# a plugin adding a command to manipulate an MPD instance from plugin import BasePlugin from common import shell_split from os.path import basename as base import tabs import mpd import threading from select import select from time import sleep class UpdateThread(threading.Thread): """ Background thread that awaits mpd changes """ def __init__(self, plugin, xmpp): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.plugin = plugin self.xmpp = xmpp self.alive = False self.c = mpd.MPDClient() def run(self, *args, **kwargs): self.alive = True current = None while self.alive: try: self.c.connect(host=self.plugin.config.get('host', 'localhost'), port=self.plugin.config.get('port', '6600')) password = self.plugin.config.get('password', '') if password: self.c.password(password) self.c.send_idle() select([self.c], [], [], timeout=600) self.c.fetch_idle() status = self.c.status() if status['state'] == 'play' and self.alive: song = self.c.currentsong() if current != song: self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0118'].publish_tune(artist=song.get('artist'), length=song.get('time'), title=song.get('title'), track=song.get('track'), block=False) current = song elif status['state'] != 'play': self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0118'].stop(block=False) current = None self.c.disconnect() except: pass finally: try: self.c.disconnect() except: pass sleep(8) class Plugin(BasePlugin): def init(self): for _class in (tabs.ConversationTab, tabs.MucTab, tabs.PrivateTab): self.api.add_tab_command(_class, 'mpd', self.command_mpd, usage='[full]', help='Sends a message showing the current song of an MPD instance. If full is provided, the message is more verbose.', short='Send the MPD status', completion=self.completion_mpd) if self.config.get('broadcast', 'true').lower() != 'false': self.core.xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0118') self.thread = UpdateThread(plugin=self, xmpp=self.core.xmpp) self.thread.start() def cleanup(self): self.thread.alive = False self.thread.c.disconnect() self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0118'].stop(block=False) def command_mpd(self, args): args = shell_split(args) c = mpd.MPDClient() c.connect(host=self.config.get('host', 'localhost'), port=self.config.get('port', '6600')) password = self.config.get('password', '') if password: c.password(password) current = c.currentsong() artist = current.get('artist', 'Unknown artist') album = current.get('album', 'Unknown album') title = current.get('title', base(current.get('file', 'Unknown title'))) s = '%s - %s (%s)' % (artist, title, album) if 'full' in args: if 'elapsed' in current and 'time' in current: current_time = float(c.status()['elapsed']) percents = int(current_time / float(current['time']) * 10) s += ' \x192}[\x191}' + '-'*(percents-1) + '\x193}+' + '\x191}' + '-' * (10-percents-1) + '\x192}]\x19o' if not self.api.send_message('%s' % (s,)): self.api.information('Cannot send result (%s)' % s, 'Error') def completion_mpd(self, the_input): return the_input.auto_completion(['full'], quotify=False)