# This is the default config for the XMPP client Poezio.
# Comments should be on their own line and NOT at the end
# of a meaningful line.


# the server. Make sure the server you're using accepts anonymous authentification
server = anon.louiz.org:jeproteste.info

# the port you'll use to connect
port = 5222

# the resource you will use
resource = poezio

# the nick you will use when joining a room with no associated nick
# If this is empty, the $USER variable will be used
default_nick = 

# Jabber identifiant. Specify it only if you want to connect using an existing
# account on a server. This is optional and useful only for some features,
# like room administration, nickname registration.
# The 'server' option will be ignored if you specify a JID (Jabber identifiant)
# It should be in the form nickname@server.tld
jid = 

# A password is needed only if you specified a jid. It will be ignored otherwise
password = 

# the rooms you will join automatically on startup, with associated nickname or not
# format : room@server.tld/nickname:room2@server.tld/nickname2
# default_nick will be used if "/nickname" is not specified
rooms = poezio@conference.codingteam.net

# set to true if you want to use an http proxy server
# if false, no proxy will be used and the proxy_* settings will have no effect
use_proxy = false
proxy_server = 
proxy_port = 
proxy_user = 
proxy_password = 

# the completion type you will use to complete nicknames
# if "normal", complete the entire name to the first available completion
# and then cycle through the possible completion with the next TABs
# if "shell", if there's more than one nick for this completion, complete
# only the part that all then nicks have in common (like in a shell)
completion = normal

# what will be put after the name, when using autocompletion
# a SPACE will always be added after that
after_completion = ,

# a list of words (separated by a semicolon (:)) that will be
# highlighted if said by someone on a room
highlight_on = 

# Set a number for this setting.
# The join OR status-change notices will be
# displayed according to this number.
# -1: the notices will ALWAYS be displayed
#  0: the notices will NEVER be displayed
#  n: On any other number, the notices will only be displayed
#     if the user involved has talked since the last n seconds
# The quit messages will be hidden only if hide_exit_join is 0
# if the value is incorrect, -1 is assumed
# Default settings are :
# - all quit and join notices will be displayed
# - status changes won't be displayed unless
#   the user talked since less than 2 minutes

hide_exit_join = -1

hide_status_change = 120

# set to 'true' if you want to automatically rejoin the
# room when you're kicked
autorejoin = false

# If you want poezio to join
# the room with an alternative nickname when
# your nickname is already in use in the room you
# wanted to join, put a non-empty value.
# Else, poezio won't join the room
# This value will be added to your nickname to
# create the alternative nickname.
# For example, if you set "_", and wanted to use
# the nickname "john", your alternative nickname
# will be "john_"
alternative_nickname = 

# Limit the number of messages you want to receive when the
# multiuserchat rooms send you recent history
# 0: You won't receive any
# -1: You will receive the maximum (default)
# n: You will receive at most n messages
muc_history_length = -1

# set to 'true' if you want to save logs of all the messages
# in files.
use_log = false

# If log_dir is not set, logs will be saved in $XDG_DATA_HOME/poezio/logs,
# i.e. in ~/.local/share/poezio/logs/. So, you should specify the directory
# you want to use instead. This directory will be created if it doesn't exist
log_dir = 

# the full path to the photo (avatar) you want to use
# it should be less than 16Ko
# The avatar is not set by default, because it slows
# poezio's startup a little. Uncomment if you want the default avatar

#photo = ../data/poezio_80.png

# Theme

# If themes_dir is not set, logs will searched for in $XDG_DATA_HOME/poezio/themes,
# i.e. in ~/.local/share/poezio/themes/. Si you should specify the directory you
# want to use instead. This directory will be created at startup if it doesn't
# exist
themes_dir = 

# The name of the theme file that will be used. The file should be located
# in the theme_dir directory.
# If the file is not found (or no filename is specified) the default
# theme will be used instead
theme_file = poezio

# if true, information about the software (name and version)
# will be sent if requested by anyone
# Set to false if you don't want people to know these information
send_poezio_info = true

# if true, information about the Operation System you're using
# will be sent when requested by anyone
# Set to false if you don't want people to know these information
send_os_info = true

# if true, your current time will be sent if asked
# Set to false if you don't want people to know that information
send_time = true

# Vcard
# here are personal informations that you can set in your Vcard
# Obviously, everything is optionnal.

# your real full name
full_name = 

# your personnal website
website = http://poezio.eu

# your e-mail address
email = 

# anything you want to say about you
comment = I am using Poezio, it's a console XMPP (Jabber) client. Check it out at http://poezio.eu