""" This plugin adds several convenient aliases, to shorten roles/affiliation management. Aliases defined --------------- All those commands take a nick or a JID as a parameter. For roles ~~~~~~~~~ .. glossary:: :sorted: /visitor /mute Set the role to ``visitor`` /participant Set the role to ``participant`` /moderator /op Set the role to ``moderator`` For affiliations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. glossary:: :sorted: /admin Set the affiliation to ``admin`` /member /voice Set the affiliation to ``member`` /noaffiliation Set the affiliation to ``none`` /owner Set the affiliation to ``owner`` """ from poezio.plugin import BasePlugin from poezio.tabs import MucTab from poezio.core.structs import Completion class Plugin(BasePlugin): """ Adds several convenient aliases to /affiliation and /role: /visitor /participant /moderator == /op /member == /voice /owner /admin /noaffiliation """ def init(self): for role in ('visitor', 'participant', 'moderator'): self.api.add_tab_command( MucTab, role, self.role(role), help='Set the role of a nick to %s' % role, usage='<nick>', short='Set the role to %s' % role, completion=self.complete_nick) for aff in ('member', 'owner', 'admin'): self.api.add_tab_command( MucTab, aff, self.affiliation(aff), usage='<nick>', help='Set the affiliation of a nick to %s' % aff, short='Set the affiliation to %s' % aff, completion=self.complete_nick) self.api.add_tab_command( MucTab, 'noaffiliation', self.affiliation('none'), usage='<nick>', help='Set the affiliation of a nick to none.', short='Set the affiliation to none.', completion=self.complete_nick) self.api.add_tab_command( MucTab, 'voice', self.affiliation('member'), usage='<nick>', help='Set the affiliation of a nick to member.', short='Set the affiliation to member.', completion=self.complete_nick) self.api.add_tab_command( MucTab, 'op', self.role('moderator'), usage='<nick>', help='Set the role of a nick to moderator.', short='Set the role to moderator.', completion=self.complete_nick) self.api.add_tab_command( MucTab, 'mute', self.role('visitor'), usage='<nick>', help='Set the role of a nick to visitor.', short='Set the role to visitor.', completion=self.complete_nick) def role(self, role): async def inner(args): await self.api.current_tab().command_role(args + ' ' + role) return inner def affiliation(self, affiliation): async def inner(args): await self.api.current_tab().command_affiliation(args + ' ' + affiliation) return inner def complete_nick(self, the_input): tab = self.api.current_tab() compare_users = lambda x: x.last_talked word_list = [user.nick for user in sorted(tab.users, key=compare_users, reverse=True)\ if user.nick != tab.own_nick] return Completion(the_input.auto_completion, word_list, '')