Commands ======== Commands start with the ``/`` character and can take a list of any number of arguments, separated by spaces. If an argument should contain a space, you can use the ``"`` character to surround this argument. The commands described in this page are shown like this: ``/command <mandatory argument> [optional argument]`` You can get the same help as below from inside poezio with the :term:`/help` command. .. note:: Use command parameters like this: - Do not use quotes if they are unnecessary (words without special chars or spaces) - If the command takes several agrguments, you need to put quotes around arguments containing special chars such as backslashes or quotes - If the command always takes only one argument, then do not use quotes even for words containing special chars .. _global-commands: Global commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These commands work in *any* tab. .. glossary:: :sorted: /help **Usage:** ``/help [command]`` If called without an argument, this command will list the available commands. If it has a valid command as an argument, this command will show the usage and the help for the given command. /join **Usage:** ``/join [room_name][@server][/nick] [password]`` Join the specified room. You can specify a nickname after a slash (/). If no nickname is specified, you will use the default_nick in the configuration file. You can omit the room name: you will then join the room you're looking at (useful if you were kicked). You can also provide a room_name without specifying a server, the server of the room you're currently in will be used. You can also provide a password to join the room. *Examples:* - ``/join room@server.tld`` - ``/join room@server.tld/John`` - ``/join room2`` - ``/join /me_again`` - ``/join`` - ``/join room@server.tld/my_nick password`` - ``/join / password`` /destroy_room **Usage:** ``/destroy_room [room JID]`` Try to destroy the room given as a parameter, or the current room is not parameter is given and the current tab is a chatroom. You need to be the owner of a room or a server admin to destroy it. /exit /quit Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio. /load **Usage:** ``/load <plugin name> [<other plugin> …]`` Load or reload one or several plugins. /unload **Usage:** ``/unload <plugin name> [<other plugin> …]`` Unload one or several plugins. /plugins List the loaded plugins. /next Go to the next room. /prev Go to the previous room. /win /w **Usage:** ``/win <number>`` Go to the specified room. /status **Usage:** ``/status <availability> [status message]`` Set your availability and (optionaly) your status message. The <availability> argument is one of "available, chat, away, afk, dnd, busy, xa" and the optional [status] argument will be your status message.' /bookmark **Usage:** ``/bookmark [roomname][/nick] [autojoin] [password]`` Bookmark the specified room. This command uses almost the same syntax as /join. Type ``/help join`` for syntax examples. Note that when typing /bookmark on its own, the room will be bookmarked with the nickname you're currently using in this room (instead of default_nick). You can specify an optional *autojoin* and *password* if you call it with the full line (/bookmark alone will put the room in autojoin without password). The bookmarks stored with this command are stored on your xmpp server. /bookmark_local **Usage:** ``/bookmark_local [roomname][/nick]`` Bookmark the specified room (you will then auto-join it on each poezio start). This commands uses almost the same syntax as /join. Type /help join for syntax examples. Note that when typing /bookmark on its own, the room will be bookmarked with the nickname you're currently using in this room (instead of default_nick). The bookmarks stored with this command will be stored locally. They have priority over the ones stored online. /remove_bookmark **Usage:** ``/remove_bookmark [room_jid]`` Remove the bookmark on *room_jid* or the one on the current tab, if any. /bookmarks **Usage:** ``/bookmarks`` Open a :ref:`bookmarks tab` in order to edit the current boookmarks. /set **Usage:** ``/set [plugin|][section] <option> <value>`` Set the value to the option in your configuration file. You can, for example, change your default nickname by doing "/set default_nick toto" or your resource with "/set resource blabla". Doing so will write in the main config file, and in the main section ([Poezio]). But you can also write to another section, with ``/set bindings M-i ^i``, to a plugin configuration with ``/set mpd_client| host main`` (notice the **|**, it is mandatory to write in a plugin), or even to another section in a plugin configuration ``/set plugin|other_section option value``. **toggle** can be used as a special value for a boolean option. It just set the option to true if it’s currently false, and to false if it’s currently true. /set_default **Usage:** ``/set_default [section] <option>`` Set the value of an option back to the default. For example, ``/set_default resource`` will reset the ``resource`` option. /toggle **Usage:** ``/toggle <option>`` Toggle an option, shortcut for :term:`/set` <option> toggle. /move_tab **Usage:** ``/move_tab <source> <destination>`` Move tab <source> to <destination>. If the :term:`create_gaps` option is true, then it will leave a gap at the <source> position, leading to usual behaviour. If create_gaps is not enabled, then the tabs will number from 0 to your actual tab number, without gaps (which means their number will change if you close a tab on the left of the list). A value of ``.