Simple Notify ============= This plugin lets you execute a command, to notify you from new important messages. Installation and configuration ------------------------------ You need to create a plugin configuration file. Create a file named _simple_notify.cfg_ into your plugins configuration directory (_~/.config/poezio/plugins_ by default), and fill it like this: [source,conf] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [simple_notify] command = notify-send -i /path/to/poezio/data/poezio_80.png "New message from %(from)s" "%(body)s" --------------------------------------------------------------------- You can put any command, instead of this one. You can also use the special keywords _%(from)s_ and _%(body)s_ that will be replaced directly in the command line by the author of the message, and the body. The example shown above will display something like this: image::../../images/simple_notify_example.png["Simple notify example", title="Simple notify example"]