""" This plugin adds a "cyber" prefix to a random word in your chatroom messages. Usage ----- Say something in a MUC tab. Configuration options --------------------- .. glossary:: frequency **Default:** ``10`` The percentage of the time the plugin will activate (randomly). 100 for every message, <= 0 for never. """ from poezio.plugin import BasePlugin from random import choice, randint import re DEFAULT_CONFIG = {'cyber': {'frequency': 10}} class Plugin(BasePlugin): default_config = DEFAULT_CONFIG def init(self): self.api.add_event_handler('muc_say', self.cyberize) def cyberize(self, msg, tab): if randint(1, 100) > self.config.get('frequency'): return words = [word for word in re.split('\W+', msg['body']) if len(word) > 3] if words: word = choice(words) msg['body'] = msg['body'].replace(word, 'cyber' + word)