`` for a parameter means the current tab. /theme **Usage:** ``/theme [theme_name]`` Reload the theme defined in the config file. If *theme_name* is given, this command will act like :samp:`/set theme {theme_name}` then /theme. /presence **Usage:** ``/presence <jid> [type] [status]`` Send a directed presence to *jid* using *type* and *status* if provided. /rawxml **Usage:** ``/rawxml <stanza>`` Send a custom XML stanza. /xml_tab Open an XML tab. /list **Usage:** ``/list [server.tld]`` Get the list of public chatrooms in the specified server (open a :ref:`listtab`) /message **Usage:** ``/message <jid> [optional message]`` Open a conversation with the specified JID (event if it is not in our roster), and send a message to him/her, if specified. /version **Usage:** ``/version <jid>`` Get the software version of the given JID (usually its XMPP client and Operating System). /invite **Usage:** ``/invite <jid> <room> [reason]`` Invite *jid* to *room* with *reason* (if provided). /invitations Show the pending invitations. /activity **Usage:** ``/activity [<general> [specific] [comment]]`` Send your current activity to your contacts (use the completion to cycle through all the general and specific possible activities). Nothing means "stop broadcasting an activity". /mood **Usage:** ``/mood [<mood> [comment]]`` Send your current mood to your contacts (use the completion to cycle through all the possible moods). Nothing means "stop broadcasting a mood". /gaming **Usage:** ``/gaming [<game name> [server address]]`` Send your current gaming activity to your contacts. Nothing means "stop broadcasting a gaming activity". /last_activity **Usage:** ``/activity <jid>`` Show the last activity of a contact or a server (its uptime, in that case). /server_cycle **Usage:** ``/server_cycle [server.tld] [message]`` Disconnect and reconnect in all the rooms of server.tld. /bind **Usage:** ``/bind <key> <eq>`` Bind a key to another key or to a "command". For example, ``/bind ^H KEY_UP`` makes Control + h behave the same way as the Up key. See the *key bindings documentation page* for more details. /runkey **Usage:** ``/runkey <key>`` Execute the action defined for *key*. For example, ``/runkey KEY_PPAGE`` will scroll up, or ``/runkey ^N`` will go to the next tab. /self Reminds you of who you are and what your status is. /reload Reload the config. You can achieve the same by sending SIGUSR1 to poezio. /close Close the tab. .. note:: The /close command will work everywhere, except in the Roster tab, which can’t be closed. .. _chattab-commands: Chat tab commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These commands will work in any conversation tab (MultiUserChat, Private, or Conversation tabs). .. glossary:: :sorted: /correct **Usage:** ``/correct <corrected message>`` Replace the content of the last sent message with *corrected message*. /say **Usage:** ``/say <message>`` Just send the message (only useful it you want your message to begin with a **/**). Note that you can also send message starting with a **/** by starting it with **//**. /xhtml **Usage:** ``/xhtml <custom xhtml>`` Send a custom xhtml message to the current tab. /clear Clear the current buffer. .. _muctab-commands: MultiUserChat tab commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. glossary:: :sorted: /affiliation **Usage:** ``/affiliation <nick> <affiliation>`` Sets the affiliation of the participant designated by **nick** to the given **affiliation** (can be one of owner, admin, member, outcast and none). /role **Usage:** ``/affiliation <nick> <role>`` Sets the role of the participant designated by **nick** to the given **role** (can be one of moderator, participant, visitor and none). /color **Usage:** ``/color <nick> <color>`` Assign a color to the given nick. The nick and all its alias (nicks are considered identical if they only differ by the presence of one ore more **_** character at the beginning or the end. For example _Foo and Foo___ are considered aliases of the nick Foo) will then always have the specified color, in all MultiUserChat tabs. This is true whatever the value of **deterministic_nick_colors** is. Use the completion to get a list of all the available color values. Use the special color **unset** to remove the attributed color on this nick. You can also use **random** to attribute a random color. /clear [MUCTab version] **Usage:** ``/clear`` Clear the messages buffer. /ignore **Usage:** ``/ignore <nickname>`` Ignore a specified nickname. /invite [MUCTab version] **Usage:** ``/invite <jid> [reason]`` Invite *jid* to this room with *reason* (if provided). /unignore **Usage:** ``/unignore <nickname>`` Remove the specified nickname from the ignore list. /kick **Usage:** ``/kick <nick> [reason]`` Kick the user with the specified nickname. You can also give an optional reason. /topic **Usage:** ``/topic <subject>`` Change the subject of the room. You might want to knwow that entering ``/topic [tab]`` will autocomplete the topic. /query **Usage:** ``/query <nick> [message]`` Open a :ref:`privatetab` with <nick>. This nick has to be present in the room you’re currently in. If you specified a message after the nickname, it will be sent to this user. /part **Usage:** ``/part [message]`` Disconnect you from a room. You can specify an optional message. /nick **Usage:** ``/nick <nickname>`` Change your nickname in the current room. **Except for gmail users** because sucks and will do weird things if you change your nickname in a MUC. /recolor **Usage:** ``/recolor [random]`` Re-assign a color to all the participants in the current room, based on the last time they talked. Use this if the participants currently talking have too many