path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8f515ebc..ee4f9f1c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
import common
import theme
+import multiuserchat as muc
from handler import Handler
from config import config
from window import Window
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ from user import User
from room import Room
from message import Message
from keyboard import read_char
-from common import is_jid_the_same, jid_get_domain, is_jid
+from common import is_jid_the_same, jid_get_domain, jid_get_resource, is_jid
@@ -61,15 +62,14 @@ class Gui(object):
User interface using ncurses
- def __init__(self, stdscr=None, muc=None):
- self.init_curses(stdscr)
- self.stdscr = stdscr
- self.window = Window(stdscr)
+ def __init__(self, xmpp):
+ self.stdscr = curses.initscr()
+ self.init_curses(self.stdscr)
+ self.xmpp = xmpp
+ self.window = Window(self.stdscr)
self.rooms = [Room('Info', '', self.window)]
self.ignores = {}
- self.muc = muc
self.commands = {
'help': (self.command_help, u'\_o< KOIN KOIN KOIN'),
'join': (self.command_join, _("Usage: /join [room_name][@server][/nick] [password]\nJoin: Join the specified room. You can specify a nickname after a slash (/). If no nickname is specified, you will use the default_nick in the configuration file. You can omit the room name: you will then join the room you\'re looking at (useful if you were kicked). You can also provide a room_name without specifying a server, the server of the room you're currently in will be used. You can also provide a password to join the room.\nExamples:\n/join room@server.tld\n/join room@server.tld/John\n/join room2\n/join /me_again\n/join\n/join room@server.tld/my_nick password\n/join / password")),
@@ -136,14 +136,230 @@ class Gui(object):
'M-b': self.window.input.jump_word_left
- self.handler = Handler()
- self.handler.connect('on-connected', self.on_connected)
- self.handler.connect('join-room', self.join_room)
- self.handler.connect('room-presence', self.room_presence)
- self.handler.connect('room-message', self.room_message)
- self.handler.connect('private-message', self.private_message)
- self.handler.connect('error-message', self.room_error)
- self.handler.connect('error', self.information)
+ # Add handlers
+ self.xmpp.add_event_handler("session_start", self.on_connected)
+ self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_presence", self.on_groupchat_presence)
+ self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_message", self.on_groupchat_message)
+ self.xmpp.add_event_handler("message", self.on_message)
+ # self.handler = Handler()
+ # self.handler.connect('on-connected', self.on_connected)
+ # self.handler.connect('join-room', self.join_room)
+ # self.handler.connect('room-presence', self.room_presence)
+ # self.handler.connect('room-message', self.room_message)
+ # self.handler.connect('private-message', self.private_message)
+ # self.handler.connect('error-message', self.room_error)
+ # self.handler.connect('error', self.information)
+ def on_connected(self, event):
+ """
+ Called when we are connected and authenticated
+ """
+ self.information(_("Welcome on Poezio \o/!"))
+ self.information(_("Your JID is %s") % self.xmpp.fulljid)
+ rooms = config.get('rooms', '')
+ if rooms == '' or not isinstance(rooms, str):
+ return
+ rooms = rooms.split(':')
+ for room in rooms:
+ args = room.split('/')
+ if args[0] == '':
+ return
+ roomname = args[0]
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ nick = args[1]
+ else:
+ default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio'
+ nick = config.get('default_nick', '')
+ if nick == '':
+ nick = default
+ self.open_new_room(roomname, nick)
+ muc.join_groupchat(self.xmpp, roomname, nick)
+ # Todo: SEND VCARD
+ return
+ if config.get('jid', '') == '': # Don't send the vcard if we're not anonymous
+ self.vcard_sender.start() # because the user ALREADY has one on the server
+ def on_groupchat_presence(self, presence):
+ """
+ Triggered whenever a presence stanza is received from a user in a multi-user chat room.
+ Display the presence on the room window and update the
+ presence information of the concerned user
+ """
+ from_nick = presence['from'].resource
+ from_room = presence['from'].bare
+ room = self.get_room_by_name(from_room)
+ code = presence.find('{jabber:client}status')
+ status_codes = set([s.attrib['code'] for s in presence.findall('{}x/{}status')])
+ # Check if it's not an error presence.
