path: root/src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/xmpp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/xmpp/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 349 deletions
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--- a/src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/xmpp/
+++ /dev/null
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-## XMPP server
-## Copyright (C) 2004 Alexey "Snake" Nezhdanov
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-## any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-When your handler is called it is getting the session instance as the first argument.
-This is the difference from xmpppy 0.1 where you got the "Client" instance.
-With Session class you can have "multi-session" client instead of having
-one client for each connection. Is is specifically important when you are
-writing the server.
-from protocol import *
-# Transport-level flags
-# XML-level flags
-# XMPP-session flags
-class Session:
- """
- The Session class instance is used for storing all session-related info like
- credentials, socket/xml stream/session state flags, roster items (in case of
- client type connection) etc.
- Session object have no means of discovering is any info is ready to be read.
- Instead you should use poll() (recomended) or select() methods for this purpose.
- Session can be one of two types: 'server' and 'client'. 'server' session handles
- inbound connection and 'client' one used to create an outbound one.
- Session instance have multitude of internal attributes. The most imporant is the 'peer' one.
- It is set once the peer is authenticated (client).
- """
- def __init__(self,socket,owner,xmlns=None,peer=None):
- """ When the session is created it's type (client/server) is determined from the beginning.
- socket argument is the pre-created socket-like object.
- It must have the following methods: send, recv, fileno, close.
- owner is the 'master' instance that have Dispatcher plugged into it and generally
- will take care about all session events.
- xmlns is the stream namespace that will be used. Client must set this argument
- If server sets this argument than stream will be dropped if opened with some another namespace.
- peer is the name of peer instance. This is the flag that differentiates client session from
- server session. Client must set it to the name of the server that will be connected, server must
- leave this argument alone.
- """
- self.xmlns=xmlns
- if peer:
- self.TYP='client'
- self.peer=peer
- self._socket_state=SOCKET_UNCONNECTED
- else:
- self.TYP='server'
- self.peer=None
- self._socket_state=SOCKET_ALIVE
- self._sock=socket
- self._send=socket.send
- self._recv=socket.recv
- self.fileno=socket.fileno
- self._registered=0
- self.Dispatcher=owner.Dispatcher
- self.DBG_LINE='session'
- self.DEBUG=owner.Dispatcher.DEBUG
- self._expected={}
- self._owner=owner
- if self.TYP=='server': self.ID=`random.random()`[2:]
- else: self.ID=None
- self.sendbuffer=''
- self._stream_pos_queued=None
- self._stream_pos_sent=0
- self.deliver_key_queue=[]
- self.deliver_queue_map={}
- self.stanza_queue=[]
- self._session_state=SESSION_NOT_AUTHED
- self.waiting_features=[]
- for feature in [NS_TLS,NS_SASL,NS_BIND,NS_SESSION]:
- if feature in owner.features: self.waiting_features.append(feature)
- self.features=[]
- self.feature_in_process=None
- self.slave_session=None
- self.StartStream()
- def StartStream(self):
- """ This method is used to initialise the internal xml expat parser
- and to send initial stream header (in case of client connection).
- Should be used after initial connection and after every stream restart."""
- self._stream_state=STREAM__NOT_OPENED
- self.Stream=simplexml.NodeBuilder()
- self.Stream._dispatch_depth=2
- self.Stream.dispatch=self._dispatch
- self.Parse=self.Stream.Parse
- self.Stream.stream_footer_received=self._stream_close
- if self.TYP=='client':
- self.Stream.stream_header_received=self._catch_stream_id
- self._stream_open()
- else:
- self.Stream.stream_header_received=self._stream_open
- def receive(self):
- """ Reads all pending incoming data.
- Raises IOError on disconnection.
- Blocks until at least one byte is read."""
- try: received = self._recv(10240)
- except: received = ''
- if len(received): # length of 0 means disconnect
- self.DEBUG(`self.fileno()`+' '+received,'got')
- else:
- self.DEBUG('Socket error while receiving data','error')
- self.set_socket_state(SOCKET_DEAD)
- raise IOError("Peer disconnected")
- return received
- def sendnow(self,chunk):
- """ Put chunk into "immidiatedly send" queue.
- Should only be used for auth/TLS stuff and like.
- If you just want to shedule regular stanza for delivery use enqueue method.
- """
- if isinstance(chunk,Node): chunk = chunk.__str__().encode('utf-8')
- elif type(chunk)==type(u''): chunk = chunk.encode('utf-8')
- self.enqueue(chunk)
- def enqueue(self,stanza):
- """ Takes Protocol instance as argument.
- Puts stanza into "send" fifo queue. Items into the send queue are hold until
- stream authenticated. After that this method is effectively the same as "sendnow" method."""
