Replace ======= Replace some patterns in a message before sending it. Installation ------------ You only have to load the plugin. ============== /load replace ============== Usage ----- Insert a pattern in the form ========= %pattern% ========= in your message, and it will be replaced by the corresponding text. The list of provided patterns is: - _time_: Insert the current time - _date_: Insert the current date - _datetime_: Insert the current date and time - _random_nick_: Insert a random nick from the current MUC - _dice_: Insert a random number between 1 and 6 Add your own pattern -------------------- You can easily edit this plugin to add your own patterns. For example if don’t want to search for an insult everytime you’re angry, you can create a curse pattern this way: - In the init(self) method of the Plugin class, add something like ================ [source,python] self.patterns['curse'] = replace_curse ================ - then define a function (not a method of the Plugin class) at the bottom of the file. For example: ========================================================== [source,python] def replace_curse(message, tab): return random.choice(['dumb shit', 'idiot', 'moron']) ========================================================== and you can now use something like ==================== Shut up, %curse%! ==================== in your everyday-conversations. For more conveniance, you can read your nice words from a file, do whatever you want in that function, as long as it returns a string.