+ if presence['type'] == 'error':
+ return self.room_error(presence, from_room)
+ if not room:
+ return
+ else:
+ msg = None
+ affiliation = presence['muc']['affiliation']
+ show = presence['muc']['type']
+ status = presence['status']
+ role = presence['muc']['role']
+ jid = presence['muc']['jid']
+ typ = presence['type']
+ if not room.joined: # user in the room BEFORE us.
+ # ignore redondant presence message, see bug #1509
+ if from_nick not in [user.nick for user in room.users]:
+ new_user = User(from_nick, affiliation, show, status, role)
+ room.users.append(new_user)
+ if from_nick.encode('utf-8') == room.own_nick:
+ room.joined = True
+ new_user.color = theme.COLOR_OWN_NICK
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, _("Your nickname is %s") % (from_nick))
+ if '170' in status_codes:
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, 'Warning: this room is publicly logged')
+ else:
+ change_nick = '303' in status_codes
+ kick = '307' in status_codes and typ == 'unavailable'
+ user = room.get_user_by_name(from_nick)
+ # New user
+ if not user:
+ room.users.append(User(from_nick, affiliation,
+ show, status, role))
+ hide_exit_join = config.get('hide_exit_join', -1)
+ if hide_exit_join != 0:
+ if not jid.full:
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(spec)s [%(nick)s] joined the room") % {'nick':from_nick, 'spec':theme.CHAR_JOIN}, colorized=True)
+ else:
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(spec)s [%(nick)s] (%(jid)s) joined the room") % {'spec':theme.CHAR_JOIN, 'nick':from_nick, 'jid':jid.full}, colorized=True)
+ # nick change
+ elif change_nick:
+ new_nick = presence.find('{}x/{}item').attrib['nick']
+ if user.nick == room.own_nick:
+ room.own_nick = new_nick
+ # also change our nick in all private discussion of this room
+ for _room in self.rooms:
+ if _room.jid is not None and is_jid_the_same(_room.jid,
+ _room.own_nick = new_nick
+ user.change_nick(new_nick)
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, _('[%(old)s] is now known as [%(new)s]') % {'old':from_nick, 'new':new_nick}, colorized=True)
+ # rename the private tabs if needed
+ private_room = self.get_room_by_name('%s/%s' % (from_room, from_nick))
+ if private_room:
+ self.add_message_to_room(private_room, _('[%(old_nick)s] is now known as [%(new_nick)s]') % {'old_nick':from_nick, 'new_nick':new_nick}, colorized=True)
+ new_jid ='/')[0]+'/'+new_nick
+ private_room.jid = = new_jid
+ # kick
+ elif kick:
+ room.users.remove(user)
+ by = presence.find('{}x/{}item/{}actor')
+ reason = presence.find('{}x/{}item/{}reason')
+ by = by.attrib['jid'] if by else ''
+ reason = reason.text# if reason else ''
+ if from_nick == room.own_nick: # we are kicked
+ room.disconnect()
+ if by:
+ kick_msg = _("%(spec) [You] have been kicked by [%(by)s].") % {'spec': theme.CHAR_KICK, 'by':by}
+ else:
+ kick_msg = _("%(spec)s [You] have been kicked.") % {'spec':theme.CHAR_KICK}
+ # try to auto-rejoin
+ if config.get('autorejoin', 'false') == 'true':
+ muc.join_groupchat(self.xmpp,, room.own_nick)
+ else:
+ if by:
+ kick_msg = _("%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has been kicked by %(by)s.") % {'spec':theme.CHAR_KICK, 'nick':from_nick, 'by':by}
+ else:
+ kick_msg = _("%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has been kicked") % {'spec':theme.CHAR_KICK, 'nick':from_nick}
+ if reason:
+ kick_msg += _(' Reason: %(reason)s') % {'reason': reason}
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, kick_msg, colorized=True)
+ # user quit
+ elif typ == 'unavailable':
+ room.users.remove(user)
+ hide_exit_join = config.get('hide_exit_join', -1) if config.get('hide_exit_join', -1) >= -1 else -1
+ if hide_exit_join == -1 or user.has_talked_since(hide_exit_join):
+ if not jid.full:
+ leave_msg = _('%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has left the room') % {'nick':from_nick, 'spec':theme.CHAR_QUIT}