- if isinstance(stanza,Protocol):
- self.stanza_queue.append(stanza)
- else: self.sendbuffer+=stanza
- if self._socket_state>=SOCKET_ALIVE: self.push_queue()
- def push_queue(self,failreason=ERR_RECIPIENT_UNAVAILABLE):
- """ If stream is authenticated than move items from "send" queue to "immidiatedly send" queue.
- Else if the stream is failed then return all queued stanzas with error passed as argument.
- Otherwise do nothing."""
- # If the stream authed - convert stanza_queue into sendbuffer and set the checkpoints
- if self._stream_state>=STREAM__CLOSED or self._socket_state>=SOCKET_DEAD: # the stream failed. Return all stanzas that are still waiting for delivery.
- self._owner.deactivatesession(self)
- for key in self.deliver_key_queue: # Not sure. May be I
- self._dispatch(Error(self.deliver_queue_map[key],failreason),trusted=1) # should simply re-dispatch it?
- for stanza in self.stanza_queue: # But such action can invoke
- self._dispatch(Error(stanza,failreason),trusted=1) # Infinite loops in case of S2S connection...
- self.deliver_queue_map,self.deliver_key_queue,self.stanza_queue={},[],[]
- return
- elif self._session_state>=SESSION_AUTHED: # FIXME! Должен быть какой-то другой флаг.
- for stanza in self.stanza_queue:
- txt=stanza.__str__().encode('utf-8')
- self.sendbuffer+=txt
- self._stream_pos_queued+=len(txt) # should be re-evaluated for SSL connection.
- self.deliver_queue_map[self._stream_pos_queued]=stanza # position of the stream when stanza will be successfully and fully sent
- self.deliver_key_queue.append(self._stream_pos_queued)
- self.stanza_queue=[]
- def flush_queue(self):
- """ Put the "immidiatedly send" queue content on the wire. Blocks until at least one byte sent."""
- if self.sendbuffer:
- try:
- sent=self._send(self.sendbuffer) # Блокирующая штучка!
- except:
- self.set_socket_state(SOCKET_DEAD)
- self.DEBUG("Socket error while sending data",'error')
- return self.terminate_stream()
- self.DEBUG(`self.fileno()`+' '+self.sendbuffer[:sent],'sent')
- self._stream_pos_sent+=sent
- self.sendbuffer=self.sendbuffer[sent:]
- self._stream_pos_delivered=self._stream_pos_sent # Should be acquired from socket somehow. Take SSL into account.
- while self.deliver_key_queue and self._stream_pos_delivered>self.deliver_key_queue[0]:
- del self.deliver_queue_map[self.deliver_key_queue[0]]
- self.deliver_key_queue.remove(self.deliver_key_queue[0])
- def _dispatch(self,stanza,trusted=0):
- """ This is callback that is used to pass the received stanza forth to owner's dispatcher
- _if_ the stream is authorised. Otherwise the stanza is just dropped.
- The 'trusted' argument is used to emulate stanza receive.
- This method is used internally.
- """
- self._owner.packets+=1
- if self._stream_state==STREAM__OPENED or trusted: # if the server really should reject all stanzas after he is closed stream (himeself)?
- self.DEBUG(stanza.__str__(),'dispatch')
- stanza.trusted=trusted
- return self.Dispatcher.dispatch(stanza,self)
- def _catch_stream_id(self,ns=None,tag='stream',attrs={}):
- """ This callback is used to detect the stream namespace of incoming stream. Used internally. """
- if not attrs.has_key('id') or not attrs['id']:
- return self.terminate_stream(STREAM_INVALID_XML)
- self.ID=attrs['id']
- if not attrs.has_key('version'): self._owner.Dialback(self)
- def _stream_open(self,ns=None,tag='stream',attrs={}):
- """ This callback is used to handle opening stream tag of the incoming stream.
- In the case of client session it just make some validation.
- Server session also sends server headers and if the stream valid the features node.
