
NOTE: Python 3.2 or better is highly recommended, as we do not officially
support python 3.1 (although we do try to keep things running).

Poezio in the GNU/Linux distributions

As far as I know, Poezio is available in the following distributions, you just
 have to install it by using the package manager of the distribution, if you're
 using one of these.

* *Archlinux*: A poezio and poezio-git packages are in AUR (use your favourite
 AUR wrapper to install them)
* *Frugalware*: Just use pacmang-g2 to install the poezio package. (Thanks to
 its maintainer, Kooda)
* *Debian*: Use an other distro.

(If an other distribution provides a poezio package, please tell us and we will
 add it to the list)

Install poezio from the sources

You can download poezio's[stable
 sources] or fetch the development version (trunk), using git:
git clone

In order for poezio to correctly work, you need the libs SleekXMPP and
 dnspython. You can install them by downloading it from the[SleekXMPP] page and the[dnspython] page , but you'll need the development
 version of SleekXMPP. Alternatively, you can download poezio's sources
 including SleekXMPP and dnspython, that's the easier way.

=== Dependencies ===

NOTE: If your python3 version is too old because of debian (e.g. < 3.2), you
should install the python3-argparse package if it exists, or use
pip3/virtualenvs to install it.

If you want to install SleekXMPP and dnspython by yourself, follow these
 instructions. Else, go to the next section (recommended).

Download SleekXMPP
git clone git://

Make sure you're using the develop branch by typing
cd SleekXMPP

git checkout develop

Install SleekXMPP with
python3 build

su -c "python3 install"

Install the dnspython3 package on your distribution or install it manually:
wget -O dnspython.tgz

tar xvf dnspython.tgz

cd dnspython3-1.10.0

And do the same again:
python3 build

su -c "python3 install"

=== Poezio installation ===

If you skipped the installation of the dependencies and you only want to test
 poezio without a system-wide install, do, in the _poezio_ directory:

If you have git installed, it will download and update locally the
 libraries for you.

If you don't want to install poezio but just test it (or keep a development
 version), do:

To install poezio, do, as root (or sudo with ubuntu or whatever):
make install

And then start it with: