='Remove the planned messages from /tell.', short='Cancel a /tell message', completion=self.completion_untell) self.api.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'list_tell', self.command_list_tell, usage='', help='List currently queued messages') self.api.add_event_handler('muc_join', self.on_join) # {tab -> {nick -> [messages]} self.tabs = {} def on_join(self, presence, tab): if not tab in self.tabs: return nick = presence['from'].resource if not nick in self.tabs[tab]: return for i in self.tabs[tab][nick]: tab.command_say("%s: %s" % (nick, i)) del self.tabs[tab][nick] @command_args_parser.ignored def command_list_tell(self): tab = self.api.current_tab() if not self.tabs.get(tab): self.api.information('No message queued.', 'Info') return build = ['Messages queued for %s:' % tab.name] for nick, messages in self.tabs[tab].items(): build.append(' for %s:' % nick) for message in messages: build.append(' - %s' % message) self.api.information('\n'.join(build), 'Info') @command_args_parser.quoted(2) def command_tell(self, args): """/tell <nick> <message>""" if args is None: self.core.command.help('tell') return nick, msg = args tab = self.api.current_tab() if not tab in self.tabs: self.tabs[tab] = {} if not nick in self.tabs[tab]: self.tabs[tab][nick] = [] self.tabs[tab][nick].append(msg) self.api.information('Message for %s queued' % nick, 'Info') def command_untell(self, args): """/untell <nick>""" tab = self.api.current_tab() if not tab in self.tabs: return nick = args if not nick in self.tabs[tab]: return del self.tabs[tab][nick] self.api.information('Messages for %s unqueued' % nick, 'Info') def completion_untell(self, the_input): tab = self.api.current_tab() if not tab in self.tabs: return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, [], '') return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, list(self.tabs[tab]), '', quotify=False)