This plugin lets the user select and send a sticker from a pack of stickers.

The protocol used here is based on XEP-0363 and XEP-0066, while a future
version may use XEP-0449 instead.


.. glossary::
        **Usage:** ``/sticker <pack>``

        Opens a picker tool, and send the sticker which has been selected.

Configuration options

.. glossary::
        **Default:** ``poezio-sticker-picker``

        The command to invoke as a sticker picker.  A sample one is provided in

        **Default:** ``XDG_DATA_HOME/poezio/stickers``

        The directory under which the sticker packs can be found.

import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
from poezio import xdg
from poezio.plugin import BasePlugin
from poezio.config import config
from poezio.decorators import command_args_parser
from poezio.core.structs import Completion
from pathlib import Path
from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE, DEVNULL

class Plugin(BasePlugin):
    dependencies = {'upload'}

    def init(self):
        # The command to use as a picker helper.
        self.picker_command = config.getstr('sticker_picker') or 'poezio-sticker-picker'

        # Select and create the stickers directory.
        directory = config.getstr('stickers_dir')
        if directory:
            self.directory = Path(directory).expanduser()
            self.directory = xdg.DATA_HOME / 'stickers'
        self.directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        self.upload = self.refs['upload']
        self.api.add_command('sticker', self.command_sticker,
                usage='<sticker pack>',
                short='Send a sticker',
                help='Send a sticker, with a helper GUI sticker picker',

    def command_sticker(self, pack):
        Sends a sticker
        if not pack:
            self.api.information('Missing sticker pack argument.', 'Error')
        async def run_command(tab, path: Path):
                process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
                    self.picker_command, path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
                sticker, stderr = await process.communicate()
            except FileNotFoundError as err:
                self.api.information('Failed to launch the sticker picker: %s' % err, 'Error')
                if process.returncode != 0:
                    self.api.information('Sticker picker failed: %s' % stderr.decode(), 'Error')
            if sticker:
                filename = sticker.decode().rstrip()
                self.api.information('Sending sticker %s' % filename, 'Info')
                await self.upload.send_upload(path / filename, tab)
        tab = self.api.current_tab()
        path = self.directory / pack
        asyncio.create_task(run_command(tab, path))

    def completion_sticker(self, the_input):
        Completion for /sticker
        txt = the_input.get_text()[9:]
        directories = [directory.name for directory in self.directory.glob(txt + '*')]
        return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, directories, quotify=False)