""" This plugin allows you to quote messages easily. Installation ------------ You only have to load the plugin. .. code-block:: none /load quote Usage ------- .. glossary:: /quote **Usage:** ``/quote <timestamp>`` Timestamp is in ``HH:MM:SS`` format, and can be completed with [tab]. Example: .. code-block:: none /quote 21:12:23 If there is a message at 21:12:23, it will be put in the input. If there isn’t, you will get a warning. """ from plugin import BasePlugin from xhtml import clean_text import common import tabs import re timestamp_re = re.compile(r'^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d )?\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$') seconds_re = re.compile(r'^:\d\d$') import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Plugin(BasePlugin): def init(self): for _class in (tabs.MucTab, tabs.ConversationTab, tabs.PrivateTab): self.api.add_tab_command(_class, 'quote', self.command_quote, usage='<timestamp>', help='Takes the message received at <timestamp> and insert it in the input, to quote it.', short='Quote a message from a timestamp', completion=self.completion_quote) def command_quote(self, args): args = common.shell_split(args) if len(args) in (1, 2): timestamp = args[-1] else: return self.api.run_command('/help quote') if re.match(timestamp_re, timestamp) is None: return self.api.information('Timestamp has a wrong format.', 'Warning') message = self.find_message_with_timestamp(timestamp) if message: before = self.config.get('before_quote', '') % {'nick': message.nickname or '', 'time': message.str_time} after = self.config.get('after_quote', '') % {'nick': message.nickname or '', 'time': message.str_time} self.core.insert_input_text('%(before)s%(quote)s%(after)s' % {'before': before.replace('\\n', '\n').replace('[SP]', ' '), 'quote': clean_text(message.txt), 'after': after.replace('\\n', '\n').replace('[SP]', ' ')}) else: self.api.information('No message found for timestamp %s.' % timestamp, 'Warning') def find_message_with_timestamp(self, timestamp): # TODO: handle messages with the same # timestamp but not the same day messages = self.api.get_conversation_messages() if not messages: return None for message in messages[::-1]: if message.str_time == timestamp: return message return None def completion_quote(self, the_input): def nick_match(msg): if not msg.nickname: return nick == '' return msg.nickname.lower().startswith(nick.lower()) def time_match(msg): return msg.str_time.endswith(time) messages = self.api.get_conversation_messages() if not messages: return text = the_input.get_text() args = common.shell_split(text) n = len(args) if text.endswith(' '): n += 1 time = args[-1] if re.match(seconds_re, time) is not None: messages = list(filter(time_match, messages)) for i in range(3): the_input.key_backspace(False) elif n == 2: try: if args[1][0] not in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'): return False except: pass nick = '' if n == 3: nick = args[1] messages = list(filter(nick_match, messages)) return the_input.auto_completion([msg.str_time for msg in messages[::-1]], '')