Plugin destined to be used together with the Biboumi IRC gateway.

For more information about Biboumi, please see the `official website`_.

This plugin is here as a non-default extension of the poezio configuration
made to work with IRC rooms and logins. Therefore, it does not define any
commands or do anything useful except on load.


Global configuration
.. glossary::

        **Default:** ``irc.poez.io``

        The JID of the IRC gateway to use. If empty, irc.poez.io will be
        used. Please try to run your own, though, it’s painless to setup.

.. note:: There is no nickname option because the default from poezio will be used.

Server-specific configuration

Write a configuration section for each server, with the server address as the
section name, and the following options:

.. glossary::

        **Default:** ``[empty]``

        The command used to identify with the services (e.g. ``IDENTIFY mypassword``).

        **Default:** ``[empty]``

        The nickname to whom the auth command will be sent.

        **Default:** ``[empty]``

        Your nickname on this server. If empty, the default configuration will be used.

        **Default:** ``[empty]``

        The list of rooms to join on this server (e.g. ``#room1:#room2``).

.. note:: If no login_command or login_nick is set, the authentication phase
        won’t take place and you will join the rooms after a small delay.

Example configuration

.. code-block:: ini

    gateway = irc.poez.io

    nickname = mynick
    login_nick = nickserv
    login_command = identify mynick mypassword
    rooms = #testroom1:#testroom2

    nickname = anothernick
    login_nick = C
    login_command = nick identify mypassword
    rooms = #testvroum

.. _official website: http://biboumi.louiz.org/

from plugin import BasePlugin

class Plugin(BasePlugin):
    def init(self):

        def join(server):
            "Join rooms after a small delay"
            nick = self.config.get('nickname', '', server) or self.core.own_nick
            rooms = self.config.get('rooms', '', server).split(':')
            for room in rooms:
                room = '{}%{}@{}/{}'.format(room, server, gateway, nick)

        gateway = self.config.get('gateway', 'irc.poez.io')
        sections = self.config.sections()

        for section in (s for s in sections if s != 'irc'):
            server_suffix = '%{}@{}'.format(section, gateway)

            already_opened = False
            for tab in self.core.tabs:
                if tab.name.endswith(server_suffix):
                    already_opened = True

            login_command = self.config.get('login_command', '', section)
            login_nick = self.config.get('login_nick', '', section)
            nick = self.config.get('nickname', '', section) or self.core.own_nick

            if login_command and login_nick:
                dest = '{}{}/{}'.format(login_nick, server_suffix, nick)
                self.core.xmpp.send_message(mto=dest, mbody=login_command, mtype='chat')

            if not already_opened:
                delayed = self.api.create_delayed_event(5, join, section)