path: root/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5480213d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# Copyright 2010-2011 Le Coz Florent <>
+# This file is part of Poezio.
+# Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+# Poezio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Poezio. If not, see <>.
+Defines the data-forms Tab and all the Windows for it.
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import curses
+from windows import g_lock
+import windows
+from tabs import Tab
+class DataFormsTab(Tab):
+ """
+ A tab contaning various window type, displaying
+ a form that the user needs to fill.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, core, form, on_cancel, on_send, kwargs):
+ Tab.__init__(self, core)
+ self._form = form
+ self._on_cancel = on_cancel
+ self._on_send = on_send
+ self._kwargs = kwargs
+ for field in self._form:
+ self.fields.append(field)
+ self.topic_win = windows.Topic()
+ self.tab_win = windows.GlobalInfoBar()
+ self.form_win = FormWin(form, self.height-3, self.width, 1, 0)
+ self.help_win = windows.HelpText("Ctrl+Y: send form, Ctrl+G: cancel")
+ self.key_func['KEY_UP'] = self.form_win.go_to_previous_input
+ self.key_func['KEY_DOWN'] = self.form_win.go_to_next_input
+ self.key_func['^G'] = self.on_cancel
+ self.key_func['^Y'] = self.on_send
+ self.resize()
+ def on_cancel(self):
+ self._on_cancel(self._form)
+ def on_send(self):
+ self._form.reply()
+ self.form_win.reply()
+ self._on_send(self._form)
+ def on_input(self, key):
+ if key in self.key_func:
+ return self.key_func[key]()
+ self.form_win.on_input(key)
+ def resize(self):
+ Tab.resize(self)
+ self.topic_win.resize(1, self.width, 0, 0, self.core.stdscr)
+ self.tab_win.resize(1, self.width, self.height-2, 0, self.core.stdscr)
+ self.form_win.resize(self.height-3, self.width, 1, 0)
+ self.help_win.resize(1, self.width, self.height-1, 0, None)
+ self.lines = []
+ def refresh(self, tabs, informations, _):
+ self.topic_win.refresh(self._form['title'])
+ self.tab_win.refresh(tabs, tabs[0])
+ self.help_win.refresh()
+ self.form_win.refresh()
+class FieldInput(object):
+ """
+ All input type in a data form should inherite this class,
+ in addition with windows.Input or any relevant class from the
+ 'windows' library.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ self._field = field
+ self.color = 14
+ def set_color(self, color):
+ self.color = color
+ self.refresh()
+ def update_field_value(self, value):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def resize(self, height, width, y, x):
+ self._resize(height, width, y, x, None)
+ def is_dummy(self):
+ return False
+ def reply(self):
+ """
+ Set the correct response value in the field
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class DummyInput(FieldInput, windows.Win):
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ FieldInput.__init__(self, field)
+ windows.Win.__init__(self)
+ def do_command(self):
+ return
+ def refresh(self):
+ return
+ def is_dummy(self):
+ return True
+class BooleanWin(FieldInput, windows.Win):
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ FieldInput.__init__(self, field)
+ windows.Win.__init__(self)
+ self.last_key = 'KEY_RIGHT'
+ self.value = bool(field.getValue())
+ def do_command(self, key):
+ if key == 'KEY_LEFT' or key == 'KEY_RIGHT':
+ self.value = not self.value
+ self.last_key = key
+ self.refresh()
+ def refresh(self):
+ with g_lock:
+ self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(self.color))
+ self.addnstr(0, 0, ' '*(8), self.width)
+ self.addstr(0, 2, "%s"%self.value)
+ self.addstr(0, 8, '→')
+ self.addstr(0, 0, '←')
+ if self.last_key == 'KEY_RIGHT':
+ self.addstr(0, 8, '')
+ else:
+ self.addstr(0, 0, '')
+ self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(self.color))
+ self._refresh()
+ def reply(self):
+ self._field['label'] = ''
+ self._field.setAnswer(self.value)
+class ListSingleWin(FieldInput, windows.Win):
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ FieldInput.__init__(self, field)
+ windows.Win.__init__(self)
+ # the option list never changes
+ self.options = field.getOptions()
+ # val_pos is the position of the currently selected option
+ self.val_pos = 0
+ for i, option in enumerate(self.options):
+ if field.getValue() == option['value']:
+ self.val_pos = i
+ def do_command(self, key):
+ if key == 'KEY_LEFT':
+ if self.val_pos > 0:
+ self.val_pos -= 1
+ elif key == 'KEY_RIGHT':
+ if self.val_pos < len(self.options)-1:
+ self.val_pos += 1
+ else:
+ return
+ self.refresh()
+ def refresh(self):
+ with g_lock:
+ self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(self.color))
+ self.addnstr(0, 0, ' '*self.width, self.width)
