""" This plugin adds a command (that can be bound to a key) that adds a random number of dots in the input, making you look depressed, or overly thinking... .. note:: ....... Installation ------------ Load the plugin.:: /load pointpoint Then use the command: :: /pointpoint But since the goal is to be able to add the dots while typing a message, entering a command is not really useful. To be useful, this plugin needs to be used through a bound key, for example like this: :: /bind M-. _exc_pointpoint You just need to press Alt+. and this will insert dots in your message. Command ------- .. glossary:: /pointpoint **Usage:** ``/pointpoint`` """ from plugin import BasePlugin from random import randrange class Plugin(BasePlugin): def init(self): self.api.add_command('pointpoint', self.command_pointpoint, help='Insert a random number of dots in the input') def command_pointpoint(self, args): for i in range(randrange(8, 25)): self.core.current_tab().input.do_command(".")