path: root/src/xmpppy-0.5.0rc1/doc/examples
diff options
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-# -*- coding: koi8-r -*-
-from xmpp import *
-def presenceHandler(conn,presence_node):
- """ Handler for playing a sound when particular contact became online """
- targetJID=''
- if presence_node.getFrom().bareMatch(targetJID):
- # play a sound
- pass
-def iqHandler(conn,iq_node):
- """ Handler for processing some "get" query from custom namespace"""
- reply=iq_node.buildReply('result')
- # ... put some content into reply node
- conn.send(reply)
- raise NodeProcessed # This stanza is fully processed
-def messageHandler(conn,mess_node): pass
-if 1:
- """
- Example 1:
- Connecting to specified IP address.
- Connecting to port 5223 - TLS is pre-started.
- Using direct connect.
- """
- # Born a client
- cl=Client('')
- # ...connect it to SSL port directly
- if not cl.connect(server=('',5223)):
- raise IOError('Can not connect to server.')
- """
- Example 2:
- Connecting to server via proxy.
- Assuming that servername resolves to jabber server IP.
- TLS will be started automatically if available.
- """
- # Born a client
- cl=Client('')
- # ...connect via proxy
- if not cl.connect(proxy={'host':'','port':'8080','user':'proxyuser','password':'proxyuserpassword'}):
- raise IOError('Can not connect to server.')
-# ...authorize client
-if not cl.auth('jabberuser','jabberuserpassword','optional resource name'):
- raise IOError('Can not auth with server.')
-# ...register some handlers (if you will register them before auth they will be thrown away)
-# ...become available
-# some time
-# ...if connection is brocken - restore it
-if not cl.isConnected(): cl.reconnectAndReauth()
-# ...send an ASCII message
-cl.send(Message('','Test message'))
-# ...send a national message
-cl.send(Message('',unicode('�������� �����','koi8-r')))
-# ...send another national message
-cl.send(Message('','�������� ����� 2'))
-# some more time - collect replies
-# ...and then disconnect.
-If you have used jabberpy before you will find xmpppy very similar.
-See the docs for more info about library features.
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-# -*- coding: koi8-r -*-
-# $Id:,v 1.2 2006/10/06 12:30:42 normanr Exp $
-import sys
-import xmpp
-########################### user handlers start ##################################
-i18n['en']['HELP']="This is example jabber bot.\nAvailable commands: %s"
-def helpHandler(user,command,args,mess):
- lst=commands.keys()
- lst.sort()
- return "HELP",', '.join(lst)
-i18n['en']['HOOK1']='Responce 1: %s'
-def hook1Handler(user,command,args,mess):
- return "HOOK1",'You requested: %s'%args
-i18n['en']['HOOK2']='Responce 2: %s'
-def hook2Handler(user,command,args,mess):
- return "HOOK2","hook2 called with %s"%(`(user,command,args,mess)`)
-i18n['en']['HOOK3']='Responce 3: static string'
-def hook3Handler(user,command,args,mess):
- return "HOOK3"*int(args)
-########################### user handlers stop ###################################
-############################ bot logic start #####################################
-i18n['en']["UNKNOWN COMMAND"]='Unknown command "%s". Try "help"'
-i18n['en']["UNKNOWN USER"]="I do not know you. Register first."