+ else:
+ leave_msg = _('%(spec)s [%(nick)s] (%(jid)s) has left the room') % {'spec':theme.CHAR_QUIT, 'nick':from_nick, 'jid':jid.full}
+ if status:
+ leave_msg += ' (%s)' % status
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, leave_msg, colorized=True)
+ private_room = self.get_room_by_name('%s/%s' % (from_room, from_nick))
+ if private_room:
+ if not status:
+ self.add_message_to_room(private_room, _('%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has left the room') % {'nick':from_nick, 'spec':theme.CHAR_QUIT}, colorized=True)
+ else:
+ self.add_message_to_room(private_room, _('%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has left the room (%(status)s)') % {'nick':from_nick, 'spec':theme.CHAR_QUIT, 'status': status}, colorized=True)
+ # status change
+ else:
+ # build the message
+ msg = _('%s changed his/her status: ')% from_nick
+ if affiliation != user.affiliation:
+ msg += _('affiliation: %s,') % affiliation
+ if role != user.role:
+ msg += _('role: %s,') % role
+ if show !=
+ msg += _('show: %s,') % show
+ if status != user.status:
+ msg += _('status: %s,') % status
+ msg = msg[:-1] # remove the last ","
+ hide_status_change = config.get('hide_status_change', -1) if config.get('hide_status_change', -1) >= -1 else -1
+ if (hide_status_change == -1 or \
+ user.has_talked_since(hide_status_change) or\
+ user.nick == room.own_nick)\
+ and\
+ (affiliation != user.affiliation or\
+ role != user.role or\
+ show != or\
+ status != user.status):
+ # display the message in the room
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, msg)
+ private_room = self.get_room_by_name(from_room)
+ if private_room: # display the message in private
+ self.add_message_to_room(private_room, msg)
+ # finally, effectively change the user status
+ user.update(affiliation, show, status, role)
+ if room == self.current_room():
+ self.window.user_win.refresh(room.users)
+ self.window.input.refresh()
+ doupdate()
+ def on_message(self, message):
+ """
+ When receiving private message from a muc OR a normal message
+ (from one of our contacts)
+ """
+ if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
+ return None
+ # Differentiate both type of messages, and call the appropriate handler.
+ jid_from = message['from']
+ for room in self.rooms:
+ if room.jid is None and == jid_from.bare: # check all the MUC we are in
+ return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message)
+ return self.on_normal_message(message)
+ def on_groupchat_private_message(self, message):
+ """
+ We received a Private Message (from someone in a Muc)
+ """
+ jid = message['from']
+ nick_from = jid.user
+ room_from = jid.server
+ room = self.get_room_by_name(jid.full) # get the tab with the private conversation
+ if not room: # It's the first message we receive: create the tab
+ room = self.open_private_window(room_from, nick_from.encode('utf-8'), False)
+ if not room:
+ return
+ body = message['body']
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, body, None, nick_from)
+ self.window.input.refresh()
+ doupdate()
+ def on_normal_message(self, message):
+ """
+ When receiving "normal" messages (from someone in our roster)
+ """
+ return
def resize_window(self):
@@ -152,14 +368,14 @@ class Gui(object):
- def main_loop(self, stdscr):
+ def main_loop(self):
main loop waiting for the user to press a key
while True:
- char=read_char(stdscr)
+ char=read_char(self.stdscr)
try: # if this is not a valide utf-8 char, discard it
except UnicodeDecodeError:
@@ -205,17 +421,11 @@ class Gui(object):
Reset terminal capabilities to what they were before ncurses
+ # TODO remove me?
- def on_connected(self, jid):
- """
- We are connected when authentification confirmation is received
- """
- self.information(_("Welcome on Poezio \o/!"))
