""" This plugin sends a small image to the recipient of your choice, using XHTML-IM and Bits of Binary. Usage ----- /bob some/image.png Configuration options --------------------- .. glossary:: max_size **Default:** ``2048`` The maximum acceptable size of a file, over which you will get an error instead. max_age **Default:** ``86400`` The time during which the file should stay in cache on the receiving side. """ from poezio.core.structs import Completion from poezio.plugin import BasePlugin from poezio import tabs from pathlib import Path from glob import glob from os.path import expanduser from mimetypes import guess_type class Plugin(BasePlugin): default_config = {'bob': {'max_size': 2048, 'max_age': 86400}} def init(self): for tab in tabs.DynamicConversationTab, tabs.StaticConversationTab, tabs.PrivateTab, tabs.MucTab: self.api.add_tab_command( tab, 'bob', self.command_bob, usage='<image>', help='Send image <image> to the current discussion', short='Send a short image', completion=self.completion_bob) def command_bob(self, filename): path = Path(expanduser(filename)) try: size = path.stat().st_size except OSError as exc: self.api.information('Error sending “%s”: %s' % (path.name, exc), 'Error') return mime_type = guess_type(path.as_posix())[0] if mime_type is None or not mime_type.startswith('image/'): self.api.information( 'Error sending “%s”, not an image file.' % path.name, 'Error') return if size > self.config.get('max_size'): self.api.information( 'Error sending “%s”, file too big.' % path.name, 'Error') return with open(path.as_posix(), 'rb') as file: data = file.read() max_age = self.config.get('max_age') cid = self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0231'].set_bob( data, mime_type, max_age=max_age) self.api.run_command( '/xhtml <img src="cid:%s" alt="%s"/>' % (cid, path.name)) @staticmethod def completion_bob(the_input): txt = expanduser(the_input.get_text()[5:]) images = [] for filename in glob(txt + '*'): mime_type = guess_type(filename)[0] if mime_type is not None and mime_type.startswith('image/'): images.append(filename) return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, images, quotify=False)