""" ``close_all`` plugin: close all tabs except chatrooms and the contact lis. Commands -------- .. glossary:: /closeall **Usage:** ``/closeall`` Close all tabs except the roster and chatroom tabs. """ from poezio.plugin import BasePlugin from poezio import tabs from poezio.decorators import command_args_parser class Plugin(BasePlugin): def init(self): self.api.add_command('closeall', self.command_closeall, help='Close all non-chatroom tabs.') @command_args_parser.ignored def command_closeall(self): """ /closeall """ current = self.core.current_tab() if not isinstance(current, (tabs.RosterInfoTab, tabs.MucTab)): self.core.go_to_roster() current = self.core.current_tab() def filter_func(x): return not isinstance(x, (tabs.RosterInfoTab, tabs.MucTab)) matching_tabs = list(filter(filter_func, self.core.tabs)) length = len(matching_tabs) for tab in matching_tabs: self.core.close_tab(tab) self.core.current_tab_nb = current.nb self.api.information('%s tabs closed.' % length, 'Info') self.core.refresh_window()