""" ``reorder`` plugin: Reorder the tabs according to a layout Commands -------- .. glossary:: /reorder **Usage:** ``/reorder`` Reorder the tabs according to the configuration. /save_order **Usage:** ``/save_order`` Save the current tab order to the configuration. Configuration ------------- The configuration file must contain a section ``[reorder]`` and each option must be formatted like ``[tab number] = [tab type]:[tab name]``. For example: .. code-block:: ini [reorder] 1 = muc:toto@conference.example.com 2 = muc:example@muc.example.im 3 = dynamic:robert@example.org The ``[tab number]`` must be at least ``1``; if the range is not entirely covered, e.g.: .. code-block:: ini [reorder] 1 = muc:toto@conference.example.com 3 = dynamic:robert@example.org Poezio will insert gaps between the tabs in order to keep the specified numbering (so in this case, there will be a tab 1, a tab 3, but no tab 2). The ``[tab type]`` must be one of: - ``muc`` (for multi-user chats) - ``private`` (for chats with a specific user inside a multi-user chat) - ``dynamic`` (for normal, dynamic conversations tabs) - ``static`` (for conversations with a specific resource) And finally, the ``[tab name]`` must be: - For a type ``muc``, the bare JID of the room - For a type ``private``, the full JID of the user (room JID with the username as a resource) - For a type ``dynamic``, the bare JID of the contact - For a type ``static``, the full JID of the contact """ from slixmpp import InvalidJID, JID from poezio import tabs from poezio.decorators import command_args_parser from poezio.plugin import BasePlugin from poezio.config import config TEXT_TO_TAB = { 'muc': tabs.MucTab, 'private': tabs.PrivateTab, 'dynamic': tabs.DynamicConversationTab, 'static': tabs.StaticConversationTab, 'empty': tabs.GapTab } TAB_TO_TEXT = { tabs.MucTab: 'muc', tabs.DynamicConversationTab: 'dynamic', tabs.PrivateTab: 'private', tabs.StaticConversationTab: 'static', tabs.GapTab: 'empty' } def parse_config(tab_config): result = {} for option in tab_config.options('reorder'): if not option.isdecimal(): continue pos = int(option) if pos in result or pos <= 0: return None spec = tab_config.get(option, default=':').split(':', maxsplit=1) # Gap tabs are recreated automatically if there's a gap in indices. if spec == 'empty': return None typ, name = spec if typ not in TEXT_TO_TAB: return None result[pos] = (TEXT_TO_TAB[typ], name) return result def check_tab(tab): for cls, rep in TAB_TO_TEXT.items(): if isinstance(tab, cls): return rep return '' def parse_runtime_tablist(tablist): props = [] i = 0 for tab in tablist[1:]: i += 1 result = check_tab(tab) if result == 'empty': props.append((i, 'empty')) elif result: props.append((i, '%s:%s' % (result, tab.jid.full))) return props class Plugin(BasePlugin): """reorder plugin""" def init(self): self.api.add_command( 'reorder', self.command_reorder, help='Reorder all tabs using the pre-defined' ' layout from the configuration file.') self.api.add_command( 'save_order', self.command_save_order, help='Save the current tab layout') @command_args_parser.ignored def command_save_order(self) -> None: """ /save_order """ conf = parse_runtime_tablist(self.core.tabs) for key, value in conf: self.config.set(key, value) self.api.information('Tab order saved', 'Info') @command_args_parser.ignored def command_reorder(self) -> None: """ /reorder """ tabs_spec = parse_config(self.config) if not tabs_spec: self.api.information('Invalid reorder config', 'Error') return None old_tabs = self.core.tabs.get_tabs() roster = old_tabs.pop(0) create_gaps = config.get('create_gaps') new_tabs = [roster] last = 0 for pos in sorted(tabs_spec): if create_gaps and pos > last + 1: new_tabs += [ tabs.GapTab(self.core) for i in range(pos - last - 1) ] cls, jid = tabs_spec[pos] try: jid = JID(jid) tab = self.core.tabs.by_name_and_class(str(jid), cls=cls) if tab and tab in old_tabs: new_tabs.append(tab) old_tabs.remove(tab) else: self.api.information('Tab %s not found. Creating it' % jid, 'Warning') # TODO: Add support for MucTab. Requires nickname. if cls in (tabs.DynamicConversationTab, tabs.StaticConversationTab): new_tab = cls(self.core, jid) new_tabs.append(new_tab) else: new_tabs.append(tabs.GapTab(self.core)) except: self.api.information('Failed to create tab \'%s\'.' % jid, 'Error') if create_gaps: new_tabs.append(tabs.GapTab(self.core)) finally: last = pos for tab in old_tabs: if tab: new_tabs.append(tab) # TODO: Ensure we don't break poezio and call this with whatever # tablist we have. The roster tab at least needs to be in there. self.core.tabs.replace_tabs(new_tabs) self.core.refresh_window() return None