path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 01266263..166c9e25 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ STATE_PRIORITY = {
class Tab(object):
tab_core = None
def __init__(self):
self.input = None
if isinstance(self, MucTab) and not self.joined:
@@ -188,6 +189,16 @@ class Tab(object):
Tab.visible = True
windows.Win._tab_win = scr
+ def register_command(self, name, func, *, desc='', shortdesc='', completion=None, usage=''):
+ """
+ Add a command
+ """
+ if name in self.commands:
+ return
+ if not desc and shortdesc:
+ desc = shortdesc
+ self.commands[name] = core.Command(func, desc, completion, shortdesc, usage)
def complete_commands(self, the_input):
Does command completion on the specified input for both global and tab-specific
@@ -429,14 +440,18 @@ class ChatTab(Tab):
self.key_func['M-h'] = self.scroll_separator
self.key_func['M-/'] = self.last_words_completion
self.key_func['^M'] = self.on_enter
- self.commands['say'] = (self.command_say,
- _("""Usage: /say <message>\nSay: Just send the message.
- Useful if you want your message to begin with a '/'."""), None)
- self.commands['xhtml'] = (self.command_xhtml, _("Usage: /xhtml <custom xhtml>\nXHTML: Send custom XHTML."), None)
- self.commands['clear'] = (self.command_clear,
- _('Usage: /clear\nClear: Clear the current buffer.'), None)
- self.commands['correct'] = (self.command_correct, _('Usage: /correct\nCorrect: Fix the last message with whatever you want.'), self.completion_correct)
+ self.register_command('say', self.command_say,
+ usage=_('<message>'),
+ shortdesc=_('Send the message.'))
+ self.register_command('xhtml', self.command_xhtml,
+ usage=_('<custom xhtml>'),
+ shortdesc=_('Send custom XHTML.'))
+ self.register_command('clear', self.command_clear,
+ shortdesc=_('Clear the current buffer.'))
+ self.register_command('correct', self.command_correct,
+ desc=_('Fix the last message with whatever you want.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Correct the last message.'),
+ completion=self.completion_correct)
self.chat_state = None
@@ -678,23 +693,83 @@ class MucTab(ChatTab):
self.key_func['M-n'] = self.go_to_next_hl
self.key_func['M-p'] = self.go_to_prev_hl
# commands
- self.commands['ignore'] = (self.command_ignore, _("Usage: /ignore <nickname> \nIgnore: Ignore a specified nickname."), self.completion_ignore)
- self.commands['unignore'] = (self.command_unignore, _("Usage: /unignore <nickname>\nUnignore: Remove the specified nickname from the ignore list."), self.completion_unignore)
- self.commands['kick'] = (self.command_kick, _("Usage: /kick <nick> [reason]\nKick: Kick the user with the specified nickname. You also can give an optional reason."), self.completion_quoted)
- self.commands['ban'] = (self.command_ban, _("Usage: /ban <nick> [reason]\nBan: ban the user with the specified nickname. You also can give an optional reason."), self.completion_quoted)
- self.commands['role'] = (self.command_role, _("Usage: /role <nick> <role> [reason]\nRole: Set the role of an user. Roles can be: none, visitor, participant, moderator. You also can give an optional reason."), self.completion_role)
- self.commands['affiliation'] = (self.command_affiliation, _("Usage: /affiliation <nick or jid> <affiliation>\nAffiliation: Set the affiliation of an user. Affiliations can be: outcast, none, member, admin, owner."), self.completion_affiliation)
- self.commands['topic'] = (self.command_topic, _("Usage: /topic <subject>\nTopic: Change the subject of the room."), self.completion_topic)
- self.commands['query'] = (self.command_query, _('Usage: /query <nick> [message]\nQuery: Open a private conversation with <nick>. This nick has to be present in the room you\'re currently in. If you specified a message after the nickname, it will immediately be sent to this user.'), self.completion_quoted)
- self.commands['part'] = (self.command_part, _("Usage: /part [message]\nPart: Disconnect from a room. You can specify an optional message."), None)
- self.commands['close'] = (self.command_close, _("Usage: /close [message]\nClose: Disconnect from a room and close the tab. You can specify an optional message if you are still connected."), None)
- self.commands['nick'] = (self.command_nick, _("Usage: /nick <nickname>\nNick: Change your nickname in the current room."), self.completion_nick)
- self.commands['recolor'] = (self.command_recolor, _('Usage: /recolor\nRecolor: Re-assign a color to all participants of the current room, based on the last time they talked. Use this if the participants currently talking have too many identical colors.'), self.completion_recolor)
- self.commands['cycle'] = (self.command_cycle, _('Usage: /cycle [message]\nCycle: Leave the current room and rejoin it immediately.'), None)