+ if self.val_pos > 0:
+ self.addstr(0, 0, '←')
+ if self.val_pos < len(self.options)-1:
+ self.addstr(0, self.width-1, '→')
+ option = self.options[self.val_pos]['label']
+ self.addstr(0, self.width//2-len(option)//2, option)
+ self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(self.color))
+ self._refresh()
+ def reply(self):
+ self._field['label'] = ''
+ self._field.delOptions()
+ self._field.setAnswer(self.options[self.val_pos]['value'])
+class TextSingleWin(FieldInput, windows.Input):
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ FieldInput.__init__(self, field)
+ windows.Input.__init__(self)
+ self.text = field.getValue() if isinstance(field.getValue(), str)\
+ else ""
+ self.pos = len(self.text)
+ self.color = 14
+ def reply(self):
+ self._field['label'] = ''
+ self._field.setAnswer(self.get_text())
+class TextPrivateWin(TextSingleWin):
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ TextSingleWin.__init__(self, field)
+ def rewrite_text(self):
+ with g_lock:
+ self._win.erase()
+ if self.color:
+ self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(self.color))
+ self.addstr('*'*len(self.text[self.line_pos:self.line_pos+self.width-1]))
+ if self.color:
+ (y, x) = self._win.getyx()
+ size = self.width-x
+ self.addnstr(' '*size, size, curses.color_pair(self.color))
+ self.addstr(0, self.pos, '')
+ if self.color:
+ self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(self.color))
+ self._refresh()
+class FormWin(object):
+ """
+ A window, with some subwins (the various inputs).
+ On init, create all the subwins.
+ On resize, move and resize all the subwin and define how the text will be written
+ On refresh, write all the text, and refresh all the subwins
+ """
+ input_classes = {'boolean': BooleanWin,
+ 'text-single': TextSingleWin,
+ 'text-multi': TextSingleWin,
+ 'jid-single': TextSingleWin,
+ 'text-private': TextPrivateWin,
+ 'fixed': DummyInput,
+ 'list-single': ListSingleWin}
+ def __init__(self, form, height, width, y, x):
+ self._form = form
+ self._win = curses.newwin(height, width, y, x)
+ self.current_input = 0
+ self.inputs = [] # dict list
+ for (name, field) in self._form.getFields():
+ if field['type'] == 'hidden':
+ continue
+ try:
+ input_class = self.input_classes[field['type']]
+ except:
+ field.setValue(field['type'])
+ input_class = TextSingleWin
+ instructions = field['instructions']
+ label = field['label']
+ if field['type'] == 'fixed':
+ label = field.getValue()
+ inp = input_class(field)
+ self.inputs.append({'label':label,
+ 'instructions':instructions,
+ 'input':inp})
+ def resize(self, height, width, y, x):
+ self._win.resize(height, width)
+ self.height = height
+ self.width = width
+ def reply(self):
+ """
+ Set the response values in the form, for each field
+ from the corresponding input
+ """
+ for inp in self.inputs:
+ if inp['input'].is_dummy():
+ continue
+ else:
+ inp['input'].reply()
+ self._form['title'] = ''
+ self._form['instructions'] = ''
+ def go_to_next_input(self):
+ if not self.inputs:
+ return
+ if self.current_input == len(self.inputs) - 1:
+ return
+ self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(14)
+ self.current_input += 1
+ jump = 0
+ while self.current_input+jump != len(self.inputs) - 1 and self.inputs[self.current_input+jump]['input'].is_dummy():
+ jump += 1
+ if self.inputs[self.current_input+jump]['input'].is_dummy():
+ return
+ self.current_input += jump
+ self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(13)
+ def go_to_previous_input(self):
+ if not self.inputs:
+ return
+ if self.current_input == 0:
+ return
+ self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(14)
+ self.current_input -= 1
+ jump = 0
+ while self.current_input-jump > 0 and self.inputs[self.current_input+jump]['input'].is_dummy():
+ jump += 1
+ if self.inputs[self.current_input+jump]['input'].is_dummy():
+ return
+ self.current_input -= jump
+ self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(13)
+ def on_input(self, key):
+ if not self.inputs:
+ return
+ self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].do_command(key)
+ def refresh(self):
+ with g_lock:
+ self._win.erase()
+ y = 0
+ i = 0
+ for name, field in self._form.getFields():
+ if field['type'] == 'hidden':
+ continue
+ label = self.inputs[i]['label']
+ self._win.addstr(y, 0, label)
+ self.inputs[i]['input'].resize(1, self.width//3, y+1, 2*self.width//3)
+ if field['instructions']:
+ y += 1
+ self._win.addstr(y, 0, field['instructions'])
+ y += 1
+ i += 1
+ self._win.refresh()
+ for inp in self.inputs:
+ inp['input'].refresh()
+ self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(13)
+ self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].refresh()