-def messageCB(conn,mess):
- text=mess.getBody()
- user=mess.getFrom()
- user.lang='en' # dup
- if text.find(' ')+1: command,args=text.split(' ',1)
- else: command,args=text,''
- cmd=command.lower()
- if commands.has_key(cmd): reply=commands[cmd](user,command,args,mess)
- else: reply=("UNKNOWN COMMAND",cmd)
- if type(reply)==type(()):
- key,args=reply
- if i18n[user.lang].has_key(key): pat=i18n[user.lang][key]
- elif i18n['en'].has_key(key): pat=i18n['en'][key]
- else: pat="%s"
- if type(pat)==type(''): reply=pat%args
- else: reply=pat(**args)
- else:
- try: reply=i18n[user.lang][reply]
- except KeyError:
- try: reply=i18n['en'][reply]
- except KeyError: pass
- if reply: conn.send(xmpp.Message(mess.getFrom(),reply))
-for i in globals().keys():
- if i[-7:]=='Handler' and i[:-7].lower()==i[:-7]: commands[i[:-7]]=globals()[i]
-############################# bot logic stop #####################################
-def StepOn(conn):
- try:
- conn.Process(1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt: return 0
- return 1
-def GoOn(conn):
- while StepOn(conn): pass
-if len(sys.argv)<3:
- print "Usage: password"
- jid=xmpp.JID(sys.argv[1])
- user,server,password=jid.getNode(),jid.getDomain(),sys.argv[2]
- conn=xmpp.Client(server)#,debug=[])
- conres=conn.connect()
- if not conres:
- print "Unable to connect to server %s!"%server
- sys.exit(1)
- if conres<>'tls':
- print "Warning: unable to estabilish secure connection - TLS failed!"
- authres=conn.auth(user,password)
- if not authres:
- print "Unable to authorize on %s - check login/password."%server
- sys.exit(1)
- if authres<>'sasl':
- print "Warning: unable to perform SASL auth os %s. Old authentication method used!"%server
- conn.RegisterHandler('message',messageCB)
- conn.sendInitPresence()
- print "Bot started."
- GoOn(conn)
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-""" The example of using xmpppy's Ad-Hoc Commands (JEP-0050) implementation.
-import xmpp
-from xmpp.protocol import *
-options = {
- 'JID': '',
- 'Password': '********',
-class TestCommand(xmpp.commands.Command_Handler_Prototype):
- """ Example class. You should read source if you wish to understate how it works. This one
- actually does some calculations."""
- name = 'testcommand'
- description = 'Circle calculations'
- def __init__(self, jid=''):
- """ Initialize some internals. Set the first request handler to self.calcTypeForm.
- """
- xmpp.commands.Command_Handler_Prototype.__init__(self,jid)
- self.initial = {
- 'execute': self.initialForm
- }
- def initialForm(self, conn, request):
- """ Assign a session id and send the first form. """
- sessionid = self.getSessionID()
- self.sessions[sessionid] = {
- 'jid':request.getFrom(),
- 'data':{'type':None}
- }
- # simulate that the client sent sessionid, so calcTypeForm will be able
- # to continue
- request.getTag(name="command").setAttr('sessionid', sessionid)
- return self.calcTypeForm(conn, request)
- def calcTypeForm(self, conn, request):
- """ Send first form to the requesting user. """
- # get the session data
- sessionid = request.getTagAttr('command','sessionid')
- session = self.sessions[sessionid]
- # What to do when a user sends us a response? Note, that we should always
- # include 'execute', as it is a default action when requester does not send
- # exact action to do (should be set to the same as 'next' or 'complete' fields)
- session['actions'] = {
- 'cancel': self.cancel,
- 'next': self.calcTypeFormAccept,
- 'execute': self.calcTypeFormAccept,
- }
- # The form to send
- calctypefield = xmpp.DataField(
- name='calctype',
- desc='Calculation Type',
- value=session['data']['type'],
- options=[
- ['Calculate the diameter of a circle','circlediameter'],
- ['Calculate the area of a circle','circlearea']
- ],
- typ='list-single',
- required=1)
- # We set label attribute... seems that the xmpppy.DataField cannot do that
- calctypefield.setAttr('label', 'Calculation Type')
- form = xmpp.DataForm(
- title='Select type of operation',
- data=[
- 'Use the combobox to select the type of calculation you would like'\
- 'to do, then click Next.',
- calctypefield])
- # Build a reply with the form
- reply = request.buildReply('result')
- replypayload = [
- xmpp.Node('actions',
- attrs={'execute':'next'},
- payload=[xmpp.Node('next')]),
- form]
- reply.addChild(
- name='command',
- namespace=NS_COMMANDS,
- attrs={
- 'node':request.getTagAttr('command','node'),
- 'sessionid':sessionid,
- 'status':'executing'},
- payload=replypayload)
- self._owner.send(reply) # Question: self._owner or conn?