- self.information(_("Your JID is %s") % jid)
def refresh_window(self):
Refresh everything
@@ -223,9 +433,9 @@ class Gui(object):
- def join_room(self, room, nick):
+ def open_new_room(self, room, nick, focus=True):
- join the specified room (muc), using the specified nick
+ Open a new Tab containing a Muc room, using the specified nick
r = Room(room, nick, self.window)
@@ -236,7 +446,8 @@ class Gui(object):
if ro.nb == 0:
self.rooms.insert(self.rooms.index(ro), r)
- self.command_win("%s" % r.nb)
+ if focus:
+ self.command_win("%s" % r.nb)
def completion(self):
@@ -322,27 +533,28 @@ class Gui(object):
- def room_error(self, room, error, msg):
+ def room_error(self, error, room_name):
Display the error on the room window
- if not error:
- return
- room = self.get_room_by_name(room)
+ room = self.get_room_by_name(room_name)
if not room:
room = self.get_room_by_name('Info')
- code = error.getAttr('code')
- typ = error.getAttr('type')
- if error.getTag('text'):
- body = error.getTag('text').getData()
- else: # No description of the error is provided in the stanza
- # If it's a standard error, use our own messages
+ msg = error['error']['type']
+ condition = error['error']['condition']
+ code = error['error']['code']
+ body = error['error']['text']
+ if not body:
if code in ERROR_AND_STATUS_CODES.keys():
- body = _('Unknown error')
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _('Error: %(code)s-%(msg)s: %(body)s' %
- {'msg':msg, 'code':code, 'body':body}))
+ body = condition or _('Unknown error')
+ if code:
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, _('Error: %(code)s - %(msg)s: %(body)s' %
+ {'msg':msg, 'body':body, 'code':code}))
+ else:
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, _('Error: %(msg)s: %(body)s' %
+ {'msg':msg, 'body':body}))
if code == '401':
self.add_message_to_room(room, _('To provide a password in order to join the room, type "/join / password" (replace "password" by the real password)'))
if code == '409':
@@ -352,23 +564,6 @@ class Gui(object):
self.add_message_to_room(room, _('You can join the room with an other nick, by typing "/join /other_nick"'))
- def private_message(self, stanza):
- """
- When a private message is received
- """
- jid = stanza.getFrom()
- nick_from = stanza.getFrom().getResource()
- room_from = stanza.getFrom().getStripped()
- room = self.get_room_by_name(jid) # get the tab with the private conversation
- if not room: # It's the first message we receive: create the tab
- room = self.open_private_window(room_from, nick_from.encode('utf-8'), False)
- if not room:
- return
- body = stanza.getBody()
- self.add_message_to_room(room, body, None, nick_from)
- self.window.input.refresh()
- doupdate()
def open_private_window(self, room_name, user_nick, focus=True):
complete_jid = room_name.decode('utf-8')+'/'+user_nick
for room in self.rooms: # if the room exists, focus it and return
@@ -396,40 +591,41 @@ class Gui(object):
return r
- def room_message(self, stanza, date=None):
+ def on_groupchat_message(self, message):
- Display the message on the room window
+ Triggered whenever a message is received from a multi-user chat room.