- self.commands['info'] = (self.command_info, _('Usage: /info <nickname>\nInfo: Display some information about the user in the MUC: its/his/her role, affiliation, status and status message.'), self.completion_info)
- self.commands['configure'] = (self.command_configure, _('Usage: /configure\nConfigure: Configure the current room, through a form.'), None)
- self.commands['version'] = (self.command_version, _('Usage: /version <jid or nick>\nVersion: Get the software version of the given JID or nick in room (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).'), self.completion_version)
- self.commands['names'] = (self.command_names, _('Usage: /names\nNames: Get the list of the users in the room, and the list of the people assuming the different roles.'), None)
+ self.register_command('ignore', self.command_ignore,
+ usage=_('<nickname>'),
+ desc=_('Ignore a specified nickname.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Ignore someone'),
+ completion=self.completion_ignore)
+ self.register_command('unignore', self.command_unignore,
+ usage=_('<nickname>'),
+ desc=_('Remove the specified nickname from the ignore list.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Unignore someone.'),
+ completion=self.completion_unignore)
+ self.register_command('kick', self.command_kick,
+ usage=_('<nick> [reason]'),
+ desc=_('Kick the user with the specified nickname. You also can give an optional reason.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Kick someone.'),
+ completion=self.completion_quoted)
+ self.register_command('ban', self.command_ban,
+ usage=_('<nick> [reason]'),
+ desc=_('Ban the user with the specified nickname. You also can give an optional reason.'),
+ shortdesc='Ban someone',
+ completion=self.completion_quoted)
+ self.register_command('role', self.command_role,
+ usage=_('<nick> <role> [reason]'),
+ desc=_('Set the role of an user. Roles can be: none, visitor, participant, moderator. You also can give an optional reason.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Set the role of an user.'),
+ completion=self.completion_role)
+ self.register_command('affiliation', self.command_affiliation,
+ usage=_('<nick or jid> <affiliation>'),
+ desc=_('Set the affiliation of an user. Affiliations can be: outcast, none, member, admin, owner.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Set the affiliation of an user.'),
+ completion=self.completion_affiliation)
+ self.register_command('topic', self.command_topic,
+ usage=_('<subject>'),
+ desc=_('Change the subject of the room.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Change the subject.'),
+ completion=self.completion_topic)
+ self.register_command('query', self.command_query,
+ usage=_('<nick> [message]'),
+ desc=_('Query: Open a private conversation with <nick>. This nick has to be present in the room you\'re currently in. If you specified a message after the nickname, it will immediately be sent to this user.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Query an user.'),
+ completion=self.completion_quoted)
+ self.register_command('part', self.command_part,
+ usage=_('[message]'),
+ desc=_('Disconnect from a room. You can specify an optional message.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Leave the room.'))
+ self.register_command('close', self.command_close,
+ usage=_('[message]'),
+ desc=_('Disconnect from a room and close the tab. You can specify an optional message if you are still connected.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Close the tab.'))
+ self.register_command('nick', self.command_nick,
+ usage=_('<nickname>'),
+ desc=_('Change your nickname in the current room.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Change your nickname.'),
+ completion=self.completion_nick)
+ self.register_command('recolor', self.command_recolor,
+ desc=_('Re-assign a color to all participants of the current room, based on the last time they talked. Use this if the participants currently talking have too many identical colors.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Change the nicks colors.'),
+ completion=self.completion_recolor)
+ self.register_command('cycle', self.command_cycle,
+ usage=_('[message]'),
+ desc=_('Leave the current room and rejoin it immediately.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Leave and re-join the room.'))
+ self.register_command('info', self.command_info,
+ usage=_('<nickname>'),
+ desc=_('Display some information about the user in the MUC: its/his/her role, affiliation, status and status message.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Show an user\'s infos.'),
+ completion=self.completion_info)
+ self.register_command('configure', self.command_configure,
+ desc=_('Configure the current room, through a form.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Configure the room.'))