- raise xmpp.NodeProcessed
- def calcTypeFormAccept(self, conn, request):
- """ Load the calcType form filled in by requester, then reply with
- the second form. """
- # get the session data
- sessionid = request.getTagAttr('command','sessionid')
- session = self.sessions[sessionid]
- # load the form
- node = request.getTag(name='command').getTag(name='x',namespace=NS_DATA)
- form = xmpp.DataForm(node=node)
- # retrieve the data
- session['data']['type'] = form.getField('calctype').getValue()
- # send second form
- return self.calcDataForm(conn, request)
- def calcDataForm(self, conn, request, notavalue=None):
- """ Send a form asking for diameter. """
- # get the session data
- sessionid = request.getTagAttr('command','sessionid')
- session = self.sessions[sessionid]
- # set the actions taken on requester's response
- session['actions'] = {
- 'cancel': self.cancel,
- 'prev': self.calcTypeForm,
- 'next': self.calcDataFormAccept,
- 'execute': self.calcDataFormAccept
- }
- # create a form
- radiusfield = xmpp.DataField(desc='Radius',name='radius',typ='text-single')
- radiusfield.setAttr('label', 'Radius')
- form = xmpp.DataForm(
- title = 'Enter the radius',
- data=[
- 'Enter the radius of the circle (numbers only)',
- radiusfield])
- # build a reply stanza
- reply = request.buildReply('result')
- replypayload = [
- xmpp.Node('actions',
- attrs={'execute':'complete'},
- payload=[xmpp.Node('complete'),xmpp.Node('prev')]),
- form]
- if notavalue:
- replypayload.append(xmpp.Node('note',
- attrs={'type': 'warn'},
- payload=['You have to enter valid number.']))
- reply.addChild(
- name='command',
- namespace=NS_COMMANDS,
- attrs={
- 'node':request.getTagAttr('command','node'),
- 'sessionid':request.getTagAttr('command','sessionid'),
- 'status':'executing'},
- payload=replypayload)
- self._owner.send(reply)
- raise xmpp.NodeProcessed
- def calcDataFormAccept(self, conn, request):
- """ Load the calcType form filled in by requester, then reply with the result. """
- # get the session data
- sessionid = request.getTagAttr('command','sessionid')
- session = self.sessions[sessionid]
- # load the form
- node = request.getTag(name='command').getTag(name='x',namespace=NS_DATA)
- form = xmpp.DataForm(node=node)
- # retrieve the data; if the entered value is not a number, return to second stage
- try:
- value = float(form.getField('radius').getValue())
- except:
- self.calcDataForm(conn, request, notavalue=True)
- # calculate the answer
- from math import pi
- if session['data']['type'] == 'circlearea':
- result = (value**2) * pi
- else:
- result = 2 * value * pi
- # build the result form
- form = xmpp.DataForm(
- typ='result',
- data=[xmpp.DataField(desc='result', name='result', value=result)])
- # build the reply stanza
- reply = request.buildReply('result')
- reply.addChild(
- name='command',
- namespace=NS_COMMANDS,
- attrs={
- 'node':request.getTagAttr('command','node'),
- 'sessionid':sessionid,
- 'status':'completed'},
- payload=[form])
- self._owner.send(reply)
- # erase the data about session
- del self.sessions[sessionid]
- raise xmpp.NodeProcessed
- def cancel(self, conn, request):
- """ Requester canceled the session, send a short reply. """
- # get the session id
- sessionid = request.getTagAttr('command','sessionid')
- # send the reply
- reply = request.buildReply('result')
- reply.addChild(
- name='command',
- namespace=NS_COMMANDS,
- attrs={
- 'node':request.getTagAttr('command','node'),
- 'sessionid':sessionid,
- 'status':'cancelled'})
- self._owner.send(reply)
- # erase the data about session
- del self.sessions[sessionid]
- raise xmpp.NodeProcessed
-class ConnectionError: pass
-class AuthorizationError: pass
-class NotImplemented: pass
-class Bot:
- """ The main bot class. """
- def __init__(self, JID, Password):
- """ Create a new bot. Connect to the server and log in. """
- # connect...
