
NOTE: This is not an introduction to XMPP, but to poezio

Global overview

Poezio is an application that has three main layers, mostly separated in three
different python modules: _core_, _tabs_, and _windows_. An UML diagram of
Poezio would be inneficient, cluttered, or incomplete, so there is none, if
that bugs you.

image::../../images/layers.png["The application layers", title="Layers"]

_Core_ is mostly a “global” object containing the state of the application at
any time, it contains the global commands, the xmpp event handlers, the list
of open tabs, etc. Most objects in poezio have a self.core attribute
referencing the _Core_ (it’s a singleton, so there is never more than one
instance). _Core_ also contains the main loop of the application, which then
dispatchs the I/O events (keypress) to the appropriate methods.

But the main loop is not the most important thing in poezio; because it is an
IM client, it is essentially event-driven. The event part is handled by
SleekXMPP, which is the library we chose after moving away from xmpppy.

_Tabs_ are the second layer of poezio, but the first dealing with the UI: each
_Tab_ is a layout of several _windows_, it contains tab-specific commands,
tab-specific keybinds, and it has methods in order for core to
interact with it, and some methods are only proxies for the methods of a

Example scenario: If someone presses the key PageUp, then Core will call the
appropriate method on the current _Tab_, which will in turn, if it implements the
method (inherited empty from the Tab class), call a scrolling method from the
appropriate _window_.

All tabs types inherit from the class _Tab_, and the _Tabs_ featuring
chat functionnality will inherit fro _ChatTab_ (which inherits from _Tab_).

Examples of _Tabs_: MUCTab, XMLTab, RosterTab, MUCListTab, etc…

Event handlers

The events handlers are registered right at the start of poezio, and then
when a matching stanza is received, the handler is called in a separate thread
from the main loop. The handlers are in _Core_, and then they call the
appropriate methods in the corresponding _tabs_.

Example scenario: if a message is received from a MUC, then the _Core_ handler
will identify the _Tab_, and call the relevant handler from this _Tab_, this tab
will in turn, add the message to the buffer, which will then add it to the
relevant _windows_.

NOTE: All the _windows_ that deal with received or generated text are linked
to a _text_buffer_, in order to rebuild all the display lines from the
sources if necessary. This also enables us to have several _windows_
presenting the same text, even if they are not of the same size and layout.

Commands and completion

Commands are quite straightforward: those are methods that take a string as a
parameter, and they do stuff.

From an user point of view, the methods are entered like that:


  /command arg1 arg2


  /command "arg1 with spaces" arg2


However, when creating a command, you wil deal with _one_ str, no matter what.
There are utilities to deal with it (common.shell_split), but it is not always
necessary. Commands are registered in the _commands_ dictionnary of a tab
structured as key (command name) -> tuple(command function, help string, completion).

Completions are a bit tricky, but it’s easy once you get used to it:

They take an _Input_ (a _windows_ class) as a parameter, named the_input
everywhere in the sources. To effectively have a completion, you have to call
_the_input.auto_completion()_ at the end of the function.

*the_input.auto_completion(completion_list, after='', quote=True)*:
Set the input to iterate over _completion_list_ when the user hits tab, insert
_after_ after the completed item, and surround the item with double quotes or

There is no method to find the current argument in the input (although the
feature is planned), so you have to assume the current argument is the last,
and guess it by splitting the string an checking for end-space.

You can look for examples in the sources, all the possible cases are
covered (single-argument, complex arguments with spaces, several arguments,