+ self.register_command('version', self.command_version,
+ usage=_('<jid or nick>'),
+ desc=_('Get the software version of the given JID or nick in room (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).'),
+ shortdesc=_('Get the software version of a jid.'),
+ completion=self.completion_version)
+ self.register_command('names', self.command_names,
+ desc=_('Get the list of the users in the room, and the list of the people assuming the different roles.'),
+ shortdesc=_('List the users.'))
if self.core.xmpp.boundjid.server == "": #gmail sucks
del self.commands["nick"]
@@ -1680,10 +1755,16 @@ class PrivateTab(ChatTab):
# keys
self.key_func['^I'] = self.completion
# commands
- self.commands['info'] = (self.command_info, _('Usage: /info\nInfo: Display some information about the user in the MUC: its/his/her role, affiliation, status and status message.'), None)
- self.commands['unquery'] = (self.command_unquery, _("Usage: /unquery\nUnquery: Close the tab."), None)
- self.commands['close'] = (self.command_unquery, _("Usage: /close\nClose: Close the tab."), None)
- self.commands['version'] = (self.command_version, _('Usage: /version\nVersion: Get the software version of the current interlocutor (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).'), None)
+ self.register_command('info', self.command_info,
+ desc=_('Display some information about the user in the MUC: its/his/her role, affiliation, status and status message.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Info about the user.'))
+ self.register_command('unquery', self.command_unquery,
+ shortdesc=_('Close the tab.'))
+ self.register_command('close', self.command_unquery,
+ shortdesc=_('Close the tab.'))
+ self.register_command('version', self.command_version,
+ desc=_('Get the software version of the current interlocutor (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).'),
+ shortdesc=_('Get the software version of a jid.'))
self.parent_muc = self.core.get_tab_by_name(safeJID(name).bare, MucTab)
self.on = True
@@ -1975,19 +2056,64 @@ class RosterInfoTab(Tab):
self.key_func["n"] = self.change_contact_name
self.key_func["s"] = self.start_search
self.key_func["S"] = self.start_search_slow
- self.commands['deny'] = (self.command_deny, _("Usage: /deny [jid]\nDeny: Deny your presence to the provided JID (or the selected contact in your roster), who is asking you to be in his/here roster."), self.completion_deny)
- self.commands['accept'] = (self.command_accept, _("Usage: /accept [jid]\nAccept: Allow the provided JID (or the selected contact in your roster), to see your presence."), self.completion_deny)
- self.commands['add'] = (self.command_add, _("Usage: /add <jid>\nAdd: Add the specified JID to your roster, ask him to allow you to see his presence, and allow him to see your presence."), None)
- self.commands['name'] = (self.command_name, _("Usage: /name <jid> <name>\nSet the given JID's name."), self.completion_name)
- self.commands['groupadd'] = (self.command_groupadd, _("Usage: /groupadd <jid> <group>\nAdd the given JID to the given group."), self.completion_groupadd)
- self.commands['groupmove'] = (self.command_groupmove, _("Usage: /groupchange <jid> <old group> <new group>\nMoves the given JID from the old group to the new group."), self.completion_groupmove)
- self.commands['groupremove'] = (self.command_groupremove, _("Usage: /groupremove <jid> <group>\nRemove the given JID from the given group."), self.completion_groupremove)
- self.commands['remove'] = (self.command_remove, _("Usage: /remove [jid]\nRemove: Remove the specified JID from your roster. This wil unsubscribe you from its presence, cancel its subscription to yours, and remove the item from your roster."), self.completion_remove)
- self.commands['reconnect'] = (self.command_reconnect, _('Usage: /reconnect\nConnect: Disconnect from the remote server if you are currently connected and then connect to it again.'), None)
- self.commands['export'] = (self.command_export, _("Usage: /export [/path/to/file]\nExport: Export your contacts into /path/to/file if specified, or $HOME/poezio_contacts if not."), self.completion_file)
- self.commands['import'] = (self.command_import, _("Usage: /import [/path/to/file]\nImport: Import your contacts from /path/to/file if specified, or $HOME/poezio_contacts if not."), self.completion_file)
- self.commands['clear_infos'] = (self.command_clear_infos, _("Usage: /clear_infos\nClear Infos: Use this command to clear the info buffer."), None)
- self.commands['activity'] = (self.command_activity, _("Usage: /activity <jid>\nActivity: Informs you of the last activity of a JID."), self.core.completion_activity)
+ self.register_command('deny', self.command_deny,
+ usage=_('[jid]'),
+ desc=_('Deny your presence to the provided JID (or the selected contact in your roster), who is asking you to be in his/here roster.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Deny an user your presence.'),
+ completion=self.completion_deny)
+ self.register_command('accept', self.command_accept,
+ usage=_('[jid]'),
+ desc=_('Allow the provided JID (or the selected contact in your roster), to see your presence.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Allow an user your presence.'),
+ completion=self.completion_deny)
+ self.register_command('add', self.command_add,
+ usage=_('<jid>'),
+ desc=_('Add the specified JID to your roster, ask him to allow you to see his presence, and allow him to see your presence.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Add an user to your roster.'))