- jid = xmpp.JID(JID)
- self.connection = xmpp.Client(jid.getDomain(), debug=['always', 'browser', 'testcommand'])
- result = self.connection.connect()
- if result is None:
- raise ConnectionError
- # authorize
- result = self.connection.auth(jid.getNode(), Password)
- if result is None:
- raise AuthorizationError
- # plugins
- # disco - needed by commands
- # warning: case of "plugin" method names are important!
- # to attach a command to Commands class, use .plugin()
- # to attach anything to Client class, use .PlugIn()
- self.disco = xmpp.browser.Browser()
- self.disco.PlugIn(self.connection)
- self.disco.setDiscoHandler({
- 'info': {
- 'ids': [{
- 'category': 'client',
- 'type': 'pc',
- 'name': 'Bot'
- }],
- 'features': [NS_DISCO_INFO],
- }
- })
- self.commands = xmpp.commands.Commands(self.disco)
- self.commands.PlugIn(self.connection)
- self.command_test = TestCommand()
- self.command_test.plugin(self.commands)
- # presence
- self.connection.sendInitPresence(requestRoster=0)
- def loop(self):
- """ Do nothing except handling new xmpp stanzas. """
- try:
- while self.connection.Process(1):
- pass
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-bot = Bot(**options)
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-# -*- coding: koi8-r -*-
-from xmpp import *
-import time,os
-def LOG(stanza,nick,text):
- ts=stanza.getTimestamp()
- if not ts:
- ts=stanza.setTimestamp()
- ts=stanza.getTimestamp()
- tp=time.mktime(time.strptime(ts,'%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S %Z'))+3600*3
- if time.localtime()[-1]: tp+=3600
- tp=time.localtime(tp)
- fold=stanza.getFrom().getStripped().replace('@','%')+'_'+time.strftime("%Y.%m",tp)
- day=time.strftime("%d",tp)
- tm=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",tp)
- try: os.mkdir(LOGDIR+fold)
- except: pass
- fName='%s%s/%s.%s.html'%(LOGDIR,fold,fold,day)
- try: open(fName)
- except:
- open(fName,'w').write("""<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
-<html xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU" xmlns="">
- <head>
- <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" />
- <title>%s logs for %s.%s.</title>
- </head>
- <body>
-<table border="1"><tr><th>time</th><th>who</th><th>text</th></tr>
- text='<pre>%s</pre>'%text
- open(fName,'a').write((u"<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n"%(tm,nick,text)).encode('utf-8'))
- print (u"<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n"%(tm,nick,text)).encode('koi8-r','replace')
-# print time.localtime(tp),nick,text
-def messageCB(sess,mess):
- nick=mess.getFrom().getResource()
- text=mess.getBody()
- LOG(mess,nick,text)
-def presenceCB(sess,pres):
- nick=pres.getFrom().getResource()
- text=''
- if pres.getType()=='unavailable':
- if nick in roster:
- text=nick+unicode(' ������� �����������','koi8-r')
- roster.remove(nick)
- else:
- if nick not in roster:
- text=nick+unicode(' ���ۣ� � �����������','koi8-r')
- roster.append(nick)
- if text: LOG(pres,nick,text)
-if 1:
- cl=Client(JID(BOT[0]).getDomain(),debug=[])
- cl.connect(proxy=PROXY)
- cl.RegisterHandler('message',messageCB)
- cl.RegisterHandler('presence',presenceCB)
- cl.auth(JID(BOT[0]).getNode(),BOT[1])
- p=Presence(to='%s/logger'%CONF[0])
- p.setTag('x',namespace=NS_MUC).setTagData('password',CONF[1])
- p.getTag('x').addChild('history',{'maxchars':'0','maxstanzas':'0'})
- cl.send(p)
- while 1:
- cl.Process(1)
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-# $Id:,v 1.8 2006/10/06 12:30:42 normanr Exp $
-import sys,os,xmpp,time
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print "Syntax: xsend JID text"
- sys.exit(0)
-text=' '.join(sys.argv[2:])
-if os.access(os.environ['HOME']+'/.xsend',os.R_OK):
- for ln in open(os.environ['HOME']+'/.xsend').readlines():
- if not ln[0] in ('#',';'):
- key,val=ln.strip().split('=',1)
- jidparams[key.lower()]=val
-for mandatory in ['jid','password']:
- if mandatory not in jidparams.keys():
- open(os.environ['HOME']+'/.xsend','w').write('#Uncomment fields before use and type in correct credentials.\ (/resource is optional)\n#PASSWORD=juliet\n')
- print 'Please point ~/.xsend config file to valid JID for sending messages.'
