path: root/plugins/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-09-17[link] add a way to use a custom browser, directly with the command argumentsFlorent Le Coz
2014-06-26Use xdg-open by default in the /link pluginAkim Sadaoui
2013-10-21Make the /link plugin accept a rangeFlorent Le Coz
2013-06-09Fix the link of in the docFlorent Le Coz
2013-04-13Move the plugins documentationmathieui
2013-03-08Update the plugins to use the PluginAPImathieui
2013-03-01Fix #2231 (update the plugins to use the new help system)mathieui
2012-10-22Make the Executor class reliable.Florent Le Coz
2012-07-30Use pipes.quote instead of a string.replace in the link plugin.Florent Le Coz
2012-05-13Use add_tab_command in the link pluginmathieui
2012-03-30Fixes #2348mathieui
2011-10-29Fix the url matching in the link pluginFlorent Le Coz
2011-10-29Remove the information() call in the link pluginFlorent Le Coz
2011-10-29add the link pluginFlorent Le Coz