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	| .__/ \___/ \___/___|_|\___/
	| |

Homepage:	http://poezio.eu
Forge Page:	http://codingteam.net/projet/poezio

Poezio is a console Jabber/XMPP client.  Its goal is to use anonymous
connections to simply let the user join MultiUserChats. This way, the user
doesn't have to create a Jabber account, exactly like people are using
IRC.  Poezio's commands are designed to be (if possible) like IRC
clients (weechat, irssi, etc).
Since version 0.7, poezio can handle real Jabber accounts along with
roster and one to one conversations, making it a full-featured console
Jabber client, but still MultiUserChats-centered.
In the futur, poezio should implement at a 100% level all XEP related to
MUCs, especially XEP 0045.
All other IM-related XEP (wherever possible) should be implemented through
plugins or directly in poezio's core.

You need python 3.0 or higher, and the SleekXMPP python library.
SleekXMPP can be found at http://github.com/fritzy/SleekXMPP.

you can launch poezio with

or you can install it with (as root or with sudo)
make install
(`make uninstall' works, don't worry ;))
you can now simply launch `poezio'

You can edit the config file (~/.config/poezio/poezio.cfg by default)
or data/default_config.cfg (if you want to edit the config before the
first launch). The default config file is fully commented.

Please, see the online documentation for more information on installing,
configuring or using poezio:

If you still have questions, or you're lost, don't hesitate to come
talk to us directly on our Jabber chat room (see Contact section).

Please DO report any bug you encounter and ask for any
feature you want.

Florent Le Coz (louiz') <louiz@louiz.org> (main developper)

Jabber ChatRoom:   poezio@conference.codingteam.net
Forum:             http://codingteam.net/project/poezio/forum
Report a bug:      http://codingteam.net/project/poezio/bugs/add

Poezio is Free Software.
(learn more: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html)

Poezio is released under the Gnu GPLv3 license.
Please read the COPYING file for details.

The artwork logo was made by Gaëtan Ribémont and released under
the Creative Commons BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)

= People =
 Link Mauve - Code
 Gaëtan Ribémont (http://www.bonbref.com) - Logo design
 Ovart - Testing
 mathieui - Testing, Makefile, Documentation and Donation
 Gapan - Makefile
 Koshie - Donation
 FlashCode (weechat dev) - Useful advices on how to use ncurses efficiently
 Pipo - Ronrons
= Project =
 Gajim - send_vcard method and common.py