+ self.register_command('name', self.command_name,
+ usage=_('<jid> <name>'),
+ shortdesc=_('Set the given JID\'s name.'),
+ completion=self.completion_name)
+ self.register_command('groupadd', self.command_groupadd,
+ usage=_('<jid> <group>'),
+ desc=_('Add the given JID to the given group.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Add an user to a group'),
+ completion=self.completion_groupadd)
+ self.register_command('groupmove', self.command_groupmove,
+ usage=_('<jid> <old group> <new group>'),
+ desc=_('Move the given JID from the old group to the new group.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Move an user to another group.'),
+ completion=self.completion_groupmove)
+ self.register_command('groupremove', self.command_groupremove,
+ usage=_('<jid> <group>'),
+ desc=_('Remove the given JID from the given group.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Remove an user from a group.'),
+ completion=self.completion_groupremove)
+ self.register_command('remove', self.command_remove,
+ usage=_('[jid]'),
+ desc=_('Remove the specified JID from your roster. This wil unsubscribe you from its presence, cancel its subscription to yours, and remove the item from your roster.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Remove an user from your roster.'),
+ completion=self.completion_remove)
+ self.register_command('reconnect', self.command_reconnect,
+ desc=_('Disconnect from the remote server if you are currently connected and then connect to it again.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Disconnect and reconnect to the server.'))
+ self.register_command('export', self.command_export,
+ usage=_('[/path/to/file]'),
+ desc=_('Export your contacts into /path/to/file if specified, or $HOME/poezio_contacts if not.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Export your roster to a file.'),
+ completion=self.completion_file)
+ self.register_command('import', self.command_import,
+ usage=_('[/path/to/file]'),
+ desc=_('Import your contacts from /path/to/file if specified, or $HOME/poezio_contacts if not.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Import your roster from a file.'),
+ completion=self.completion_file)
+ self.register_command('clear_infos', self.command_clear_infos,
+ shortdesc=_('Clear the info buffer.'))
+ self.register_command('activity', self.command_activity,
+ usage=_('<jid>'),
+ desc=_('Informs you of the last activity of a JID.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Get the activity of someone.'),
+ completion=self.core.completion_activity)
lambda event: self.core.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_info(
@@ -2001,9 +2127,16 @@ class RosterInfoTab(Tab):
if iq['type'] == 'error':
if 'urn:xmpp:blocking' in iq['disco_info'].get_features():
- self.commands['block'] = (self.command_block, _("Usage: /block [jid]\nBlock: prevent a JID from talking to you."), self.completion_block)
- self.commands['unblock'] = (self.command_unblock, _("Usage: /unblock [jid]\nUnblock: allow a JID to talk to you."), self.completion_unblock)
- self.commands['list_blocks'] = (self.command_list_blocks, _("Usage: /list_blocks\nList Blocks: Retrieve the list of the blocked contacts."), None)
+ self.register_command('block', self.command_block,
+ usage=_('[jid]'),
+ shortdesc=_('Prevent a JID from talking to you.'),
+ completion=self.completion_block)
+ self.register_command('unblock', self.command_unblock,
+ usage=_('[jid]'),
+ shortdesc=_('Allow a JID to talk to you.'),
+ completion=self.completion_unblock)
+ self.register_command('list_blocks', self.command_list_blocks,
+ shortdesc=_('Show the blocked contacts.'))
