path: root/poezio/core/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-10-13Remove implicit import of Core modules leading to circular importsmathieui
Which did not break if we imported modules in a certain order…
2017-11-12yapf -irmathieui
2016-06-30Absolute imports everywheremathieui
2016-06-11Make poezio.core.struct more Cython-friendly.Emmanuel Gil Peyrot
Status and Command are now slotted classes instead of namedtuples, which led to a few changes to access them with their named parameters instead of as a tuple. “short” being a C type, I renamed Command.short into Command.short_desc, which is more explicit anyway. I also renamed possible_show into POSSIBLE_SHOW, as it is a module-level constant dict.
2016-06-11Move the src directory to poezio, for better cython compatibility.Emmanuel Gil Peyrot