identical colors. If a random argument is given, the participants will be shuffled before they are assigned a color. /cycle **Usage:** ``/cycle [message]`` Leave the current room an rejoint it immediatly. You can specify an optional quit message. /info **Usage:** ``/info <nickname>`` Display some information about the user in the room: his/her role, affiliation, status, and status message. /version **Usage:** ``/version <nickname or jid>`` Get the software version of the given nick in room or the given jid (usually its XMPP client and Operating System). /configure Configure the current room through a form (Open a :ref:`dataformtab`). /names Get the list of the users in the room, their number, and the list of the people assuming different roles. .. _privatetab-commands: Private tab commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. glossary:: :sorted: /info Display some info about this user in the MultiUserChat. /unquery Close the tab. /version Get the software version of the current interlocutor (usually its XMPP client and Operating System). .. _conversationtab-commands: Normal Conversation tab commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. glossary:: :sorted: /info Display the status of this contact. /unquery Close the tab. /version Get the software version of the current interlocutor (usually its XMPP client and Operating System). .. _rostertab-commands: Roster tab commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. glossary:: :sorted: /accept **Usage:** ``/accept [jid]`` Authorize the provided JID (or the selected contact in the roster) to see your presence. /deny **Usage:** ``/deny [jid]`` Prevent the provided JID (or the selected contact in the roster) from seeing your presence. /add **Usage:** ``/add <jid>`` Add the specified JID to your roster and authorize him to see your presence. If he accepts you, the subscription will be mutual (and if he doesn’t, you can still /remove him). /name **Usage:** ``/name <jid> <name>`` Set the given JID’s name in your roster. /password **Usage:** ``/password <password>`` Change your password. /groupadd **Usage:** ``/groupadd <jid> <group>`` Add the given JID to the given group (if the group does not exist, it will be created). /groupmove **Usage:** ``/groupmove <jid> <old_group> <new_group>`` Move the given JID from one group to another (the JID has to be in the first group, and the new group may not exist). /groupremove **Usage:** ``/groupremove <jid> <group>`` Remove the given JID from the given group (if the group is empty after that, it will get deleted). /remove **Usage:** ``/remove [jid]`` Remove the specified JID from your roster. This will unsubscribe you from its presence, cancel its subscription to yours, and remove the item from your roster. /reconnect Disconnect from the remote server (if connected) and then connect to it again. .. note:: The following commands only exist if your server announces it supports them. .. glossary:: :sorted: /block **Usage:** ``/block [jid]`` Block the following JID using simple blocking. You will not receive any of his messages and won’t be able to send some to him either. /unblock **Usage:** ``/unblock [jid]`` Unblock a previously blocked JID using simple blocking. You will be able to send and receive messages from him again. /list_blocks List the blocked JIDs. /certs List the remotely stored X.509 certificated allowed to connect to your accounts. /cert_add **Usage:** ``/cert_add <name> <certificate file> [management]`` Add a client X.509 certificate to the list of the certificates which grand access to your account. It must have an unique name the file must be in PEM format. ``[management]`` is true by default and specifies if the clients connecting with this particular certificate will be able to manage the list of authorized certificates. /cert_disable **Usage:** ``/cert_disable <name>`` Remove a certificate from the authorized list. Clients currently connected with the certificate identified by ``<name>`` will however **not** be disconnected. /cert_revoke **Usage:** ``/cert_revoke <name>`` Remove a certificate from the authorized list. Clients currently connected with the certificate identified by ``<name>`` **will** be disconnected. /cert_fetch **Usage:** ``/cert_fetch <name> <path>`` Download the public key of the authorized certificate identified by ``name`` from the XMPP server, and store it in ``<path>``. .. note:: The following commands do not comply with any XEP or whatever, but they can still prove useful when you are migrating to an other JID. .. glossary:: :sorted: /export **Usage:** ``/export [/path/to/file]`` Export your contacts into :file:`/path/to/file` if specified, or :file:`$HOME/poezio_contacts` if not. /import **Usage:** ``/import [/path/to/file]`` Import your contacts from :file:`/path/to/file` if specified, or :file:`$HOME/poezio_contacts` if not. .. _xmltab-commands: XML tab commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. glossary:: :sorted: /clear [XML tab version] Clear the current buffer. /dump **Usage:** ``/dump <filename>`` Write the content of the XML buffer into a file. /reset Reset the stanza filters. /filter_id **Usage:** ``/filter_id <id>`` Filter by stanza id attribute. /filter_xpath **Usage:** ``/filter_xpath <xpath>`` Filter with an XPath selector. /filter_xmlmask **Usage:** ``/filter_xmlmask <xml mask>`` Filter using an XML mask /filter_jid **Usage:** ``/filter_jid <jid>`` Filter by JID, both ``to`` and ``from``. /filter_to **Usage:** ``/filter_to <jid>`` Filter by JID for the ``to`` attribute. /filter_from **Usage:** ``/filter_from <jid>`` Filter by JID for ``from`` attribute.