- sys.exit(0)
-if not con:
- print 'could not connect!'
- sys.exit()
-print 'connected with',con
-if not auth:
- print 'could not authenticate!'
- sys.exit()
-print 'authenticated using',auth
-#cl.SendInitPresence(requestRoster=0) # you may need to uncomment this for old server
-print 'sent message with id',id
-time.sleep(1) # some older servers will not send the message if you disconnect immediately after sending
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-# $Id:,v 1.4 2008/08/09 17:00:18 normanr Exp $
-import sys,os,xmpp,time,select
-class Bot:
- def __init__(self,jabber,remotejid):
- self.jabber = jabber
- self.remotejid = remotejid
- def register_handlers(self):
- self.jabber.RegisterHandler('message',self.xmpp_message)
- def xmpp_message(self, con, event):
- type = event.getType()
- fromjid = event.getFrom().getStripped()
- body = event.getBody()
- if type in ['message', 'chat', None] and fromjid == self.remotejid and body:
- sys.stdout.write(body + '\n')
- def stdio_message(self, message):
- m = xmpp.protocol.Message(to=self.remotejid,body=message,typ='chat')
- self.jabber.send(m)
- def xmpp_connect(self):
- con=self.jabber.connect()
- if not con:
- sys.stderr.write('could not connect!\n')
- return False
- sys.stderr.write('connected with %s\n'%con)
- auth=self.jabber.auth(jid.getNode(),jidparams['password'],resource=jid.getResource())
- if not auth:
- sys.stderr.write('could not authenticate!\n')
- return False
- sys.stderr.write('authenticated using %s\n'%auth)
- self.register_handlers()
- return con
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print "Syntax: xtalk JID"
- sys.exit(0)
- tojid=sys.argv[1]
- jidparams={}
- if os.access(os.environ['HOME']+'/.xtalk',os.R_OK):
- for ln in open(os.environ['HOME']+'/.xtalk').readlines():
- if not ln[0] in ('#',';'):
- key,val=ln.strip().split('=',1)
- jidparams[key.lower()]=val
- for mandatory in ['jid','password']:
- if mandatory not in jidparams.keys():
- open(os.environ['HOME']+'/.xtalk','w').write('#Uncomment fields before use and type in correct credentials.\ (/resource is optional)\n#PASSWORD=juliet\n')
- print 'Please point ~/.xtalk config file to valid JID for sending messages.'
- sys.exit(0)
- jid=xmpp.protocol.JID(jidparams['jid'])
- cl=xmpp.Client(jid.getDomain())#,debug=[])
- bot=Bot(cl,tojid)
- if not bot.xmpp_connect():
- sys.stderr.write("Could not connect to server, or password mismatch!\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- #cl.SendInitPresence(requestRoster=0) # you may need to uncomment this for old server
- socketlist = {cl.Connection._sock:'xmpp',sys.stdin:'stdio'}
- online = 1
- while online:
- (i , o, e) =,[],[],1)
- for each in i:
- if socketlist[each] == 'xmpp':
- cl.Process(1)
- elif socketlist[each] == 'stdio':
- msg = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\r\n')
- bot.stdio_message(msg)
- else:
- raise Exception("Unknown socket type: %s" % repr(socketlist[each]))
- #cl.disconnect()