- delay_tag = stanza.getTag('delay', namespace='urn:xmpp:delay')
- if delay_tag:
+ # FIXME: not receiving subjects? :/
+ delay_tag = message.find('{urn:xmpp:delay}delay')
+ if delay_tag is not None:
delayed = True
- date = common.datetime_tuple(delay_tag.getAttr('stamp'))
+ date = common.datetime_tuple(delay_tag.attrib['stamp'])
# We support the OLD and deprecated XEP:
# But it sucks, please, Jabber servers, don't do this :(
- delay_tag = stanza.getTag('x', namespace='jabber:x:delay')
- if delay_tag:
+ delay_tag = message.find('{jabber:x:delay}x')
+ if delay_tag is not None:
delayed = True
- date = common.datetime_tuple(delay_tag.getAttr('stamp'))
+ date = common.datetime_tuple(delay_tag.attrib['stamp'])
delayed = False
- if stanza.getType() != 'groupchat':
- return # ignore all messages not comming from a MUC
- nick_from = stanza.getFrom().getResource()
- room_from = stanza.getFrom().getStripped()
+ date = None
+ nick_from = message['from'].resource
+ room_from = message.getMucroom()
+ room = self.get_room_by_name(room_from)
if (self.ignores.has_key(room_from)) and (nick_from in self.ignores[room_from]):
room = self.get_room_by_name(room_from)
- if not room:
- self.information(_("message received for a non-existing room: %s") % (room_from))
+ if not room:
+ self.information(_("message received for a non-existing room: %s") % (room_from))
- body = stanza.getBody()
- subject = stanza.getSubject()
+ body = message['body']#stanza.getBody()
+ subject = message['subject']#stanza.getSubject()
if subject:
if nick_from:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(nick)s changed the subject to: %(subject)s") % {'nick':nick_from, 'subject':subject}, date)
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(nick)s changed the subject to: %(subject)s") % {'nick':nick_from, 'subject':subject}, time=date)
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("The subject is: %(subject)s") % {'subject':subject}, date)
+ self.add_message_to_room(room, _("The subject is: %(subject)s") % {'subject':subject}, time=date)
room.topic = subject.encode('utf-8').replace('\n', '|')
if room == self.current_room():
@@ -442,139 +638,6 @@ class Gui(object):
- def room_presence(self, stanza):
- """
- Display the presence on the room window and update the
- presence information of the concerned user
- """
- from_nick = stanza.getFrom().getResource()
- from_room = stanza.getFrom().getStripped()
- room = self.get_room_by_name(from_room)
- if not room:
- return
- else:
- msg = None
- affiliation = stanza.getAffiliation()
- show = stanza.getShow()
- status = stanza.getStatus()
- role = stanza.getRole()
- jid = stanza.getJid()
- if not room.joined: # user in the room BEFORE us.
- # ignore redondant presence message, see bug #1509
- if from_nick not in [user.nick for user in room.users]:
- new_user = User(from_nick, affiliation, show, status, role)
- room.users.append(new_user)
- if from_nick.encode('utf-8') == room.own_nick:
- room.joined = True
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("Your nickname is %s") % (from_nick))
- # Check for a 170 status code
- for xtag in stanza.getTags('x'):
- for child in xtag.getTags('status'):
- if child.getAttr('code') == '170':
- self.add_message_to_room(room, 'Warning: this room is publicly logged')
- new_user.color = theme.COLOR_OWN_NICK
- else:
- change_nick = stanza.getStatusCode() == '303'
- kick = stanza.getStatusCode() == '307'
- user = room.get_user_by_name(from_nick)
- # New user
- if not user:
- room.users.append(User(from_nick, affiliation,
- show, status, role))
- hide_exit_join = config.get('hide_exit_join', -1)
- if hide_exit_join != 0:
- if not jid:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(spec)s [%(nick)s] joined the room") % {'nick':from_nick, 'spec':theme.CHAR_JOIN}, colorized=True)
- else:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(spec)s [%(nick)s] (%(jid)s) joined the room") % {'spec':theme.CHAR_JOIN, 'nick':from_nick, 'jid':jid}, colorized=True)
- # nick change
- elif change_nick:
- if user.nick == room.own_nick:
- room.own_nick = stanza.getNick().encode('utf-8')
- # also change our nick in all private discussion of this room
- for _room in self.rooms:
- if _room.jid is not None and is_jid_the_same(_room.jid,
- _room.own_nick = stanza.getNick()
- user.change_nick(stanza.getNick())
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _('[%(old)s] is now known as [%(new)s]') % {'old':from_nick, 'new':stanza.getNick()}, colorized=True)
- # rename the private tabs if needed
- private_room = self.get_room_by_name(stanza.getFrom())
- if private_room:
- self.add_message_to_room(private_room, _('[%(old_nick)s] is now known as [%(new_nick)s]') % {'old_nick':from_nick, 'new_nick':stanza.getNick()}, colorized=True)
- new_jid ='/')[0]+'/'+stanza.getNick()
- private_room.jid = new_jid
- = new_jid
- # kick
- elif kick:
- room.users.remove(user)
- try:
- reason = stanza.getReason()
- except:
- reason = ''
- try:
- by = stanza.getActor()
- except:
- by = None
- if from_nick == room.own_nick: # we are kicked
- room.disconnect()
- if by:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(spec) [You] have been kicked by [%(by)s]. Reason: {%(reason)s}") % {'spec': theme.CHAR_KICK, 'by':by, 'reason':reason}, colorized=True)
- else:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(spec)s [You] have been kicked. Reason: %(reason)s") % {'reason':reason, 'spec':theme.CHAR_KICK}, colorized=True)
- # try to auto-rejoin
- if config.get('autorejoin', 'false') == 'true':
- self.muc.join_room(, room.own_nick)
- else:
- if by:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has been kicked by %(by)s. Reason: %(reason)s") % {'spec':theme.CHAR_KICK, 'nick':from_nick, 'by':by, 'reason':reason}, colorized=True)
- else:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _("%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has been kicked. Reason: %(reason)s") % {'nick':from_nick, 'reason':reason, 'spec':theme.CHAR_KICK}, colorized=True)
- # user quit
- elif status == 'offline' or role == 'none':
- room.users.remove(user)
- hide_exit_join = config.get('hide_exit_join', -1) if config.get('hide_exit_join', -1) >= -1 else -1
- if hide_exit_join == -1 or user.has_talked_since(hide_exit_join):
- if not jid:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _('%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has left the room') % {'nick':from_nick, 'spec':theme.CHAR_QUIT}, colorized=True)
- else:
- self.add_message_to_room(room, _('%(spec)s [%(nick)s] (%(jid)s) has left the room') % {'spec':theme.CHAR_QUIT, 'nick':from_nick, 'jid':jid}, colorized=True)
- private_room = self.get_room_by_name(stanza.getFrom())
- if private_room:
- self.add_message_to_room(private_room, _('%(spec)s [%(nick)s] has left the room') % {'nick':from_nick, 'spec':theme.CHAR_KICK}, colorized=True)
- # status change
- else:
- # build the message
- msg = _('%s changed his/her status: ')% from_nick
- if affiliation != user.affiliation:
- msg += _('affiliation: %s,') % affiliation
- if role != user.role:
- msg += _('role: %s,') % role
- if show !=
- msg += _('show: %s,') % show
- if status != user.status:
- msg += _('status: %s,') % status
- msg = msg[:-1] # remove the last ","
- hide_status_change = config.get('hide_status_change', -1) if config.get('hide_status_change', -1) >= -1 else -1
- if (hide_status_change == -1 or \
- user.has_talked_since(hide_status_change) or\
- user.nick == room.own_nick)\
- and\
- (affiliation != user.affiliation or\
- role != user.role or\
- show != or\
- status != user.status):
- # display the message in the room
- self.add_message_to_room(room, msg)
- private_room = self.get_room_by_name(stanza.getFrom())
- if private_room: # display the message in private
- self.add_message_to_room(private_room, msg)
- # finally, effectively change the user status
- user.update(affiliation, show, status, role)
- if room == self.current_room():
- self.window.user_win.refresh(room.users)
- self.window.input.refresh()
- doupdate()
def add_message_to_room(self, room, txt, time=None, nickname=None, colorized=False):
@@ -611,10 +674,10 @@ class Gui(object):