self.core.xmpp.del_event_handler('session_start', self.check_blocking)
self.core.xmpp.add_event_handler('blocked_message', self.on_blocked_message)
@@ -2763,11 +2896,20 @@ class ConversationTab(ChatTab):
# keys
self.key_func['^I'] = self.completion
# commands
- self.commands['unquery'] = (self.command_unquery, _("Usage: /unquery\nUnquery: Close the tab."), None)
- self.commands['close'] = (self.command_unquery, _("Usage: /close\Close: Close the tab."), None)
- self.commands['version'] = (self.command_version, _('Usage: /version\nVersion: Get the software version of the current interlocutor (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).'), None)
- self.commands['info'] = (self.command_info, _('Usage: /info\nInfo: Get the status of the contact.'), None)
- self.commands['activity'] = (self.command_activity, _('Usage: /activity [jid]\nActivity: Get the last activity of the given or the current contact.'), self.core.completion_activity)
+ self.register_command('unquery', self.command_unquery,
+ shortdesc=_('Close the tab.'))
+ self.register_command('close', self.command_unquery,
+ shortdesc=_('Close the tab.'))
+ self.register_command('version', self.command_version,
+ desc=_('Get the software version of the current interlocutor (usually its XMPP client and Operating System).'),
+ shortdesc=_('Get the software version of the user.'))
+ self.register_command('info', self.command_info,
+ shortdesc=_('Get the status of the contact.'))
+ self.register_command('activity', self.command_activity,
+ usage=_('[jid]'),
+ desc=_('Get the last activity of the given or the current contact.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Get the activity.'),
+ completion=self.core.completion_activity)
@@ -3058,7 +3200,8 @@ class MucListTab(Tab):
self.key_func['KEY_LEFT'] = self.list_header.sel_column_left
self.key_func['KEY_RIGHT'] = self.list_header.sel_column_right
self.key_func[' '] = self.sort_by
- self.commands['close'] = (self.close, _("Usage: /close\nClose: Just close this tab."), None)
+ self.register_command('close', self.close,
+ shortdesc=_('Close this tab.'))
@@ -3206,12 +3349,24 @@ class XMLTab(Tab):
self.text_win = windows.TextWin()
self.default_help_message = windows.HelpText("/ to enter a command")
- self.commands['close'] = (self.close, _("Usage: /close\nClose: Just close this tab."), None)
- self.commands['clear'] = (self.command_clear, _("Usage: /clear\nClear: Clear the content of the current buffer."), None)
- self.commands['reset'] = (self.command_reset, _("Usage: /reset\nReset: Reset the stanza filter."), None)
- self.commands['filter_id'] = (self.command_filter_id, _("Usage: /filter_id <id>\nFilterId: Show only the stanzas with the id <id>."), None)
- self.commands['filter_xpath'] = (self.command_filter_xpath, _("Usage: /filter_xpath <xpath>\nFilterXPath: Show only the stanzas matching the xpath <xpath>."), None)
- self.commands['filter_xmlmask'] = (self.command_filter_xmlmask, _("Usage: /filter_xmlmask <xml mask>\nFilterXMLMask: Show only the stanzas matching the given xml mask."), None)
+ self.register_command('close', self.close,
+ shortdesc=_("Close this tab."))
+ self.register_command('clear', self.command_clear,
+ shortdesc=_('Clear the current buffer.'))
+ self.register_command('reset', self.command_reset,
+ shortdesc=_('Reset the stanza filter.'))
+ self.register_command('filter_id', self.command_filter_id,
+ usage='<id>',
+ desc=_('Show only the stanzas with the id <id>.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Filter by id.'))
+ self.register_command('filter_xpath', self.command_filter_xpath,
+ usage='<xpath>',
+ desc=_('Show only the stanzas matching the xpath <xpath>.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Filter by XPath.'))
+ self.register_command('filter_xmlmask', self.command_filter_xmlmask,
+ usage=_('<xml mask>'),
+ desc=_('Show only the stanzas matching the given xml mask.'),
+ shortdesc=_('Filter by xml mask.'))
self.input = self.default_help_message
self.key_func['^T'] = self.close
self.key_func['^I'] = self.completion