
Table of all XEPs implemented in poezio.

|XEP number|XEP name                 |Implementation status|
|0004      |Data Forms               |100%                 |
|0012      |Last Activity            |100%                 |
|0027      |Current Jabber OpenPGP   |100%                 |
|          |Usage                    |                     |
|0030      |Service Discovery        |~100%                |
|0045      |Multi-User Chat          |~90%                 |
|0048      |Bookmarks                |90%                  |
|0054      |vcard-temp               |30%                  |
|0070      |HTTP Request Verification|~100%                |
|0071      |XHTML-IM                 |~70%                 |
|0085      |Chat State Notifications |100%                 |
|0092      |Software Version         |100%                 |
|0107      |User Mood                |100%                 |
|0108      |User Activity            |100%                 |
|0115      |Entity capabilities      |~20%                 |
|0118      |User Tune                |90%                  |
|0172      |User Nickname            |100%                 |
|0184      |Message Delivery Receipts|100%                 |
|0191      |Simple Communication     |95%                  |
|          |Blocking                 |                     |
|0196      |User Gaming              |70%                  |
|0198      |Stream Management        |100%                 |
|0199      |XMPP Ping                |100%                 |
|0202      |Entity time              |100%                 |
|0224      |Attention                |100%                 |
|0231      |Bits of Binary           |30%                  |
|0245      |The /me Command          |80%                  |
|0249      |Direct MUC Invitations   |90%                  |
|0270      |Compliance Suites 2010   |Advanced Client      |
|0280      |Messsage Carbons         |100%                 |
|0296      |Best Practices for       |100%                 |
|          |Resource Locking         |                     |
|0302      |Compliance Suites 2012   |Advanced Client      |
|0308      |Last Message Correction  |100%                 |
|0352      |Client State Indication  |100%                 |
|0364      |Current OTR Usage        |100%                 |
|0378      |OTR Discovery            |100%                 |