Plugin API documentation ======================== .. module:: plugin .. autoclass:: BasePlugin :members: init, cleanup, api, core .. method:: init(self) Method called at the creation of the plugin. Do not override __init__ and use this instead. .. method:: cleanup(self) Method called before the destruction of the plugin. Use it to erase or save things before the plugin is disabled. .. attribute:: core The Poezio :py:class:`~Core` object. Use it carefully. .. attribute:: api The :py:class:`~PluginAPI` instance for this plugin. Each plugin inheriting :py:class:`~BasePlugin` has an ``api`` member variable, which refers to a :py:class:`~PluginAPI` object. The :py:class:`~PluginAPI` object is an a interface through which the :py:class:`~BasePlugin` (and inheritors) *should* go to interact with poezio. If it is not sufficient, then the ``core`` member can be used. .. autoclass:: PluginAPI :members: :undoc-members: