.. _pyenv-install: Pyenv - Installing python 3.4 as a user ======================================= Pyenv_ is a useful script that allows you to install several python versions in your user directory, and lets you manage which one you want depending on the directory you are in. It is therefore useful for people who are on distributions not providing the latest stable version, such as Debian or CentOS. You can follow the step-by-step `installation tutorial`_ on github that will help you install it to your home directory (on step 5, you should use 3.4.2 which is the latest python 3.4 release at the time of writing this page); or you can use the `automated installer`_ and use ``pyenv install 3.4.2`` thereafter. Then you only need to add a ``.python-version`` file containing ``3.4.2`` in your poezio directory to make the python version in that directory default to the python 3.4.2 installed with pyenv. .. _Pyenv: https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv .. _installation tutorial: https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv#installation .. _automated installer: https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv-installer