""" Recreational plugin. Message parser that can generate sentences based on what he has already seen before. """ from plugin import BasePlugin from random import choice from re import split as rsplit import pickle import tabs class Dico(object): def __init__(self): self.start_words = [] self.end_words = [] self.words = {} def add_next(self, word, next): w = self.words[word] if next in w: w[next] += 1 else: w[next] = 1 def add_word(self, word): if not word in self.words: self.words[word] = {} def select_next(self, word): d = sorted(self.words[word], key=lambda w: self.words[word][w], reverse=True) if not d: return '' nexts = d[:10] for i in range(0, len(d) // 10): nexts.append(choice(d[9:])) return choice(nexts) def create_sentence(self, length): if not self.start_words: return '' current = choice(self.start_words) i = 1 sent = current.capitalize() while current and self.words[current] and i < length: current = self.select_next(current) sent += " " + current i += 1 return sent def save(self, fname): file = open(fname, 'wb') pickle.dump(self, file) file.close spaces = ' ' end_sentence = ['.', '?', '!'] def end_re(): r = '(' for i in end_sentence[:]: end_sentence.append('%s ' % i) i = '\%s'% i r += '%s$|%s |' % (i, i) r = r[:-1] r += ')' return r end = end_re() class Analyzer(object): dico = None def __init__(self): pass def parse(self, text): text = text.replace('\n', '') res = rsplit(end, text) for i in res[:]: if i == '': continue elif i in end_sentence: continue self.analyze(i) def analyze(self, text): prev = None for word in rsplit('[%s]'%spaces, text): if word in spaces: continue word = word.lower() self.dico.add_word(word) if prev: self.dico.add_next(prev, word) else: self.dico.start_words.append(word) prev = word class Plugin(BasePlugin): def init(self): self.add_event_handler('groupchat_message', self.on_groupchat_message) self.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'random', self.command_random, '/random [n]\nRandom: Send a random message, if n is provided and is integer > 1, the message will have a maximum number of n words', None) self.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'start', self.command_start, '/start\nStart: Start parsing the messages', None) self.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'stop', self.command_stop, '/stop\nStop: Stop parsing the messages', None) self.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'flush', self.command_flush, '/flush\nFlush: Flush the database', None) self.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'save', self.command_save, '/save <filepath>\nSave: Save the database to a file', None) self.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab, 'load_db', self.command_load_db, '/load_db <filepath>\nLoad: Load the database from a file', None) self.tabs = {} self.analyzer = Analyzer() def command_start(self, arg): name = self.core.current_tab().get_name() if not name in self.tabs: self.tabs[name] = Dico() self.core.information('Started analyzing in %s' % name, 'Info') else: self.core.information('Already started', 'Info') def command_stop(self, arg): name = self.core.current_tab().get_name() if name in self.tabs: del self.tabs[name] self.core.information('Stopped analyzing in %s' % name, 'Info') else: self.core.information('Nothing to stop', 'Info') def command_save(self, arg): name = self.core.current_tab().get_name() if name in self.tabs: try: self.tabs[name].save(arg) except: self.core.information('Could not save the file', 'Info') else: self.core.information('Nothing to save', 'Info') def command_flush(self, arg): name = self.core.current_tab().get_name() if name in self.tabs: del self.tabs[name] self.tabs[name] = Dico() self.core.information('Database flushed', 'Info') else: self.core.information('Nothing to flush', 'Info') def command_load_db(self, arg): name = self.core.current_tab().get_name() try: file = open(arg, 'rb') self.tabs[name] = pickle.load(file) file.close() self.core.information('File loaded', 'Info') except: self.core.information('Could not load the file', 'Info') def on_groupchat_message(self, message): if not message['body']: return jid = message['from'] if jid.bare not in self.tabs or jid.resource == self.core.current_tab().own_nick: return jid = jid.bare self.analyzer.dico = self.tabs[jid] self.analyzer.parse(message['body']) def command_random(self, arg): name = self.core.current_tab().get_name() try: i = int(arg) if i < 1: i = 1 except: i = 25 if name in self.tabs: self.core.send_message(self.tabs[name].create_sentence(i))