Usage ===== This page is the main page of the documentation for poezio, explaining how to use it and describing its interfaces. Poezio is composed of tabs which can be of various types. Each tab type has a distinct interface, list of commands and list of key shortcuts, in addition to the global commands and key shortcuts. Tabs ---- On all tabs, you get a line showing the the list of all opened tabs. Each tab has a number, each time you open a new tab, it gets the next available number. image::../images/tab_bar.png[title="Example of 5 opened tabs"] The tab numbered _0_ is always the _roster_ tab, the other tabs can be of any type. The status of a tab is represented by its color: * *[navy]#blue#* (tab _0_): an inactive tab of any type, nothing new to see there. * *[purple]#purple#* (tab _1_): a MultiUserChat tab with at least one new unread message. * *[green]#green#* (tab _2_): a tab of a private conversation with a new message to read. * *[teal]#cyan#* (tab _3_): the current tab. * *[red]#red#* (tab _4_): a MultiUserChat tab with at least one new hightlight message. You can go from one tab to another in many ways: * Ctrl+n and Ctrl+p * <> command * <> and <> commands * Alt+ a number * Alt+j followed by a two-digits number * Alt+e, this will jump to the next tab with the highest priority. Priority applies in this order: private message > highlight message > normal message. Roster tab ~~~~~~~~~~ This is a unique tab, always numbered _0_. It contains the list of your contacts. You can add/remove/edit/search contacts from there, and you can open a conversation with one of them. Use the _arrows_ to browse the list, the _space_ key to fold or unfold a group or a contact. image::../images/roster.png["The roster tab", title="The roster tab"] * _1_: The area where information messages are displayed. * _2_: The actual list of contacts. The first level is group, the second is the * contacts and the third is the resources of you online contacts. * _3_: More informations about the selected contact. MultiUserChat tab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This tab contains a multi-users conversation. image::../images/muc.png["The MUC tab", title="The MUC tab"] * _1_: The conversation window, this is where all the messages and events related to the muc will be displayed. It can be scrolled up and down with PageUp and PageDown. * _2_: The participant list. Participants are listed by their role first, and then alphabetically. In the default theme, The nick colors mean: - Red: moderator - Blue: participant - gray: visitor + + The status of each participant is symbolized using the _color_ of the character on the left of its nick. That character also shows the chatstate of each participant: - _|_: inactive - _X_: composing - _A_: active - _p_: paused * _3_: Your information in that MUC (the name of the room, your nick, your role and affiliation). * _4_: The topic of the room. You can configure the room (if you have the rights to do it) using the _/configure_ command, open a private conversation with someone using the _/query_ command, change or view the topic using the _/topic_ command… Private tab ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the tab opened with the _/query_ command, letting you talk in private with a participant of a multi-users chat. image::../images/private.png["The private tab", title="The private tab"] This is just a simple one to one conversation, with a line showing the status, name and chatstate of the participant. Conversation tab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A tab opened from the roster, to talk in private with one of your contacts. image::../images/conversation.png["The conversation tab", title="The conversation tab"] This is also just a simple one to one conversation, with a line showing the status, name and chatstate of the participant, as well as a line at the top showing the status message of the contact. Dataforms tab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This tab lets you view a form receive from a remote entity, edit the values and send everything back. It is mostly used to configure MUCs with the _/configure_ command but can actually be used for almost anything. image::../images/data_forms.png["The dataform tab", title="The dataform tab"] Use the _up_ and _down_ keys to go from one field to the other, and edit the value using the _space_, _left_ or _right_ keys, or by entering text. You can then send the completed form using _Ctrl+y_ or cancel using _Ctrl+g_. List tab ~~~~~~~~ This tab lists all public rooms on a MUC service. It is currently very limited but will be improved in the future. There currently is no way to search a room or even to sort them. image::../images/list.png["The list tab", title="The list tab"] Use the _up_ and _down_ or _PageUp_ and _PageDown_ keys to browse the list, and use _Enter_ or _j_ to join the selected room. Commands -------- Commands start with the _/_ character and can take a list of any number of arguments, separated by spaces. If an argument should contain a space, you can use the _"_ character to surround this argument. The commands described in this page are shown like this: =========================================================== /command [optional argument] =========================================================== You can get the same help as below with the _/help_ command. Global commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These commands work in *any* tab. */help [command]*:: If called without an argument, this command will list the available commands. If it has a valid command as an argument, this command will show the usage and the help for the given command. */join [room_name][@server][/nick] [password]*:: Join the specified room. You can specify a nickname after a slash (/). If no nickname is specified, you will use the default_nick in the configuration file. You can omit the room name: you will then join the room you're looking at (useful if you were kicked). You can also provide a room_name without specifying a server, the server of the room you're currently in will be used. You can also provide a password to join the room. - Examples: * /join room@server.tld * /join room@server.tld/John * /join room2 * /join /me_again * /join * /join room@server.tld/my_nick password * /join / password */exit*:: Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio. */quit*:: Like /exit. [[command-next]] */next*:: Go to the next room. [[command-prev]] */prev*:: Go to the previous room. [[command-win]] */win *:: Go to the specified room. */w *:: Like /win. */status [status message]*:: Set your availability and (optionaly) your status message. The argument is one of "available, chat, away, afk, dnd, busy, xa" and the optional [status] argument will be your status message.' */bookmark [roomname][/nick]*:: Bookmark the specified room (you will then auto-join it on each poezio start). This commands uses almost the same syntax as /join. Type /help join for syntax examples. Note that when typing /bookmark on its own, the room will be bookmarked with the nickname you're currently using in this room (instead of default_nick). */set