self.add_message_to_room(self.current_room(), _("Error: unknown command (%s)") % (command))
elif self.current_room().name != 'Info':
if self.current_room().jid is not None:
- self.muc.send_private_message(self.current_room().name, line)
+ muc.send_private_message(self.xmpp, self.current_room().name, line)
self.add_message_to_room(self.current_room(), line.decode('utf-8'), None, self.current_room().own_nick.decode('utf-8'))
- self.muc.send_message(self.current_room().name, line)
+ muc.send_groupchat_message(self.xmpp, self.current_room().name, line)
@@ -640,6 +703,8 @@ class Gui(object):
/whois <nickname>
+ # TODO
+ return
args = arg.split()
room = self.current_room()
if len(args) != 1:
@@ -701,7 +766,9 @@ class Gui(object):
if self.current_room().name == 'Info' or not self.current_room().joined:
roomname = self.current_room().name
- self.muc.eject_user(roomname, 'kick', nick, reason)
+ res = muc.eject_user(self.xmpp, roomname, nick, reason)
+ if res['type'] == 'error':
+ self.room_error(res, roomname)
def command_say(self, arg):
@@ -710,10 +777,10 @@ class Gui(object):
line = arg
if self.current_room().name != 'Info':
if self.current_room().jid is not None:
- self.muc.send_private_message(self.current_room().name, line)
+ muc.send_private_message(self.xmpp, self.current_room().name, line)
self.add_message_to_room(self.current_room(), line.decode('utf-8'), None, self.current_room().own_nick)
- self.muc.send_message(self.current_room().name, line)
+ muc.send_groupchat_message(self.xmpp, self.current_room().name, line)
@@ -751,7 +818,7 @@ class Gui(object):
# use the server of the current room if available
# check if the current room's name has a server
if is_jid(self.current_room().name):
- room += '@%s' % jid_get_domain(self.current_room().name.encode('utf-8'))
+ room += '@%s' % jid_get_domain(self.current_room().name)
else: # no server could be found, print a message and return
self.add_message_to_room(self.current_room(), _("You didn't specify a server for the room you want to join"))
@@ -759,14 +826,14 @@ class Gui(object):
if len(args) == 2: # a password is provided
password = args[1]
if r and r.joined: # if we are already in the room
- self.add_message_to_room(self.current_room(), _("already in room [%s]") % room)
+ self.command_win('%s' % (r.nb))
- self.muc.join_room(room, nick, password)
+ room = room.lower()
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].joinMUC(room, nick, password)
if not r: # if the room window exists, we don't recreate it.
- self.join_room(room, nick)
+ self.open_new_room(room, nick)
r.own_nick = nick
- # r.own_nick = nick
r.users = []
def command_bookmark(self, arg):
@@ -852,7 +919,7 @@ class Gui(object):
msg = None
for room in self.rooms:
if room.joined:
- self.muc.change_show(, room.own_nick, show, msg)
+ muc.change_show(self.xmpp,, room.own_nick, show, msg)
def command_ignore(self, arg):
@@ -926,7 +993,7 @@ class Gui(object):
msg = None
if room.joined:
- self.muc.quit_room(, room.own_nick, msg)
+ muc.leave_groupchat(self.xmpp,, room.own_nick, arg)
@@ -955,7 +1022,7 @@ class Gui(object):
r = self.open_private_window(, user.nick.decode('utf-8'))
if r and len(args) > 1:
msg = arg[len(nick)+1:]
- self.muc.send_private_message(, msg)
+ muc.send_private_message(, msg)
self.add_message_to_room(r, msg.decode('utf-8'), None, r.own_nick)
def command_topic(self, arg):
@@ -970,7 +1037,7 @@ class Gui(object):
subject = ' '.join(args)
if not room.joined or == "Info":
- self.muc.change_subject(, subject)
+ muc.change_subject(self.xmpp,, subject)
def command_link(self, arg):
@@ -1029,7 +1096,7 @@ class Gui(object):
room = self.current_room()
if not room.joined or == "Info":
- self.muc.change_nick(, nick)
+ muc.change_nick(self.xmpp,, nick)
def information(self, msg):
@@ -1047,8 +1114,9 @@ class Gui(object):
msg = arg
msg = None
- if msg:
- self.muc.disconnect(self.rooms, msg)
- sleep(0.2) # :(
- self.reset_curses()
+ for room in self.rooms:
+ if not room.jid and != 'Info':
+ muc.leave_groupchat(self.xmpp,, room.own_nick, msg)
+ self.xmpp.disconnect()
+ self.reset_curses()