Aliases ======= Installation ------------ You only have to load the plugin: ============== /load alias ============== Usage ----- This plugin defines two new global commands: _/alias_ and _/unalias_. alias ~~~~~~ This command is used like this: =============== /alias my_alias an_existing_command fixed_arg ================ This will create a _/my_alias_ command, that when called, will run _/an_existing_command fixed_arg_. If you give other parameters to the alias, they will be passed to the existing command as well. You can omit the _fixed_arg_ part if you don’t want to, of course. There is also the possibility to change the order of parameters: ================ With /alias myalias command "%1 %0" The command: /myalias foo bar Will then run /command bar foo because the %1 parameter is placed before the %0. ================ The numbers can be from 0 to 9. .Possible examples =================== /alias truc say "%1 is AFTER %0 usually" /alias q quit /alias partauche ban "Partauche \"tg %0\"" =================== unalias ~~~~~~~~ This command removes a defined alias. ================== /unalias defined_alias =================