- Used internally. """
- text='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<stream:stream'
- if self.TYP=='client':
- text+=' to="%s"'%self.peer
- else:
- text+=' id="%s"'%self.ID
- if not attrs.has_key('to'): text+=' from="%s"'%self._owner.servernames[0]
- else: text+=' from="%s"'%attrs['to']
- if attrs.has_key('xml:lang'): text+=' xml:lang="%s"'%attrs['xml:lang']
- if self.xmlns: xmlns=self.xmlns
- else: xmlns=NS_SERVER
- text+=' xmlns:db="%s" xmlns:stream="%s" xmlns="%s"'%(NS_DIALBACK,NS_STREAMS,xmlns)
- if attrs.has_key('version') or self.TYP=='client': text+=' version="1.0"'
- self.sendnow(text+'>')
- self.set_stream_state(STREAM__OPENED)
- if self.TYP=='client': return
- if tag<>'stream': return self.terminate_stream(STREAM_INVALID_XML)
- if ns<>NS_STREAMS: return self.terminate_stream(STREAM_INVALID_NAMESPACE)
- if self.Stream.xmlns<>self.xmlns: return self.terminate_stream(STREAM_BAD_NAMESPACE_PREFIX)
- if not attrs.has_key('to'): return self.terminate_stream(STREAM_IMPROPER_ADDRESSING)
- if attrs['to'] not in self._owner.servernames: return self.terminate_stream(STREAM_HOST_UNKNOWN)
- self.ourname=attrs['to'].lower()
- if self.TYP=='server' and attrs.has_key('version'):
- # send features
- features=Node('stream:features')
- if NS_TLS in self.waiting_features:
- features.NT.starttls.setNamespace(NS_TLS)
- features.T.starttls.NT.required
- if NS_SASL in self.waiting_features:
- features.NT.mechanisms.setNamespace(NS_SASL)
- for mec in self._owner.SASL.mechanisms:
- features.T.mechanisms.NT.mechanism=mec
- else:
- if NS_BIND in self.waiting_features: features.NT.bind.setNamespace(NS_BIND)
- if NS_SESSION in self.waiting_features: features.NT.session.setNamespace(NS_SESSION)
- self.sendnow(features)
- def feature(self,feature):
- """ Declare some stream feature as activated one. """
- if feature not in self.features: self.features.append(feature)
- self.unfeature(feature)
- def unfeature(self,feature):
- """ Declare some feature as illegal. Illegal features can not be used.
- Example: BIND feature becomes illegal after Non-SASL auth. """
- if feature in self.waiting_features: self.waiting_features.remove(feature)
- def _stream_close(self,unregister=1):
- """ Write the closing stream tag and destroy the underlaying socket. Used internally. """
- if self._stream_state>=STREAM__CLOSED: return
- self.set_stream_state(STREAM__CLOSING)
- self.sendnow('</stream:stream>')
- self.set_stream_state(STREAM__CLOSED)
- self.push_queue() # decompose queue really since STREAM__CLOSED
- self._owner.flush_queues()
- if unregister: self._owner.unregistersession(self)
- self._destroy_socket()
- def terminate_stream(self,error=None,unregister=1):
- """ Notify the peer about stream closure.
- Ensure that xmlstream is not brokes - i.e. if the stream isn't opened yet -
- open it before closure.
- If the error condition is specified than create a stream error and send it along with
- closing stream tag.
- Emulate receiving 'unavailable' type presence just before stream closure.
- """
- if self._stream_state>=STREAM__CLOSING: return
- if self._stream_state<STREAM__OPENED:
- self.set_stream_state(STREAM__CLOSING)
- self._stream_open()
- else:
- self.set_stream_state(STREAM__CLOSING)
- p=Presence(typ='unavailable')
- p.setNamespace(NS_CLIENT)
- self._dispatch(p,trusted=1)
- if error:
- if isinstance(error,Node): self.sendnow(error)
- else: self.sendnow(ErrorNode(error))
- self._stream_close(unregister=unregister)
- if self.slave_session:
- self.slave_session.terminate_stream(STREAM_REMOTE_CONNECTION_FAILED)
- def _destroy_socket(self):
- """ Break cyclic dependancies to let python's GC free memory right now."""
- self.Stream.dispatch=None
- self.Stream.stream_footer_received=None
- self.Stream.stream_header_received=None
- self.Stream.destroy()
- self._sock.close()
- self.set_socket_state(SOCKET_DEAD)
- def start_feature(self,f):
- """ Declare some feature as "negotiating now" to prevent other features from start negotiating. """
- if self.feature_in_process: raise "Starting feature %s over %s !"%(f,self.feature_in_process)
- self.feature_in_process=f
- def stop_feature(self,f):
- """ Declare some feature as "negotiated" to allow other features start negotiating. """
- if self.feature_in_process<>f: raise "Stopping feature %s instead of %s !"%(f,self.feature_in_process)
- self.feature_in_process=None
- def set_socket_state(self,newstate):
- """ Change the underlaying socket state.
- Socket starts with SOCKET_UNCONNECTED state
- and then proceeds (possibly) to SOCKET_ALIVE
- and then to SOCKET_DEAD """
- if self._socket_state<newstate: self._socket_state=newstate
- def set_session_state(self,newstate):
- """ Change the session state.
- Session starts with SESSION_NOT_AUTHED state
- and then comes through
- """
- if self._session_state<newstate:
- if self._session_state<SESSION_AUTHED and \
- newstate>=SESSION_AUTHED: self._stream_pos_queued=self._stream_pos_sent
- self._session_state=newstate
- def set_stream_state(self,newstate):
- """ Change the underlaying XML stream state
- Stream starts with STREAM__NOT_OPENED and then proceeds with
- Note that some features (like TLS and SASL)
- requires stream re-start so this state can have non-linear changes. """
- if self._stream_state<newstate: self._stream_state=newstate