This file describes the new features in each poezio release.
For more detailed changelog, see the roadmap:

* Poezio 0.7 - dev
Complete the MUC support
- bugfixes

* Poezio 0.6.2 - 21 Jul 2010
- Lines are now broken between words and not in the middle of them
- /unquery command
- default nickname is now $USER
- Server on /join command can be omitted
- /query command can now take a message in parameters
- logs are now save in $XDG_DATA_HOME and this can be configured
- Available users now have a greater priority on nickname completion
- utf-8 characters (from the keyboard) are now completely supported
- Many new keyboard shortcuts (move the cursor, edit the line, switch tabs...)
- DESTDIR support in Makefile is fixed
- Completion on recently said words
- /join command now takes the current server if not specified in the parameters
- Many Bugfixes

* Poezio 0.6.1 - 13 Jun 2010
- Enable tracebacks

* Poezio 0.6 - 13 Jun 2010
- Private messages are handled
- Muc error messages are displayed
- Nickname auto-completion
- Users status are displayed in the MUC user-list
- Non-anonymous connection (registered nickname can now be used)
- An avatar can be set
- A minimal Vcard can be set
- Proxies are handled
- Status changes can be hidden if the user didn't talk for a long time
- A line displays informations about rooms we are in (new messages, hl, etc)
- Highlights are handled (we can specify a list of words)
- Various new commands (topic, kick, set, win)
- Password-protected MUCs are handled
- The dates of room history are handled
- The way the text is displayed on the screen has been rewritten, this fixes
  the blink and the slowness-over-ssh problems.
- User lists are ordered
- Messages can be logged in files
- Status changes displays only what has really changed
- Users can be ignored (/ignore, /unignore)
- Various Bugfixes

* Poezio 0.5.1 - 2 Feb 2010
- Little bugfix release

* Poezio 0.5 - 1 Feb 2010
- Initial release